OMU News
Jun 14, 2022
UN-ITC Officer paid a courtesy visit to OMU, his alma mater
On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, Dr. Ekutu Franck Bonzemba, Senior Trade Promotion Officer of the United Nations International Trade Centre, visited OMU. Dr. Bonzemba is a graduate of the Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University.
Dr. Bonzemba was welcomed by Professor Makoto Tsubota, Vice President in charge of International Relations, Associate Professor Mari Ninomiya from the Graduate School of Business, and the administrative staff in the International Relations Division. Together, they discussed the potential of the African economy and student opportunities in international organizations.
As part of his visit, Dr. Bonzemba will deliver lectures on campus on June 14 and 15. On June 14, he will speak about opportunities for international careers in an OMU core course called “Godai Tomoatsu Endowed Course, International Business.” His second lecture, entitled “Development Challenges of Africa: Emerging Economy and Possibilities for Business,” will be delivered in the first International Seminar sponsored by the Graduate School of Business and the Society of Business Research on June 15.
From left to right: Vice President Tsubota, Dr. Bonzemba, Associate Professor Ninomiya
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International Relations Division