2024年11月6日~11月8日の期間に開催された JSME The 8th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM 2024)(第8回先端メカトロニクスに関する国際会議)に研究室学生3名が参加し研究成果を発表しました.
修士2年生 須山 雅工 Path planning based on passable area symbol detection
修士2年生 平松 才人 6D pose estimation by bottom surface estimation of simpleshaped objects using RGB image
修士1年生 村上 悠太 Wrong FIX detection of RTK-GNSS positioning using the shapeof the surrounding environment
[1] Gaku Suyama, Tomohito Takubo and Tetsuo Tsujioka, "Path planning based on passable area symbol detection," Proc. JSME Int'l Conf. Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM 2024), FB2-4, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2024.
[2] Saito Hiramatsu, Tomohito Takubo, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Hiroto Sakahara, "6D pose estimation by bottom surface estimation of simpleshaped objects using RGB image," Proc. JSME Int'l Conf. Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM 2024), FA3-6, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2024.
[3] Yuta Murakami, Tomohito Takubo, Tetsuo Tsujioka, "Wrong FIX detection of RTK-GNSS positioning using the shapeof the surrounding environment," Proc. JSME Int'l Conf. Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM 2024), TC2-4, Kitakyushu, Nov. 2024.