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外国人研究者招へい助成事業 特別講演会のお知らせ(2024年7月15日開催)
外国人研究者招へい助成事業で7月16日まで滞在されている米国 Stevens Institute of Technology(スティーブンス工科大学)のRaju Datla准教授をお迎えし、飛行艇と揚陸艇の流体力学に関する特別講演会を開催いたします。多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
日時:2024年7月15日(月) 15:00 - 16:30
場所:なかもずキャンパス B4棟 東-K301室
Prof. Raju Datla (Research Associate Professor, Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science, Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering) https://www.stevens.edu/profile/rdatla
Studies on Amphibious Vehicle Hydrodynamics
This presentation will provide an overview of hydrodynamics related to two types of amphibious craft – air and water seaplanes, ground and water combat vehicles. For seaplanes, the hydrodynamic challenges come from take-off and landing on dynamic sea surface. Aspects of hydrodynamic resistance, longitudinal stability, spray and impact accelerations will be presented. Recent interest from the US navy and industry will be discussed. For the amphibious combat vehicles, the challenges come from the hullform and its transit through the surf-zone. The land operations and other constraints limit the hullform geometry and pose challenges for speed, static stability, seakeeping and maneuvering. The ingress and egress operations to and from the beach has its own challenges with breaking waves, transformation from water propulsion to wheel propulsion etc. An overview of all these aspects will be discussed along with a focus on physical model studies.
片山 徹(工学研究科 航空宇宙海洋系専攻 海洋システム工学分野) 内線 3289