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理学国際教育研究センター 研究セミナー情報
下記の通り、理学国際教育研究センター 研究セミナーを開催いたします。
Professor Bo Zhou (Fudan University, China)
Search for Hoyle-analog States in Light Nuclei
The formation of nuclear clustering is one of the most fascinating phenomena in nuclear physics, with the most famous example being the Hoyle state in 12C. This state plays a pivotal role in explaining the abundant production of carbon in the universe via the triple-alpha process. Moreover, the Hoyle state itself exhibits a unique structure of three alpha clusters, where the neutrons and protons in 12C group together into three alpha clusters. These alpha clusters, acting as bosons, form a quasi-Bose-Einstein condensate structure through weak correlations. In fact, nuclear clustering structures are prevalent in light nuclei, especially in excited and resonant states around the clustering threshold, where a rich variety of clustering structures have been identified both theoretically and experimentally. Investigating the formation and dynamics of such clustering structures and searching for Hoyle-analogy states are crucial for understanding nuclear structure, nucleon interactions, and exploring quantum many-body dynamics.
7/26(金) 15:00
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担当者:堀内 渉