石丸 翔也 さん(2015年度・修士:工学研究科知能情報工学分野)
大学・大学院生時代にドイツとフランスに留学させていただき、博士前期課程 (修士課程) を修了したあとはドイツ(ドイツ人工知能研究センター)で働きながら博士号を取得しました。現在は、カイザースラウテルン工科大学で教員をしつつ、自身のベンチャー企業Alphabenでも研究開発を行っています。在学中は課題設定やコミュニケーションに関する多くのことを国内外の方々から学ばせていただきました。共同研究や交換留学といった国際交流が盛んであることは、本研究科の大きな魅力だと思います。チャンスを生かして世界で活躍する後輩が生まれることをとても期待しています。

外山 拓海 さん(2010年度・修士:工学研究科知能情報工学分野)

Martin Klinkigt さん(2012年度・博士:工学研究科知能情報工学分野 from TU Kaiserslautern)
When choosing a university, at first, we are looking at educational level, such as professors, lectures, etc. However, at similar importance comes the university`s network not only to the inside spanning different departments, but also to the outside. Connecting and collaborating with other universities, research institutes and companies around the world is important to bring your knowledge into use. The university bridges between your educational past & now to your professional future. It only depends on you to take this journey and the Osaka Metropolitan University is certainly among the best to choose from.
Charles Lima Sanches さん(2018年度・博士:工学研究科知能情報工学分野 from ENSEA)
I remember I entered the university as a freshman with almost no knowledge and no confidence. The new language, the new topics of study, and the new environment were real challenges but I had great seniors and professors to help me overcome all my difficulties. Still, the work was demanding, and it would have been a lot harder without the fun I had with my great lab mates. At graduation time I had gained valuable knowledge which I am still using at my current job, but most of all I made one of my best friends along the way. I wish the new students to enjoy their time at the university as much as I did!