Publications - Fundamentals and applications of mechanical spectroscopy
- Mechanical relaxation due to interstitial solutes in metals H. Numakura Solid State Phenomena, 89, 93-114 (2003). [View on-line]
- Anelastic relaxation due to interstitial solute atoms in face-centred cubic metals H. Numakura, K. Kashiwazaki, H. Yokoyama, M. Koiwa Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 310 (1-2), 344-350 (2000). [View on-line]
- Low-frequency internal friction of α+β titanium alloy SP-700 X. S. Guan, H. Numakura, M. Koiwa, K. Hasegawa, C. Ouchi Materials Science and Engineering A, 272 (1), 230-237 (1999). [View on-line]
- On the origin of the anelastic relaxation effect in Ni3Al H. Numakura, N. Kurita, M, Koiwa, P. Gadaud Philosophical Magazine A, 79 (4), 943-953 (1999). [View on-line]
- Nature of the internal friction peak in cold-worked dilute aluminum alloys Xingsheng Guan, Hiroshi Numakura, Masahiro Koiwa Materials Transactions, JIM, 40 (6), 498-507 (1999). [View on-line]
- Snoek relaxation in ternary body-centered-cubic alloys H. Numakura, M. Koiwa in M3D III: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping, ASTM Standard Technical Publication 1304, edited by A. Wolfenden and V. K. Kinra, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken (1997), pp. 383-393. [Book info]
- Anisotropy of the anelastic relaxation associated with interstitial carbon in nickel H. Numakura, K. Kashiwazaki, M. Koiwa Journal de Physique IV, 6 (C8), 127-130 (1996). [View on-line]
- The Snoek relaxation in dilute ternary bcc alloys. A review H. Numakura, M. Koiwa Journal de Physique IV, 6 (C8), 97-106 (1996). [View on-line] [Kyoto U Repository]
- Internal friction peak in cold-worked 'pure' aluminum and aluminum alloys X. S. Guan, H. Numakura, M. Koiwa Journal de Physique IV, 6 (C8), 219-222 (1996). [View on-line] [Kyoto U Repository]
- Determination of elastic constants by the rectangular parallelepiped resonance method K. Tanaka, H. Yasuda, H. Numakura, M. Koiwa The First Pacific Rim Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-1): proceedings of a meeting held in Hangzhou, China, 23-27 June 1992, edited by C. Shih, H. Li and A. Scott, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale (1993), pp. 491-494. [Book info]