

  • Review 2020

2020-1) Reaction of CO2 With Alcohols to Linear-, Cyclic-, and Poly-Carbonates Using CeO2-Based Catalysts, Keiichi Tomishige, Yu Gu, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Masazumi Tamura Frontiers in Energy Research 8 (2020) 117. DOI:org/10.3389/fenrg.2020.00117

Reaction of CO 2  With Alcohols to Linear-, Cyclic-, and Poly-Carbonates Using CeO 2 -Based Catalysts
Keiichi Tomishige, Yu Gu, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Masazumi Tamura
Frontiers in Energy Research 8 (2020) 117. DOI: org/10.3389/ fenrg.2020.00117