What is BNCT?
BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) is attracting attention as a next-generation cancer treatment that uses a physical reaction between two particles, boron and neutron, and is less stressful on the body. In Japan, BNCT for head and neck cancers was approved as a clinical treatment for reimbursement under the National Health Insurance in 2020, ahead of the rest of the world.
BNCT is based on boron agents that selectively accumulate in cancer cells. For this reason, R&D into effective boron agents has been conducted throughout the world for many years.
Features of BNCT - Selective destruction of cancer cells only
BNCT is a revolutionary cancer therapy that selectively destroys cancer cells, with no incisions, no pain, and few side effects.
It is effective for treating highly invasive cancers (such as multiple or recurrent cancers) and refractory cancers that are currently difficult to treat with surgery or radiotherapy.
- It uses a reaction between boron atoms and neutrons to selectively destroy cancer cells.
- It is highly safe as it causes minimal damage to normal cells.
- It is effective even on challenging cancers, such as invasive cancers or cancers that have spread to individual organs.
- Treatment is short: 1 or 2 irradiation sessions of about 30 to 60 minutes.
- It requires no incision or resection, contributing to patients' QOL.
Research Center for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (RC-BNCT)
Osaka Prefecture University (now Osaka Metropolitan University) built a reservoir of knowledge on the science of boron compounds and their pharmaceutical applications. At the beginning of this century, it used government funding to establish and maintain the RC-BNCT as a hub for research into boron agents for use in BNCT in partnership with private sector companies with outstanding boron compound production facilities and advanced technologies.
Along with a university laboratory for boron medicinal chemistry, the center features a corporate drug discovery R&D center. It handles boron agent discovery as well as agent quality evaluation testing using state-of-the-art equipment. It also handles research and development into boron probes for cancer testing and diagnosis, which could be used to expand and advance the scope of treatment with BNCT.
Center Overview
About the Research Center for BNCT (RC-BNCT)
Facilities and Equipment
Industry-academia-government Collaboration at the OMU RC-BNCT
History in Boron Agent R&D Through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration
BNCT Nakamozu Seminar