Department of Agricultural Biology

About research groups of Department of Agricultural Biology

In the Department of Agricultural Biology, 10 research groups conduct research related to applied biological sciences using various cutting-edge technologies including recombinant genetic modification and genome editing, metabolomics (simultaneous analysis of metabolites), bioimaging, and bioinformatics. Additionally, we will promote research related to green biotechnology and agri-innovation, including the development of innovative production technologies using plant factories equipped with artificial light and experimental research farms supported by digital transformation. By elucidating the capabilities of living organisms and applying the knowledge to agriculture, food production and safety, industry and environmental conservation, we will build the foundation for a sustainable society.

Laboratory of Plant Molecular Breeding

Molecular breeding using genetic modification technologies such as genetic engineering and genome editing is important for enhancing the potential of plants and contributing to a sustainable society. In the Plant Molecular Breeding research group, we use molecular biological approaches to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression in plants, to make them useful for plant molecular breeding.

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Laboratory of Plant Molecular Breeding


Laboratory of Functional Genomics

Research based on the understanding of genomes is the foundation of modern science because it can elucidate the mechanisms and origins of organisms and accelerate the improvement of crop plants and useful microorganisms many times over. The Functional Genomics Research Group focuses on the functions of biological complexes by symbiotic parasitism and large-scale microbial populations formed on the surface and inside of plants and animals and promote genomic research on new functions that emerge in diverse biological populations. Through logical thinking and proficiency in bioinformatics, students will develop the ability to play an active role in various industries.

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Laboratory of Functional Genomics


Laboratory of Cell Molecular Biology

Laboratory of Cell Molecular Biology

Cells are the basic unit of living organisms, but there is still much that remains unknown regarding the mechanisms of how cells function to form living organisms. With the key phrase “deciphering the world from cells,” Cell and Molecular Biology Group conducts research to elucidate new functions of cells by using both animal and plant cells. Moreover, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, we will elucidate the mechanisms of disease development in plants and animals and the mechanisms of plant growth.

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Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism

Laboratory of Cellular Metabolism

Human society has developed by utilizing various substances produced by the metabolic functions of living organisms as energy and food resources. By making full use of cutting-edge analysis platforms such as transcriptomics and metabolomics, we aim to make practical implementation of the unknown metabolic functions buried in diverse organisms. We also strive to develop competent human resources for the bioeconomy of the 21st century and for the creation of a sustainable society.

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Laboratory of Plant Nutrition

Plants grow by taking up minerals (inorganic nutrients) from the soil. In the Plant Nutrition Research Group, we are investigating the ability of plants and the surrounding soil microorganisms to acquire and utilize minerals at a wide range of levels, including genes, cells, individuals, and fields. We will contribute to sustainable agriculture by breeding crops with high mineral acquisition and utilization efficiencies and by developing new production technologies.

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Laboratory of Plant Nutrition


Laboratory of Plant Pathology

Our ultimate goal is the control of plant diseases that cause food loss for one billion people worldwide every year. We are conducting basic and applied research on the diseases caused by soilborne oomycetes, fungi, and plant viruses, all of which are difficult to control. We are fostering future plant doctors through research using the latest technologies, including identification and classification of pathogens, clarification of their ecology, development of disease-suppressing biological materials, understanding of the disease manifestation mechanisms, and development of effective methods for using the plant pathogenic microorganisms.

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Laboratory of Plant Pathology


Laboratory of Breeding and Genetics

Laboratory of Breeding and Genetics

Breeding is the process of genetically improving plants to create new varieties, and breeding science is the academic discipline that studies the principles and means for doing so. Research is conducted on the basis of plant species (both wild and cultivated) from around the world to create plants that are useful for sustainable agriculture and society.

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Laboratory of Food Safety

Laboratory of Food Safety

Besides genetically modified crops, the development of crops using new plant breeding technologies, including genome editing, is progressing. To put these new technologies into practical use, safety-related data should be provided and risks among various stakeholders in food systems must be clearly communicated. We aim to evaluate the changes in crops bred by the new technologies, mainly through a comprehensive analysis of metabolites and then use the obtained data for science-based discussion on food safety.

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Laboratory of Horticultural Sciences

Laboratory of Horticultural Sciences

Horticultural crops, such as vegetables and fruits, are important crops that are indispensable to our daily lives. Horticultural crops are grown not only in the field but also in greenhouses, plant factories, and other facilities. The value of horticultural crops can be increased by devising new cultivation and processing methods. Our research aims to develop cultivation and environmental control technologies for the stable production of high-quality, high-value-added vegetables and fruits and storage and processing utilization technologies for horticultural crops.

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Laboratory of Crop Production Science

Laboratory of Crop Production Science

To produce crops stably, it is important to understand the characteristics of the crops to be used. Additionally, it is important to understand the difference in the environment of the cultivated area, to select crops suitable for the environment, and to establish proper management. Our group proposes cultivation management methods and growth control technologies that can maximize the performance of crops by studying the response of crops to various environmental factors such as climate change, precipitation, solar radiation, temperature, soil, weeds, and symbiotic organisms.