

  • お知らせ

【募集開始】 <2024年4月(博士後期課程・博士課程)在籍者対象>(新)次世代AI人材育成事業における学生募集

< for students enrolled in doctoral courses as of April 2024>Recruitment for (NEW) Next Generation AI Human Resource Development Project(BOOST)

(English is described below.)




研究奨励費(生活費相当額)及び 研究費として年間390万円



  1. 書類審査:
    2024年5月25日(土)23:59 までに「申請フォームへの入力」と「申請書の提出」の両方が必要となります。

    「次世代AI人材育成事業 申請フォーム」にアクセスして必要事項を入力ください。https://forms.office.com/r/J1nXwmcg3c
    ※ 入力(送信)期限:2024年5月25日(土)23:59まで

    2) (様式1)申請書の提出:
    ※ ファイル送信期限:2024年5月25日(土)23:59まで
    ※ ファイル送信先:gr-i-boost@omu.ac.jp

  2. 面接審査:




2024年度 大阪公立大学 BOOST 募集要項(ver.1.1_240522 申請書の注意事項修正)

(様式1) 申請書_学籍番号_研究科名_申請者氏名(注意事項修正_240522)


大阪公立大学大学院 情報学研究科 支援事務室
メール: gr-i-boost@omu.ac.jp


Announcements (Support for Education, Research and Doctoral Students)

< for students enrolled in doctoral courses as of April 2024>
Recruitment for (NEW) Next Generation AI Human Resource Development Project(BOOST)

We are accepting applications for (NEW) Next Generation AI Human Resource Development Project for students enrolled in OMU doctoral courses as of April. 

<Program Objective>
Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School has been selected for the “Next Generation AI Human Resource Development Project” (BOOST) in addition to the “Next Generation Researchers' Challenging Research Project” (New SPRING) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the National Institute of Science and Technology Agency (JST) in April 2024. This initiative is targeted at students in the latter half of the doctoral program. This means that the University will continue to provide more substantial support.

<Application Eligibility>
Applicants must be enrolled in the doctoral course (3 or 4 years) at Osaka Metropolitan University in April 2024.
*For other application requirements, please check the Application Guidelines.

<Number of Students to be Accepted>
Approximately 1-4

<Details of Support>
The following support will be provided to students selected for this program.

3,900,000 yen per year for research scholarship (equivalent to living expenses) and research expenses
*For more information, please check the Application Guidelines.

<Support period>
Period of support:
From the date of adoption to the end of the standard term of study


  1. Application period:
    Both "Inputting information into the application form" and "Submitting the application form" are required by May 25, 2024, until 23:59 (Saturday)

    <Application Process>
    1) Inputting information into the application form:
    Please access the "Next Generation AI Human Resource Development Project Application Form" and input in the required information.
    * Submission deadline: May 25, 2024 (Sat.) 23:59

    2) Submit application form (Word, PDF file):
    Download the (Form 1) "Application Form" (Word file) from the project website information. Fill in the application form, then, send both the Word file and the PDF file to the following e-mail address.
    * File submission deadline: May 25, 2024 (Sat.) 23:59
    * Send files to: gr-i-boost@omu.ac.jp

  2. Interview Screening:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 - Thursday, June 13, 2024 at a specified time (20 minutes)
    *For more information, please check the Application Guidelines.

<Evaluation method>
The evaluation will be based on a 200-point scale consisting of a document review and an interview.

<Application Guidelines, Application Forms> 
Please download and check the application guideline and application forms from the following links.

OMU BOOST FY2024 Application Guidelines (English.ver.1_240514)

(Form1) ApplicationForm_Student ID_Graduate School Name_Applicant's Name

<Contact for Inquiries>
If you have any questions about this project, please contact us at the following e-mail address, indicating your student ID number, graduate school name, and name. Please note that we cannot respond on weekday evenings, weekends, and holidays, and that it may take some time to reply depending on the content of the inquiry. Please note that we cannot respond to inquiries by phone.
Support Office, Graduate School of Informatics, Osaka Metropolitan University 
E-mail: gr-i-boost@omu.ac.jp