
May 30, 2024

Call for Abstracts for the 20th UReC seminar: The Dynamic of Urban Landscape

Call for Abstracts
The Dynamic of Urban Landscape

25 June, 2024
at Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Urban Resilience Research Center, Osaka Metropolitan University
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta


The themes offered are quite broad, covering the following topics, but not limited to;

    1. Art and urban landscape
    2. Kampong art in urban landscape
    3. Culture on dynamic of urban landscape
    4. Urban in the past and future
    5. Media art for urban landscape
    6. Linguistic and dynamic urban life
    7. Commercialization of urban landscape

Important Dates

2 June, 2024: Abstract submission deadline
5 June, 2024: Notification of abstract acceptance
25 June, 2024: Seminar date


E-mail: urp.fib[at]ugm.ac.id

Seminar Fees

Presenters: IDR 100K
Participants; Students: IDR 100K, Public: IDR 150K


Snacks, Lunch and T-shirt

Call for Abstracts The 20th UReC seminar (359.9KB)