OMU News
Nov 4, 2022
Graduate School of Science study featured on inside front cover of “Chemical Communications”
A paper entitled “Formation of a core-shell droplet in a thermo-responsive ionic liquid/water mixture by using optical tweezers” by graduate student Maho Tanaka, Professor Yasuyuki Tsuboi, and Lecturer Ken-ichi Yuyama from the Graduate School of Science, was published and featured on the inside front cover of the journal Chemical Communications.
The researchers succeeded in forming a single droplet in a thermo-responsive ionic liquid/water solution with the use of optical tweezers for the first time. They revealed the core-shell structure of the droplet using solvatochromic fluorescent dye. The ionic liquid droplet is applicable to condensation of nanomaterials, microanalysis of molecules, and characterization of luminescent materials. The approach in this research is expected to contribute to the study on photochemistry, photonics, and electrochemistry in small domains.
The inside front cover features an image of the change in fluorescence color due to the core-shell structure of the ionic liquid droplet formed by optical tweezers.
Paper Information
Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 11787–11790
Media Contact
Graduate School of Science
Lecturer Ken-ichi Yuyama
E-mail: k-yuyama[at]
*Please change [at] to @.