Differential Geometry Seminar (2005)

As a project of OCAMI, we shall promote the seminar on differential geometry in the wide sense of including the areas related to geometric analysis, topology, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, integrable systems, information sciences etc.

Contact Yoshihiro Ohnita
Shin Kato
Department of Mathematics Osaka City University
Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, 558-8585, JAPAN
TEL 06-6605-2617 (Ohnita)
06-6605-2616 (Kato)
E-mail ohnita@sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp


List by Year

Speaker Markus Schmies (TU Berlin)
Title Numerical methods for Schottky uniformization
Date January 25 (Wed.) 15:20~16:20
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Christoph Bohle (TU Berlin)
Title Constrained Willmore surfaces
Date January 25 (Wed.) 14:15~15:15
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Shimpei Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)
Title 平均曲率一定円柱面の粗い分類について
Date December 7 (Wed.) 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Martin A. Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Title Quantum cohomology and harmonic maps
Date Decmber 7 (Wed.) 10:40~12:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Tadashi Taniguchi (Sendai National College of Technology)
Title スーパーツイスター空間上超対称インスタントン束
Date November 30 (Wed.) 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Akhil Ranjan (Indian Institute of Technology)
Title Proof of Lichnerowicz conjecture in the simply connected compact case
Date November 16 (Wed.) 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Yasuo Matsushita (The University of Shiga Prefecture)
Title 4次元(++--)-指標の不定値計量の存在条件と2種類の概複素構造について
Date November 9 (Wed.) 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Yoshihiro Ohnita (Osaka City University)
Title On Hamitonian stability of certain Lagrangian submanifolds in K\"ahler manifolds
Date October 26 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Tomonori Noda (OCAMI)
Title 調和葉層の安定性と複素曲面
Date October 19 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Futoshi Takahashi (Osaka City University)
Title 多重連結領域上の H-system の解の多重性
Date October 12 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3068
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Yoshihiro Ohnita (Osaka City University)
Title On moduli spaces of special Lagrangian submanifolds
Date October 5 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3068
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Akira Asada
Title デターミナント・バンドル付きのヒルベルト空間の「球面」の正則化体積
Date July 6 (Wed.) 15:00~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Sergei Ketov (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Title Non-anti-commutativity in quantum field theory and strings
Date June 22 (Wed.) 15:00~16:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, Sci. Bldg., 3040
Abstract Japanese page only