Department of Information Science
Create new technologies to utilize diverse information.
What is information? In a nutshell, information is the expression of what a thing looks like. However, information is not just that. It sometimes refers to materials and knowledge you rely on when making decisions. Also called information are commands given to airplane engines to fly airplanes, to car engines to drive cars, to robots to operate them, and to muscles to move the body as desired. In this way, there is a wide range of things that information represents and is related to.
An objective of research and education at the Department of Information Science is to create new technologies that convey such a wide range of information, automatically assume it, and retrieve it from a large quantity of data. Another objective is to make full use of these technologies to create applications that improve people’s lives.
Specific examples include development of the following: information networks, and information and communications technologies to convey information; algorithms, which are computational procedures necessary to obtain information; controls to automatically regulate inputs to various systems to operate the systems at your command; image recognition technology to figure out how things are and what is going on in images; data mining to retrieve non-obvious knowledge buried in a large quantity of data; and autonomous robots, which automatically decide actions to take based on the information obtained from sensors. The Department of Information Science also covers parallel processing on computers, which is necessary to perform such information computation efficiently or at high speed.

Staff list
Nakamozu campus
Title | Name | Research Fields |
Professor | UNO Yushi | Discrete Structures and Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Complexity, Data Structures, Network Analysis, System Modeling |
Assistant Professor | KIYA Hironori | Combinatiorial Game Theory, Algorithmic Engineering, Imperfect Information Game, Algorithmic Game Theory |
Associate Professor | HAYASHI Toshiharu | Data Analysis and Data Assimilation, especially Reliability Engineering, Mathematical Finance and Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes |
Associate Professor | HOHJO Hitoshi | Reliability Engineering, Game Theory, Operations Research, Stochastic Model, Decision-making |
Professor | HONDA Katsuhiro | Data Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Knowledge Discovery |
Associate Professor | UBUKATA Seiki | Data Analysis, Soft Computing, Rough Set Theory, Knowledge Discovery |
Professor | NOJIMA Yusuke | Evolutionary Computation, Knowledge Extraction, Multiobjective Optimization |
Associate Professor | MASUYAMA Naoki | Continual Learning, Clustering, Knowledge Extraction, Unsupervised Learning |
Professor | MORI Naoki | Machine Learning, Kansei Engineering, Software Engineering, Evolutionary Computation |
Assistant Professor | OKADA Makoto | Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Management |
Professor | YOSHIOKA Michifumi | Intelligent Signal Processing, Image Processing, Pattern Detection |
Associate Professor | INOUE Katsufumi | Image Sensing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Action Recognition, Gesture Recognition |
Professor | KISE Koichi | Intelligent Media Processing, Document Information Processing, Document Image Analysis, Object Recognition, Activity Recognition, Learning Assistance |
Associate Professor | IWATA Motoi | Intelligent Media Processing, Information Security, Digital Watermark, Steganography, Activity Recognition, Learning Assistance |
Associate Professor | IWAMURA Masakazu | Intelligent Media Processing, Character and Object Recognition, Document Image Retrieval, Deep Learning, Visually Impaired Assistance |
Lecturer | UTSUMI Yuzuko | Intelligent Media Processing, Pattern Recognition, Plant Image Processing |
Professor | TODE Hideki | Intelligent Networking, Network Quality Control, Content Distribution Control, Broadband Network, Secure Networking |
Associate Professor | TANIGAWA Yosuke | Intelligent Networking, Wireless Network Quality Control, Wireless Media Access Control |
Associate Professor | KONDO Daishi | Network Security, Privacy, Information Centric Networking |
Professor | FUJIMOTO Noriyuki | High Performance Computing, GPU Computing, Discrete Optimization, Grid Computing |
Lecturer | KATSUMA Ryo | Sensing, Ad-hoc Network, Mobile Computing |
Sugimoto campus
Title | Name | Research Fields |
Professor | NAKANO Tadashi | Information Network, Molecular Communication, Bio-inspired Network, Social Network, Life Science |
Lecturer | TRAN Thi Hong | Blockchain, Distributed Application (Dapp), Cryptographic Hash Function, FPGA, Embedded Hardware Accelerator |
Professor | ATA Shingo | Network Architecture, Traffic Analysis, Network Operation and Management, Network Programmability |
Associate Professor | FUJIMOTO Manato | Ubiquitous Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Communications, Sensing, Elderly Monitoring |
Professor | OHNO Shuichi | Digital Communication, Signal Processing, Data Analysis, Machine Learning |
Associate Professor | NAKAJIMA Shigeyoshi | AI, AL, Image Processing, Moving Image Processing, Signal Processing, Medical Data Processing |
Professor | CAI Kai | Systems Control, Discrete-Event Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Cybersecurity, Multi-Agent Systems, Networked Robotics, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Distributed Algorithms |
Lecturer | UENO Atsushi | Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing |