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1月18日更新 2023年春選考より4年制研究科(医学研究科・獣医学研究科)に入学予定の方の応募が可能となりました。(Updated 18 Jan)Applications are now open to applicants who will be enrolled in a four-year postgraduate course (Graduate School of Medicine or Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine)



詳細については12月23日付「【募集開始】2023年春選考 [2023 Fellowship] Application Guidelines」に掲載している募集要項(1月18日更新)を確認してください。

Starting with the spring 2023 selection, applicants who plan to enrol in a four-year research course (Graduate School of Medicine or Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine) are now eligible to apply.

The period of support will be up to four years (D1-D4).

For more information, please check the application guidelines (updated 18 January) in the [2023 Fellowship] Application Guidelines published on 23 December.