OMU News

Aug 14, 2024

Research boost: Nature conducts ‘Getting Published’ masterclass on campus

Writing an effective research paper to submit for publication is a challenge even the most seasoned academic writers face.

To bolster the writing skills of our researchers, Osaka Metropolitan University arranged a Nature Masterclasses workshop led by an expert trainer from Nature Portfolio, part of Springer Nature, the publisher of renowned scientific journal Nature.

The one-day workshop “Getting Published: Effectively Communicating Your Research” was held on the Nakamozu Campus on August 6, 2024, with almost 150 participants, nearly evenly divided between students and faculty.

In his opening remarks, Vice President Hiroyuki Sakuragi, who is in charge of research and international strategy, expressed hope for the future of the university’s researchers and their publications.

The trainer, Dr. Maybelline Yeo, conducted the eight-hour workshop focusing on three modules: Designing an Impactful Study, Effective Academic Writing, and Logical Manuscript Structure. Each module contained activities found in the workbook included with the workshop, followed by time for questions.

Participants left the workshop excited to use what they had learned to enhance their research papers in the hopes of getting published in a top-level journal like Nature.

Vice President Hiroyuki Sakuragi delivers opening remarks.

Trainer Dr. Maybelline Yeo engages with participants during the Nature Masterclasses workshop.


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