Department of Materials Science
Our Department
Materials science is the interdisciplinary scientific activity, which seeks to understand matter and how it is made by integrating knowledge from diverse scientific disciplines such as physics and chemistry.
Modern society heavily relies on advanced materials, for instance, high-strength and shape-memory alloys, catalysts, and battery, magnetic, and bio-materials. In order to develop new materials, it is necessary for materials scientists to understand the relationships between properties and structure at various length scales, from the atomic to the micro and the mesoscale so that functionalities can be controlled and performance can be optimized.
In the Department of Materials Science at Osaka Metropolitan University, we combine state-of-the-art materials synthesis with advanced structural and electronic characterization techniques underpinned by theoretical understanding to develop, for instance, new inorganic, hybrid organic-inorganic, and metallic materials. From new environmentally friendly iron-based alternatives to poisonous lead, to biocompatible materials for artificial teeth and bones, to light flexible durable alloys, to catalysts for effective use of renewable energy, our research addresses major priority issues of our society.
Our students will be systematically exposed to all aspects of Materials Science, from its foundations in chemistry (synthesis and design) and physics (understanding the underlying principles) to materials processing for applications and manufacturing. By developing their ability to think independently and address solutions to current problems, students will qualify as "Professional Materials Scientists/Engineers" who can play an active role in materials-related fields in contemporary society.

Our Department offers a program, which aims to give the students the best materials science education possible. We have designed a curriculum which combines the fundamental natural science education with the specialized materials knowledge, for instance, on metals, ceramics, and hybrids needed for a sustainable society. Special emphasis is placed on general education and foreign language teaching in order to encourage our students’ ability to communicate and think independently and to solve problems, while instilling them with the high ethical standards necessary for scientists and engineers.
In the first year of their studies, students are offered basic science courses such as linear algebra, calculus, statistical mechanics, physics, inorganic and physical chemistry together with the opportunity to study a variety of other subjects in liberal arts, foreign languages, health and physical education, and computer programming. In addition, practical laboratory work in chemistry and physics is an important part of the curriculum and students will practice experimental methods and learn how to write scientific reports. Through the “Introduction to Materials Science” course during the first semester of the first academic year, the students are exposed to the research activities of every laboratory in the Department of Materials Science. In the second year, students begin to study more specialized subjects such as “Crystallography”, “Physical Chemistry of Materials”, and “Quantum Theory”, providing the gateway to the discipline of Materials Science together with courses related to research ethics.
In the third year, students will focus more intensely on specialized subjects including selected topics on “Physical Properties of Materials”, “Materials Chemistry”, and “Materials Engineering”. In the experimental subjects related to materials science, students will acquire knowledge and experimental techniques necessary for research works. In the fourth year, students will choose to work in a research laboratory in area related to materials properties, materials chemistry or materials engineering, and will devote themselves principally to their own research project. This includes writing up the results of the project at the end of the year, giving a research talk to the Department, and answering questions orally. In this way, students train in acquiring the basic research skills needed for work in research and development in the field of Materials Science.
Staff List
Nakamozu campus
Title | Name | Research Fields |
Professor | NAKAHIRA Atsushi | Biomaterials, Apatite, Intercalation, Catalyst, Nanoceramics |
Associate Professor | TOKUDOME Yasuaki | Solid acid/base catalysts, Liquid-phase reaction, Colloid & Interface, Bionanotechnology, Clay minerals, Layered materials |
Professor | MORI Shigeo |
Structure Physics, Nanoscale Structure Analysis, Electron Microscopy, Solid State Battery Materials, Ferroic Materials |
Professor | TAKAHASHI Masahide | Organic-inorganic hybrid, Self-organization, Nano materials, Smart materials, Solution processing, Soft actuators, Optical and electronics materials |
Associate Professor | OKADA Kenji | Nanomaterials, Porous materials, Inorganic materials, Organic-inorganic hybrid materials, Organic-inorganic interface |
Assistant Professor | FUKATSU Arisa | Organic-inorganic hybrid materials, Nanomaterials, Soft actuators, DNA materials, Self-organization, Coordination chemistry |
Professor | KANENO Yasuyuki | High temperature structural materials, Intermetallics, Alloy design, Microstructure design, Crystal plasticity |
Associate Professor | INOUE Hiroyuki |
Corrosion of metals and its prevention, Electrochemical measurement, Geological disposal of radioactive waste, Electrochemical noise technique, Corrosion monitoring |
Professor | TAKIGAWA Yorinobu |
Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Materials Processing, Grain Boundary Plasticity, High-temperature Deformation |
Professor | OHNO Kohji | Polymer, Controlled polymerization, Fine particle, Colloid, Self-assembly |
Professor |
Materials design theory, First-principles calculation, Electronic structure theory, Order formation and symmetry, Magnetic materials theory, Transport/response Phenomena, Strongly-correlated systems, Materials informatics | |
Associate Professor | MAKIURA Rie | Nanomaterials, Nanosheets, Energy materials, Metal-organic frameworks, Surface/interface science, Thin films, Coordination chemistry, Electronic devices |
Associate Professor | IKENO Hidekazu | Computational materials science, First-principles calculations, Materials informatics, Electron spectroscopy, Catalysts, Inorganic phosphors |
Associate Professor | KIMURA Kenta |
Magnetism, Ferroelectricity, Chirality, Multiferroics, Optical functional Materials, Transition metal compounds, Materials Exploration |
Associate Professor | TOKONAMI Shiho | Biosensor, Micro- and Nano- Architectures, Optical Analysis, Metal Nanoparticle |