Returning home
Procedures required when you complete your university life and return to your home country
1. Procedures at your local city hall (or ward office)
2. Closing your bank account(s)
3. Housing-related matters
4. Terminating utility services (electricity, gas, and water) and settling bills
5. Returning your Residence Card
1. Procedures at your local city hall (or ward office)
If the date of your return to your home country is decided, you can start the procedures one month before your return.
Make sure to bring the following to the city hall (or ward office):
- Documents proving your return date (such as air tickets and e-tickets)
- Passport
- Residence Card
- National Health Insurance: Eligibility Confirmation Letter (shikaku-kakunin-sho)
- National Pension: Basic Pension Number Notice (kiso-nenkin-bango-tsuchisho)
- My Number Card (if you have one)
(1) Submitting a moving-out notification (tenshutsu-todoke)
Submit a “moving-out notification” (tenshutsu-todoke) to the city hall (or ward office) in your place of residence before returning to your home country.
(2) Procedure for withdrawal from National Health Insurance and settlement of insurance premiums
After submitting a “moving-out notification” (tenshutsu-todoke), you will have to go through the withdrawal process at the National Health Insurance counter and settle any excess or shortfall in your insurance premiums.
(3) “Loss of eligibility” (shikaku-soshitsu) Procedure for National Pension
After submitting a “moving-out notification” (tenshutsu-todoke), you will have to complete the “loss of eligibility” (shikaku-soshitsu) process at the National Pension counter and settle any excess or shortfall in your pension contributions.
(4) Returning your My Number Card
If you have a My Number Card, return it at the counter.
2. Closing your bank account(s)
If you have a bank account, be sure to complete the process for closing your account before returning to your home country.
If you have any scholarship or other payments due or utility bills being debited, make sure to complete all payments before closing your account.
3. Housing-related matters
When moving out of your living quarters, you must notify your landlord of your intention to terminate the lease in advance.
For private apartments, you will often need to notify the landlord of your intention to terminate your contract two months or at least one month prior to your move-out month, but this differs depending on the property. Therefore, be sure to check the rental agreement or speak to the real estate company in advance to find out when and how you need to notify them of your intention for termination.
When moving out, you must dispose of all trash in your room, clean up the room, and leave it in the same condition as when you first moved in. Otherwise, the real estate company may charge you for fees or costs, such as trash removal and repair.
Large items, including shelves and beds, are considered “oversized garbage,” and you will have to apply for collection by yourself. Make sure to dispose of oversized garbage items according to the collection method designated for the area of your residence.
You can check how to dispose of garbage on the website of your city.
Be sure to dispose of all trash before moving out.
Never leave any trash in the room when you leave.
Osaka City: How to apply for collection of bulky waste
Sakai City: Online application for collection of large garbage
Izumisano City: How to separate and dispose of garbage
4. Terminating utility services (electricity, gas, and water) and settling bills
If you have contracted for public services by yourself, be sure to complete the process for terminating the services and to pay any bills before returning to your home country.
In most cases, you can start the procedure one month before you wish to terminate. Therefore, start the procedure as early as possible.
5. Returning your Residence Card
Return your Residence Card to an immigration officer at the airport when you leave Japan.
In addition, do not forget to complete any necessary procedures when returning to your home country, such as terminating your mobile phone contract and paying your phone bills.
If you plan to remain in Japan after graduation or course completion, your “Student” residence status will end upon graduation or course completion even if you still have time left on the permitted period of stay. If you wish to continue working or job hunting in Japan, you will have to change your residence status.
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