Department of Mechanical Engineering
Aim for high-quality manufacturing in harmony with people and the environment.
Mechanical engineering is a fundamental academic discipline essential to a wide range of industrial fields. This discipline has contributed to the establishment of various technologies that enrich people’s lives, including those related to the environment, robots, materials, aerospace, transportation, and health care. Mechanical engineering not only utilizes existing traditional basic technologies but has also been constantly evolving and developing by incorporating newly created technologies and principles in an attempt to respond to industrial structures and social demands which change with the times.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering covers all “things” included in the category of “machinery”, including machines, equipment, facilities, structures and plants, which support modern society. The Department builds theories for manufacturing that coexists in harmony with people and the environment, and explores the creation, development, design, production and operation of high-quality “things”. At the same time, the Department focuses on developing human resources who have the ability to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
First, you will acquire knowledge about a wide range of basic technologies, including those related to materials, systems, the environment, and energy. Then, through research activities, you will recognize and consider issues from a higher multifaceted perspective, from the nano- and micro-scale at the atomic and molecular level, to the macro-scale of society. Through this process, you will acquire the ability to independently come up with solutions to problems and put these solutions into practice. The Department of Mechanical Engineering welcomes students who are interested in manufacturing, physics, mathematics, people, society, and the environment, and those who are motivated to clear a path toward the realization of a sustainable society. Let’s work together to create next-generation mechanical technologies and advanced materials!

Staff list
Sugimoto campus
Title | Name | Research Fields |
Professor | IYOTA Hiroyuki | Improvement of the technology of thermal and mixing processes for improve productivity as well as product quality based on analysis of transport phenomena with humid air, superheated steam, and complex fluids |
Lecturer | MASUDA Hayato | |
Assistant Professor | FUJIMOTO Emiko 1) | |
Professor | WAKIMOTO Tatsuro | Drag reduction of fluid flow by adding surfactant, Development of wave-power generation system, Stability of soap film |
Associate Professor | OMORI Takeshi | Wetting dynamics between solid and liquid, Measurment of dynamic surface tension, Development of wave-power generation system, Removement of fine particle by air jet, Micro- and nano-fluid mechanics, Multiscale dynamics near interface |
Lecturer | IMADU Atsushi | Assistive robotics, Mobile robotics, Tethered multicopter, Human movement analysis and assistive engineering, Musculoskeletal rehabilitation system, Human-human and human-robot interaction |
Assistant Professor | TAKAI Asuka | |
Professor | KANASAKI Junichi | Solid state analysis based on surface science and optical science, Optical control of material structure at the atom level to create novel structural phase, Deveropment and evaluation of antibacterial materials, Case study of microbiologically influenced corrosion |
Associate Professor | KAWAKAMI Hiroshi | |
Associate Professor | TAKIYAMA Takeshi | Power train system control for optimization of fuel economy and emission purification, Intelligent vehicle control for automated driving |
Professor | TAKADA Yogo | Researching and developing compact mobile robots which can be used in inspections in hard-to-reach places such as underwater as well as under bridges. Analysis on underwater robots is performed using numerical fluid dynamics to improve driving thrust |
Associate Professor | NAKATANI Hayato | Studies on smartening, molding process optimization, strength - fracture mechanism and joining technique for fiber reinforced polymers such as CFRP and GFRP. Low-cost molding technique, mechanical properties and damage tolerance design for hybrid composites that consist of alternately laminated FRPs and metal sheets. |
Professor | YAMASAKI Tomohiro | Nondestructive evaluation of materials by ultrasonics, Ultrasonic monitoring of FRP molding process, Vibration control of smart materials, Development of devices using functional fluid |
Assistant Professor | OSHIMA Nobuo | |
