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サイエンスフロンティア(物理学専攻) 開講情報
招聘教授:Francesco Toppan
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), ブラジル
Mixed-brackets "metasymmetry" of braided Majorana qubits
(A) 杉本キャンパスでの講義 (対面)
講義1, 講義2 : 4/15(月)4, 5コマ 理学部棟F216室(第8講義室)
講義3 : 4/19(金) 4コマ 理学部棟F204室(第3講義室)
学生とのディスカッション : 4/19(金) 5コマ 理学部棟F204室(第3講義室)
(B) 中百舌鳥キャンパスでの講義 (対面)
講義1, 講義2 : 4/22(月) 4,5コマ A13-306 (セミナー室B)
講義3 : 4/25(木) 4コマ A13-306 (セミナー室B)
学生とのディスカッション : 4/25(木) 5コマ (A13-306 セミナー室B)
(C) セミナー (対面, オンライン)
4/23(火) 13:30 中百舌鳥 A13-306 (セミナー室B)
The concept of "metasymmetry" which does not respect the even/odd grading
of Lie superalgebras was introduced in 1990 by Leites and Serganova in the context of the
so-called Volichenko algebras. Metasymmetry can play a role in parastatistics defined by
mixed brackets which interpolate between ordinary commutators and anticommutators.
The braidings of multiparticle Majorana qubits depend on an integer n=2,3,4, ... .
For n=2 one recovers ordinary fermions; for n>2 a parastatistics where at most n-1 paraparticles
can be accommodated in a given sector; in the n-> infinity limit one recovers the spectrum of an ordinary bosonic theory.
In this talk I introduce the notion of "generalized mixed-brackets Heisenberg-Lie algebras", labeled by the integer n.
It is shown that they act as dynamical metasymmetries of the multiparticle braided Majorana qubits for the corresponding value of n.
受け入れ教員: 会沢 成彦