Dean's Message
Greetings from the Dean
Osaka Metropolitan University
Naohide Endo Dean of the Graduate School of Urban Management

In the global economy, the advancement of technologies, including artificial intelligence, robots and biotechnology, has brought about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. At the same time, the surrounding environment of cities and local communities has been undergoing major changes, such as shrinking / aging population and hollowing out of Manufacturing Industry. To realize a sustainable society by adapting to such changes in our surroundings and resolving various urban problems, it is indispensable for various actors that support cities and local communities (e.g., government authorities, companies, medical/welfare corporations and civil society) to make innovations and create shared value. To this end, leaders with interdisciplinary knowledge and practical skills are needed. Since its establishment in 2018, this graduate school has been providing four diverse courses as a place where working adults can learn through an interdisciplinary approach. The inheritance of the Graduate School for Creative Cities, which has a 15-year history of welcoming enrollees, allows us to provide stable guidance and a well-developed network. All the faculty members will work hard to help students carry out research and tackle issues pertaining to urban management in order to achieve innovation and sustainability goals.