Osaka Metropolitan University Declaration of Human Rights


Human beings are born free, being equal in dignity and rights. Grounded in reflection on the horrors of war, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights codified for the first time in history the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.

Ever since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN, each of us has been expected to live together with all people, respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, these human rights and fundamental freedoms continue to be violated.

Osaka Metropolitan University was founded in 2022 through the merger of Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University. The antecedent of Osaka City University was Osaka University of Commerce, where anti-war workshops organized on campus by faculty and students were subjected to crackdowns during the war years. Many students were also mobilized in Japan’s military campaign, and in 2002 a memorial was erected on campus to remember those who lost their lives in war.

Moreover, in response to calls to eradicate discrimination against minority groups such as Buraku people and Zainichi Koreans since the 1960s, both Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University established academic institutions to promote human rights education and research with a view to solving human rights problems and ensuring that the suppression of human rights that occurred in the past is never repeated.

Osaka City University adopted the Osaka City University Declaration of Human Rights 2001, the preamble of which stated that the University would utilize academic research to promote peace and respect for human rights, and actively confront new human rights issues. Osaka Metropolitan University carries forth the spirit of the Osaka City University Declaration of Human Rights 2001 in line with its mission to pursue universal human truths.

The University shall respect international standards of human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights. It shall also comply with the Constitution of Japan and domestic laws and regulations on human rights, and become an institution that fully respects human rights and fundamental freedoms in all areas, including education and research activities. With these aims, the University hereby declares the following:

Article 1: Responsibility of the University

Osaka Metropolitan University has a responsibility to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Article 2: Academic freedom

Osaka Metropolitan University shall ensure academic freedom. However, this does not constitute recognition of a right to violate the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.

Article 3: A University free from discrimination, violence, and harassment

  1. Osaka Metropolitan University and its members shall not practice or permit any discrimination. “Discrimination” here means any distinction or exclusion on grounds such as social status, descent, race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion, ideology, belief, and type or level of disability, which has the purpose or effect of hindering the enjoyment or exercise of rights.
  2. Osaka Metropolitan University and its members shall not practice or permit violence or harassment in settings including education, research, and work.
  3. Osaka Metropolitan University shall strive to prevent discrimination, violence, and harassment, as well as establishing consultation and response systems that enable recovery from harm and do not cause disadvantage to complainants.

Article 4: A University that respects diverse individuals and cultures

Osaka Metropolitan University has a diverse membership, and shall respect the unique identities of its members and their differences of cultures and roots in all situations in education, research, administration, and community engagement.

Article 5: Promotion of human rights research

Osaka Metropolitan University shall enhance human rights studies that contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, making the findings of such research widely available to the public to raise awareness of human rights.

Article 6: Promotion of human rights education

Human rights education and training is essential in order to secure an education, research, and working environment free from human rights violations. Osaka Metropolitan University shall conduct human rights training and curricular human rights education, so that all its members can understand and act on the idea of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Article 7: Handling of human rights violations

Osaka Metropolitan University and its members shall not tolerate human rights violations. Osaka Metropolitan University shall respond swiftly and appropriately to any complaints of violations of human rights or fundamental freedoms from its members, and shall remedy such problems.