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Graduation of M2 students!! Won 3 awards @ thesis defense presentation from our group!! Master’s course 2nd Ken Ikigaki, Undergraduate Kohei Kariya & Miharu Nakanishi!
先日、本学にて「平成29年度学位授与式」が執り行われ、当研究室からは修士5名、学士6名が学位を取得しました。修士課程修了者のうち3名(M2 桂怜央, 林 昭安, 山本達也)は研究室を卒業し、4月から新社会人として活躍します。 また、同日開催された「卒業・修了祝賀会」においてM2 生垣賢君, B4 假屋航平君, 中西美晴さんがそれぞれ修論発表会・卒論発表会において銅賞を受賞しました。(写真は祝賀会後行われた高橋研究室追いコンでの集合写真) H29th Graduation ceremony of OPU was taken place on 24th/Mar/2018. In our group members, five Master’s course and six Undergraduate students respectively took degrees. Three of them (Mr. Reo Katsura, Mr. Lin Chaoan, Mr. Tastuya Yamamoto) are starting new life as a corporate employee from next April. We wish you best of luck! On the same day, our group students, Ken Ikigaki (Master’s course 2nd), Kohei Kariya (Undergraduate) and Miharu Nakanishi (Undergraduate) got bronze award at final defense?presentation (February 8-9, 19-20, 2018 in OPU). Congratulation! Ken, Kohei and Miharu! Inserted snap was taken at farewell party of Takahashi group. (They are making strange face.)