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理学国際教育研究センター 研究セミナー情報


理学国際教育研究センター 研究セミナー情報

8/2 Dr. Christopher H. Switzher


 下記の通り、理学国際教育研究センター 研究セミナーを開催いたします。




  Christopher H. Switzher  Lecturer  University of Leicester, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology


  専門分野:Biological Chemistry of Sulfur; Inflammation & Epigenetics



   Epigenetic Alterations Induced by Reactive Nitrogen and Sulfur Species (反応性窒素および硫黄種によって誘発されるエピジェネティックな変化, 仮)



DNA methylation controls DNA accessibility to transcription factors and other regulatory proteins, thereby affecting gene expression and hence cellular identity and function. As epigenetic modifications control the transcriptome, epigenetic dysfunction is strongly associated with pathological conditions and ageing. The development of pharmacological agents that modulate the activity of major epigenetic proteins are in pre-clinical development and clinical use. However, recent publications have identified novel redox-based signalling pathways, and therefore novel drug targets, that may exert epigenetic effects. This seminar will discuss the recent developments in redox signalling regulated by reactive nitrogen and sulfur species on DNA methylation as well as potential epigenetic drug targets that have emerged from the intersection of inflammation/redox biology and epigenetic regulation.



   中百舌鳥キャンパスC10棟 5階大講義室(503)

   8/2(金) 13:15-14:45

