
  • Lecture

Prof. Igor Alabugin来学_サイエンスフロンティア


サイエンスフロンティア化学セミナー1:4月17日(水)16:00- @G棟101サイエンスホール
セミナー題目:Accumulating and releasing energy to drive chemical reactions: from stereoelectronic frustration to electron upconversion
セミナー内容:Molecules store energy and, as bonds are formed and broken, every chemical process can either store or release energy.  This talk will discuss practical ways for incorporating this common knowledge into reaction design and in searching for new physical phenomena.

サイエンスフロンティアA, B(化学)(講義):4月19日(金)および 26日(金)3限 @G棟310大会議室
講義内容:This course will provide a set of tools (concepts) needed to understand molecular structure, to analyze and predict chemical reactivity in molecular and supramolecular systems. In the second part of the course, these concepts will be used to design and control a variety of cyclization and cycloaddition reactions.
