Message from the Associate Dean

Message from the Associate Dean

Dear prospective students,

Hisashi MOTOMURA, M.D..Ph.D Associate Dean.
Head, International Exchange Committee of School of Medicine


As the associate dean of the Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School and School of Medicine, I am pleased by your interest in studying at our medical school.
Medical school challenges the best and the brightest minds to learn the science of medicine and public health, and the art of compassionate care. As one of the nation’s premier medical schools, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School and School of Medicine is dedicated to advancing biomedical knowledge and humane healing through innovative educational methods.
The School of Medicine was founded by Osaka City in 1944 to foster medical students to become doctors and practice medicine, with wisdom, blessing and bravery. Wisdom is essential for the treatment of patients, blessing for taking care, and bravery for doing their best when faced with a challenge. The Faculty of Medicine, Graduate School and University Hospital are situated in twin buildings with 18 stories connected with each other by a bridge. They are located in the center of Osaka City (Abeno campus). We have more than 2,200 daily outpatients and 971 beds in the area of 87,000m2 in the University Hospital. The School of Medicine, Graduate School and University Hospital play important roles in basic medical sciences and practice in medicine as a leading medical center in West Japan.
The Graduate School is divided into two courses, the basic medical science and the clinical medicine courses. In addition to these regular 4-year Graduate Courses, we have introduced a 2-year Master Course in medicine for nurses, pharmacists, clinical technicians, and other people who are interested in learning medical sciences and are working in medical fields. We also have academic exchange agreements for international exchange programs involving medical students, clinical trainees, research scholars, teaching faculty and other medical administrative officials with other universities around the world. This will further contribute to interactive exchange of knowledge.
The faculty here takes pride in its commitment to educating the next generation of scientists, public health practitioners and clinicians.
Osaka Metropolitan University has produced two Nobel winning scientists. Distinguished Professor Emeritus Yoichiro Nambu, known for his contributions to the field of theoretical physics, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discovery in 1960 of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics. Distinguished Professor Emeritus Nambu was assigned to Faculty of Science and Engineering as an associate professor on the recommendation of Mr. Shinichiro Asanaga who also won the Nobel Prize in Physics. He later became a professor of Science and Engineering and organized the theoretical physics group. Professor Shinya Yamanaka enrolled in our Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine in April, 1989 and received his PhD in Medicine. After finishing graduate school, he had been in Department of Pharmacology at Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine for three years (1996-1999). In 2012, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for work on iPS cells. In recent years, our school has become an even better place to pursue an education. With totally modernized facilities, a redesigned curriculum that introduces early clinical experiences, and new academic partnerships and global initiatives, we are pointed aggressively to the future.
International cooperation provides us with an opportunity to learn and understand from each other. We are very pleased to see ourselves achieve a greater role in learning and deepening mutual understanding with other people in the world.
I hope you will choose to come to Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School and School of Medicine to further your knowledge.