Differential Geometry Seminar (2013)

As a project of OCAMI, we shall promote the seminar on differential geometry in the wide sense of including the areas related to geometric analysis, topology, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, integrable systems, information sciences etc.

Contact Yoshihiro Ohnita
Shin Kato
Kaname Hashimoto
Department of Mathematics Osaka City University
Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, 558-8585, JAPAN
TEL 06-6605-2617 (Ohnita)
06-6605-2616 (Kato)
E-mail ohnita@sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp


List by Year

Speaker Shouhei Honda (Kyushu Univ.)
Title Gromov-Hausdorff収束版Rellich型コンパクト性定理とその応用
Date March 19 (Wed.) 2014, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Hitoshi Yamanaka(OCAMI)
Title Representation coverings and equivariant hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Date March 3 (Mon.) 2014, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract The existence of a Morse function on a closed manifold is widely known. On the other hand, any general existence theorem for invariant Morse functions is not known except a result of Wasserman concering the existence of invariant Bott-Morse fucntions. In this talk, I will introduce the notion of a representation covering, and show that the existence of a certain equivariant hyperbolic diffeomorphism implies the existence of a representation covering. As a corollary, one finds that the existence of a representsation covering gives an obstruction for the existence of an invariant Morse function. Moreover, as a converse of this result, I will show that in the case of a certain holomorphic torus action, the existence of a representation covering implies the existence of an equivariant hyperbolic diffeomorpshism.


Speaker Takahiro Noda (Nagoya University & OCAMI)
Title Contact geometry of partial differential equations
Date February 19 (Wed.) 2014, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract In this talk, we explain contact geometry of partial differential equations. Especially, we investigate partial differential equations with one dependent variables and exhibit the rich examples.


Speaker Hiroshi Irie (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Title Oh の Hamilton 体積最小性予想についての二つの注意
Date February 13 (Thu.) 2014, 10:40~12:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Sorin V. SABAU (Tokai University, Sapporo Campus)
Title Some convexity related problems in Finsler geometry
Date January 30 (Thu.) 2014, 16:30~18:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract The notion of convexity radius was introduced by J. C. H. Whitehead, but the existence and basic properties were studied only in the analytical and the absolute homogeneous case. We will show the existence of convexity radius for an arbitrary Finsler metric and we study the relation with the injectivity radius. Moreover, we discuss geodesic coordinates and other related topics.


Speaker Kota Hattori (Univ. of Tokyo)
Title Taub-NUT変形の一般化
Date March 19 (Wed.) 2014, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Kentaro Saji (Kobe University)
Title Geometric invariants of cuspidal edge
Date Dec. 18 (Thu.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract A cuspidal edge is a germ which can be transformed to (u, v^2, v^3) by diffeomorphism-germs on the source and the target. We introduce several geometric invariants of curpidal edges and study their properties.


Speaker Atsuhide Mori (OCAMI)
Title On regularizations of b-Poisson structures
Date Dec. 4 (Thu.) 2013, 14:40 ~ 16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Topology of contact structures have close relationship with that of corank one regular Poisson structures. However, we do not know much about either of them. A b-Poisson structure is the most tractible non-regular Poisson structure. Given it on a 2n-manifold, we can construct a certain corank one regular Poisson 2n+1-manifold. Marcut and Osorno, in arXiv:1303.6246, pointed out that this construction is no use for many interesting cases, e.g. S^4 S^1. I will give a little ingenuity on this topic.


Speaker Tetsu Toyoda(Suzuka National College of Technology)
Title Convexity of Rayleigh quotients for nonlinear spectral gaps and optimal metrics on graphs
Date Nov. 27 (Thu.) 2013, 14:40 ~ 16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract In this talk, we study the existence and symmetry of optimal metrics on weighted graphs with respect to nonlinear spectral gaps. We show that on any finite connected weighted graph, there exists an optimal metric which carries the symmetry of the weighted graph. The key is to establish the convexity of ``Rayleigh quotients" in an appropriate setting.


Speaker Takumi Yamada(Shimane University)
Title 旗多様体上の不定値ケーラー計量の指数と不変複素構造について
Date Nov. 13 (Wed.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract It is well known that a pseudo-Kaehler structure is one of the natural Generalizations of a Kaehler structure. In this talk, we consider signatures of invariant pseudo-Kaehler metrics on generalized flag manifolds from the Viewpoint of T-root system.


Speaker Atsufumi Honda(Miyakonojo National College of Technology)
Title 凸でない非等方的密度関数とMinkowski空間のCMC曲面
Date Oct. 23 (Wed.) 2013 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract We call surfaces which are in equilibrium for a constant coefficient parametric functional with a volume constraint CAMC. Usually, they are imposed so-called ``convexity condition''. In this talk, we introduce some results about CAMC surfaces with nondegenerate condition.


Speaker Hajime Urakawa(Institute for International Education, Tohoku University)
Title Toward B.Y. Chen's conjecture on biharmonic immersions
Date Oct. 16 (Wed.) 2013 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract B.Y. Chen's conjecture on biharmonic immersions is that the only biharmonic submanifolds of the Euclidean space might be minimal. One of methods to construct submanifolds of the Euclidean space is to consider Lagrangian submanifolds L of a symplectic manifold N, especially, to take a graph Graph(u) of a closed 1-form u on M in the cotangent bundle N=T*M. We will discuss when Graph(u) is biharmonic or minimal. We would like to approach B.Y. Chen's conjecture.


