
Feb 20, 2024

  • Research
  • Press release

Drug Repurposing for Motor Function Recovery-- Demonstration of Enhanced Motor Learning Ability by Cardiac Glycosides: Junichi Hashimoto (Miyai Laboratory): Neuroscience Journal

The research paper by Junichi Hashimoto, a visiting researcher at the Miyai Laboratory, has been accepted for publication in the journal “Neuroscience".

Effects of Cardiac Glycoside Digoxin on Dendritic Spines and Motor Learning Performance in Mice

Junichi Hashimoto, Erika Fujita, Keisuke Tanimoto, Suzuo Kondo, and Kazumasa Matsumoto-Miyai. Neuroscience, 541:77-90, 2024.

Abstract: When digoxin, a cardiac glycoside clinically used as a heart medication, was administered to mice, a significant increase in long-shaped dendritic spines of pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex was observed. (Dendritic spines are the postsynaptic structures of excitatory synapses, with long shapes characteristic of newly formed spines.) Additionally, motor learning ability was significantly improved.
We believe this finding could potentially be applied to the reconstruction of neural circuits and the promotion of rehabilitation following brain injury.

For a more detailed overview, please refer to the latest research findings in the press release (in Japanese) from Osaka Metropolitan University.


  • SDGs03