2024年度 研究セミナー


Month Name Affiliation Title Date, Time and Venue
4 Igor Alabugin Florida State University, USA Accumulating and Releasing Energy to Drive Chemical Reactions:
From Stereoelectronic Frustration to Electron Upconversion
4/17(水) 16:00~17:00,
理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Francesco Toppan Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil Mixed-brackets "Metasymmetry" of Braided Majorana Qubits 4/23(火)  13:30~14:30,
中百舌鳥 C.(対面・オンライン)
5月 Nayuta-Yakushiji Kaminatsui RIKEN, Japan What are Polycomb Group Proteins Doing in Mouse Limb Development? 5/20(月) 16:00~17:00,
理学部FF205, 杉本 C.
Jean-Pascal SUTTER CNRS, France Open-Frameworks Stitched by Ionic H-Bonds:
towards robust and modular porous molecular solids
5/21(火) 17:00~18:00,
理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Jeremy C. Smith University of Tennessee/
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Designing Vaccines and Drugs with Computers 5/29(水)  13:30~14:30,
A-12, 中百舌鳥 C.
Narasimhan Gautam Washington University in St. Louis, USA Beauty in Science 5/30(木) 16:00~17:00,
EE108, 杉本 C.
6月 In-Jee Jeong Seolu National University, Republic of Korea Incompressible Euler Equations: A priori Estimates and Beyond 6/6(木) 17:00~18:00
EE408, 杉本 C.
Ganesan Mani Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India Transition Metal Complexes Bearing Newly Designed Ligands for Catalysis 6/24(月) 16:30~17:30,
理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
7月 Onno Muller Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany Field Phenotyping: Quantifying Plant Response to The Environment. 7/9(火) 15:00~16:00,
理学部FF216, 杉本 C.
Tian Xingjun Nanjing University, China 7/10(水)15:00~16:30, 理学部FF214
Tran Van Anh Ha Noi University of Mining and Geology, Viet-Nam SAR Reote Sensing for Measuring Land Deformation 7/17(水) 13:30~1430,
GG101, 杉本 C.
Sittichai Choosumrong Naresuan University, Thailand Geospatial Data Acquisition and Analysis Using IoT Devices and UAV 7/17(水) 14:30~15:30
理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Ai Shinobu Osaka University, Japan Deciphering the Molecular Origin of Cellular Processes Using
Advanced Molecular Dynamics Simulations Methods
7/18(木)  15:00~16:00.
理学部FF212, 杉本 C.
Riccardo Vago University Vita-Salute San Raffaele/
Urological Research Institute, Italy
From Plant Defense to Tumor Attack:
Multiple Approaches of Toxin Delivery for Cancer Treatment
7/19(金) 13:15~14:15,
中百舌鳥 C.
Ines Neundorf University of Cologne, Germany Bifunctional Peptides Altering Localizationand Function of Intracellular Proteins 7/26(金) 13:15~1415,
中百舌鳥 C.
Bo Zhou Fudan University, China Search for Hoyle-analog States in Light Nuclei 7/26(金)  15:00~16:00
FF214, 杉本 C.(対面・オンライン)
8月 Christpher Switzer University of Leicester, UK Epigenetic Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis 8/2(金) 13:15~1415
C10-503, 中百舌鳥 C.
10月 Chih-Horng Kuo  Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Agung Harijoko Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Volcanological Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation
and Geothermal Exploration for Indonesia's Welfare 
10/21(月) 5, A12, 中百舌鳥 C.
Redouan Bshary University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Canceled 中止
11月 Bernie Kraatz University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada Beyond Peptide Materials: Aerogel Composites
for the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2
11/6(金) 16:00~17:00, 理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Bernard Leclerc Université de Caen, France Shifted Quantum Affine Algebras and Cluster Algebras 11/8(金) 16:45~17:45, 理学EE408, 杉本C. 
Javier Campo University of Zaragoza/
Spanish National Research Council, Spain
To Be Announced 11/13(水) 4限または5, 会場未定, 中百舌鳥 C. (対面・オンライン)
Xianfeng Song  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Advancing Hydrological Modeling with
Open-Access Datasets and AI Technologies
11/26(火) 13:00~14:00, 理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Vinayaraj Poliyapram Rakuten Group Inc, Japan Advanced AI Application in Location Intelligence
in the Era of Foundational Models
11/26(火) 14:00~15:00, 理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Roberto Passante University of Palermo, Italy To Be Announced 11/29(金) 4, 会場未定
12月 Iona Mcintosh JAMSTEC, Japan How Can We Investigate Past Eruptions of Submarine Volcanoes? 12/2(月) 5, 理学GG101
Vitaly Moroz Swansea University, UK The Choquard Equation and The Related Topics 1/10(金) 16:00~17:00, A12, 中百舌鳥 C.
Masaki Horie National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Photo- and Thermally-Responsive Crystalline Molecular Machines 1/15(水) 16:00~17:00, 理学部GG101, 杉本 C.
Yohsuke Imagi ShanghaiTech University, China Compact Calabi--Yau Conifolds 1/24(金) 16:00~17:00, 理学部FF415, 杉本 C.