Speaker Jason Lotay  (Univ.College London)
Title (1) Coassociative conifolds 1: smoothings of cones(2) Coassociative conifolds 2: singularities and stability
Date August 12 (Mon.) 2013, (1) 1:30-2:30 (2) 4:00-5:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract (1) 1:30-2:30 Coassociative conifolds 1: smoothings of conesCoassociative 4-folds are important examples of calibrated, hence volume-minimizing, submanifolds and are inherently related to Riemannian manifolds with exceptional holonomy group G_2. In this first talk, I will discuss the theory of asymptotically conical coassociative 4-folds, which are smoothings of coassociative cones, including describing their moduli space of deformations. These submanifolds are particularly important for providing local models for resolving singular coassociative 4-folds.<\br> (2) 4:00-5:00 Coassociative conifolds 2: singularities and stability<\br> Singular coassociative 4-folds help us to understand the boundary of the moduli space of smooth coassociative 4-folds and are important from the point of view coassociative fibrations of compact G_2 manifolds. One of the simplest models of a singularity is given by a cone. In this second talk, I will discuss the theory of coassociative conical singularities, with a particular focus on the role of a numerical invariant associated to coassociative cones called the stability index.


Speaker Masashi Ishida(Osaka University)
Title Diameter bounds in geometric flows
Date July 24 (Wed.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract An interesting problem on geometric flow is whether the diameters of manifolds under the evolving metrics stay bounded. Perelman proved that the diameter stays bounded for the Kahler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds. For a general Ricci flow, in 2005, Peter Topping proved an upper bound of the diameter by applying the monotonicity of Perelman's W-entropy functional. In this talk, I would like to discuss the problem for a more general geometric flow including the Ricci flow as a special case. If the time permits, I also would like to mention an attempt to generalize a recent work of Qi S. Zhang (July, 2013) who refined the result of Topping.


Speaker Hiroaki Ishida(JSPS PD, RIMS)
Title Complex manifolds with maximal torus actions
Date July 17 (Wed.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Let G be a compact torus acting on a connected manifold M effectively. We say that the G-action on M is maximal if there exists a point x in M such that dim G+dim G_x = dim M. In this talk, I would like to explain a classification of complex manifolds with maximal torus actions.


Speaker Yu Kawakami (Yamaguchi University)
Title The purpose of this talk is to reveal the geometric meaning of the maximal number of exceptional values of Gauss maps for several classes of immersed surfaces in space forms (minimal surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space, improper affine spheres in the affine 3-space and etc.). For this purpose, we give an effective curvature bound for a specified conformal metric on an open Riemann surface.
Date July 12 (Fri.) 2013 15:00~16:30
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Japanese page only


Speaker Masaru Hasegawa (Saitama University)
Title A Koenderink type theorem for Whitney umbrellas
Date July 3 (Wed.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract Koenderink showed that for regular surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, the Gaussian curvature of the surface at a given point is the product of the curvature of the contour viewed in a direction with the normal curvature in the direction. In this talk, we introduce a Koenderink type theorem for Whitney umbrellas. This talk is based on the joint work with Toshizumi Fukui (Saitama) and Kentaro Saji (Kobe).


Speaker Osamu Kobayashi (Osaka University)
Title The Yamabe invariant in dimension four
Date June 19 (Wed.) 2013 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract In 1990's the theory of the Yamabe invariant made great progress mainly due to C. LeBrun. About15 years have passed since then. There seems however few remarkable progress. In this talk I review LeBrun's work, and explain the present state about the Yamabe invariant in dimension four.


Speaker Yukinori YASUI (Department of Physics, Osaka City University)
Title CKY symmetry and deformation of Sasakian Structure
Date May 29 (Wed.) 2013 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract It is known that conformal Killing-Yano (CKY) tensors describe a ``hidden symmetry " of the Kerr black hole. The CKY symmetries play an important role in the study of classification of black holes and the stability analyses of spacetimes. We first review our research of the CKY according to the paper, Prog.Theor.Phys. Supple. 189 (2011). Next we discuss a deformation of the CKY symmetry by using a torsion of spacetime. This is based on the recent paper arXiv:1207.0247.  In the fundamental equations of supergravity theories there exists a 3-form field interacting with a string. Such a field can be naturally interpreted as a torsion of spacetime. Especially, deformation of Calabi-Yau and Sasakian structure in the presence of torsion is important since these geometries describe the supersymmetric solutions of supergravity theories. It is shown that the CKY symmetries work well for the explicit construction of the Calabi-Yau and Sasaki manifolds with torsion.


Speaker Dr. Makiko Make (Tokyo Metropolitan University/OCAMI)
Title Correspondence among families of certain K3 surfaces
Date April 9 (Tue.) 2013, 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301
Abstract The Picard lattices of families of weighted K3 surfaces are computed by Belcastro and it is observed that some of these lattices are isometric. In the first part, we prove that if the Picard lattices of families of weighted K3 surfaces are isometric, then, the general members in the families are birationally correspondent. In the second part, we discuss about the families of K3 surfaces in smooth toric Fano 3-folds. We can compute the Picard lattices of general members in the families, and prove that these lattices are mutually distinct. Therefore, unlike the first part, we can prove by Torelli-type theorem that there is no birational correspondence among the families of K3 surfaces in smooth toric Fano 3-folds. In the third part, we introduce certain two families of K3 surfaces in smooth Fano 3-folds and discuss a birational correspondence between the members in these families. Finally we present some proceeding study related to bimodal singularities.