Research Results

Jan 12, 2022

  • Joint Research Paper

The joint research findings of Grad. student Shuangyuan Feng, Assoc. Prof. Kajita, Prof. Ohno (Nagoya University), Specially Appointed Assoc. Prof. Higashi, and Prof. Yoshida (OCU) have been published in an academic journal

The joint research findings of Graduate student Shuangyuan Feng (Nagoya University), Associate Professor Shin Kajita (Nagoya University), Professor Tetsuyasu Ohno (Nagoya University), Specially Appointed Associate Professor Masanobu Higashi (Osaka City University) and Professor Tomoko Yoshida (Osaka City University) have been published in Applied Surface Science, published by Elsevier.

Photoelectrochemical properties of plasma-induced nanostructured tungsten oxide