Professor | KANEKO Yoshihisa | Advanced scanning electron microscopy on fatigued materials, Bulk-nano metals, Electrodeposition of nanostructured films, Research connecting micro- and macroscopic deformation, Deformation of polymer, Strain measurement by digital image correlation method |
Associate Professor | UCHIDA Makoto | |
Professor | TANE Masakazu | Elasticity and anelastic relaxation phenomenon, Micromechanics, Phase transition in structural and functional materials, Material design using crystal growth and phase transition, Nanoscale mechanics of deformation, phase transition, and carbon fibers, Simulation for microstructural evolution, Microstructure control and characterization of functional materials |
Lecturer | MIYOSHI Eisuke | |
Assistant Professor | HIGASHINO Shota | |
Lecturer | KUWAHARA Takuya | Multiscale materials modeling, Tribology of carbon materials, Ceramics, and metals, Mechanochemistry |
Professor | MATSUOKA Chihiro | Fluid dynamics, Pattern formation, Nonlinear science, Dynamical systems, Numerical analysis of nonlinear motion of vortex sheets |
1) Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Cross-Appointed Researcher
Nakamozu campus
Title | Name | Research Fields |
Professor | MIMURA Koji | Mechanics of materials, Solid mechanics, Theory of plasticity, Strength of materials, Impact engineering, Experimental mechanics |
Associate Professor | UMEDA Tsutomu | Mechanics of materials, Solid mechanics, Impact engineering, Dynamic structural analysis, Damage mechanics |
Associate Professor | RIKU Isamu | Computational science, Biomedical engineering, Biomaterials |
Professor | ISHIHARA Masayuki | Mathematical analysis of solid mechanics, Hygrothermoelasticity, Electroelasticity, Solid mechanics in green materials |
Professor | FUKUDA Hirokazu | Coupled oscillator system, Synchronization control, Pattern formation, Complex network control, Plant factory |
Professor | KIKUTA Hisao | Measurement and instrumentation engineering, Optical metrology, Optical Engineering, Nano-fabrication technology |
Lecturer | MIZUTANI Akio | Measurement engineering, Applied optics, Nanophotonic devices |
Lecturer | KOBAYASHI Tomoaki | Systems and control, Real-time control, Optimal control, Control theory and applications, mechatronics |
Professor | SHINTANI Atsuhiko | Vibration engineering, Seismic engineering, Fluid-structure interaction, Active vibration control, Human engineering, Application of vibration |
Associate Professor | NAKAGAWA Chihiro | Kinematics of mechanical systems, Mobile vehicle system, Kinematics-related system |
Professor | SUGA Kazuhiko | Heat transfer engineering, Turbulence modeling, Energy conversion systems, Micro scale thermo-fluid systems |
Associate Professor | KANEDA Masayuki | Natural convection, Computational fluid dynamics, Sessile droplet, Magnetizing convection, Magnetohydrodynamics |
Associate Professor | KUWATA Yusuke | Turbulence mechanics, Computational fluid dynamics, Wall turbulence, Turbulent scalar transport |
Professor | SEGAWA Daisuke | Combustion, Combustion diagnostics, Internal combustion engines, Space environment experiments |
Lecturer | KATAOKA Hidefumi | Detonation, Combustion, Shock wave, Internal combustion engines |
Professor | TAKAHIRA Hiroyuki | Fluid mechanics, Cavitation, Bubble dynamics, Gas-liquid two-phase flow, Focused ultrasound |
Associate Professor | OGASAWARA Toshiyuki | Fluid mechanics, Gas-liquid two-phase flow, Bubble dynamics, Flow measurement |
Lecturer | NAKAJIMA Tomoya | Fluid engineering, Wind tunnel test and flow visualization, etc. |
Professor | YOKOYAMA Ryohei | Energy systems engineering, Optimization, Energy management, Distributed energy |
Professor | WAKUI Tetsuya | Energy systems engineering, Optimization, Cycle simulation, Energy management, Energy network, Wind power generation system, Air-conditioning system |
Professor | KINOSHITA Shinichi | Environmental engineering, Countermeasure to urban heat island, Thermophysical properties, Thermal science in human physiology, Radiative heat transfer |
Assistant Professor | YASUDA Ryusuke | Environmental engineering, Atmospheric diffusion, Air pollution, Local climate |
Professor | OKUBO Masaaki | Envioronmental protection enginnering, Plasmas for environmental improvement, Zero-carbon energy conversion, Plasma material processing |
Associate Professor | KUROKI Tomoyuki | Environmental protection engineering, Application of nonthermal plasma technology, Exhaust gas treatment, Waste water treatment |
Assistant Professor | YAMASAKI Haruhiko | Environmental protection engineering, Energy conversions with low environmental load, Magnetic functional fluid, Carbon dioxide cycle |