
Purpose of the project

  In recent years, it has become clear that cells undergoing irreversible cell cycle arrest, otherwise known as senescent cells, exacerbate age-related pathologies, chronic diseases or cancer, at least in part due to inadequate tissue repair caused by stem cell senescence or persistent chronic inflammation caused by the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Also, recent evidence suggests that controlling cellular senescence by removing senescent cells or suppressing the SASP leads to healthy longevity. As a result, research into the role of cellular senescence is gaining international importance and is one of the most pressing issues, especially in East Asia, where life expectancy is high and the elderly population is large.

  The purpose of this research is to elucidate the role of senescent cells in age-related pathologies, chronic diseases, cancer and other diseases using model organisms, animal disease models and human samples. The function of senescent cells in the pathogenesis of age-related diseases and cancer, and the mechanisms by which cellular senescence is induced in each of these contexts, remain largely unknown. In addition, the heterogeneity of senescent cells in each context and their interaction with surrounding cells are not fully understood, nor are the methods to detect, manipulate and eliminate senescent cells. In order to address these issues, the following three objectives have been set for this research, and the research is being advanced by forming a research group according to these objectives in a trilateral collaboration among Japan, China and Korea.

(1) Search for novel biomarkers of aging (Team A)

 Search for novel biomarkers of aging using multi-omics analysis and develop in vivo imaging systems of senescent cells.

(2) Elucidate the role of cellular senescence using model organisms (Team B)

 Elucidate the role of cellular senescence in vivo and manipulate senescent cells using model organisms.

(3) Pathophysiology of cellular senescence in vivo (Team C)

 Elucidate the mechanism of induction of cellular senescence and the SASP-mediated interactions between senescent cells and surrounding cells in vivo.
