Talks (講演)
2023/04 - 2024/03
Knot theory, Geometric Lie Group Action and Its Applications 2024 (Tokyo University of Science, Kagurazaka),
The 8th workshop “Complex Geometry and Lie Groups” (Osaka University Nakanoshima Center ),
"Introduction to quandles and discrete symmetric spaces",
Geometry Day (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela),
鶴岡微分幾何学研究集会 (庄内産業振興センター), 2024/10/26
"Some properties of finite two-point homogeneous quandles",
Knots and Related Topics (大阪公立大学), 2024/09/11
"Some properties of finite two-point homogeneous quandles",
千歳幾何学研究集会 (公立千歳科学技術大学), 2024/08/06
千歳幾何学研究集会 (公立千歳科学技術大学), 2024/08/05
2023/04 - 2024/03
"リー群上の左不変な幾何構造について:モジュライ空間と特別な構造の存在・非存在問題", 名工大幾何学講演会 2024 (名古屋工業大学), 2024/03/02
"Left-invariant geometric structures on Lie groups and their moduli spaces",
The 4th International Conference on Geometry, Analysis, and Numerics in Differential Geometry (Rexxam Hall, Kagawa), 2024/02/23
"", 立命館大学幾何学セミナー (立命館大学), 2024/01/15
部分多様体幾何とリー群作用 2023 (東京理科大学), 2023/11/21
"Quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces",
7th Tunisian-Japanese Conference: Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Applications (Iberostar Selection Kuriat Palace, Monastir, Tunisia), 2023/10/31-11/04
"On the moduli spaces of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on Lie groups",
Representation Theory and Differential Geometry on homogeneous spaces (Osaka Metropolitan University), 2023/09/06
The 21st OCAMI-RIRCM Joint Differential Geometry Workshop (Pukyong National University, Korea), 2023/08/28
2022/04 - 2023/03
Mini-Workshop: Global Analysis and Geometry (Osaka Metropolitan University), 2023/03/30
部分多様体幾何とリー群作用 2022 (東京理科大学), 2023/03/28
"", 東京理科大学理工学部数学科談話会 (東京理科大学幾何学セミナーと合同開催), 2022/11/11
2021/04 - 2022/03
"Introduction to quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", Geometry of Symmetric Spaces and Group Actions (online), 2022/02/17
"Codimension one Ricci soliton subgroups of solvable Iwasawa groups", The 6th China-Japan Geometry Conference , 2021/12/28
"Milnor-type theorems for left-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metrics", Workshop: 擬リーマン多様体の幾何の諸相 (online), 2021/12/03
"Quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces - a survey", カンドルと対称空間 (online), 2021/11/26
"Introduction to quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces", 北海道大学幾何学コロキウム (online), 2021/11/08
"Codimension one Ricci soliton subgroups of solvable Iwasawa groups", 対称空間と群作用の幾何学 (online), 2021/09/28
"Totally geodesic surfaces in symmetric spaces and applications", The 23rd International Differential Geometry Workshop on Submanifolds in Homogeneous Spaces and Related Topics - The 19th RIRCM-OCAMI Joint Differential Geometry Workshop (online), 2021/07/03
2020/04 - 2021/03
"可解岩澤群内の余次元 1 リッチソリトン部分群", 部分多様体幾何とリー群作用2020 (online), 2021/03/19
"A commutativity condition for subsets in quandles --- a generalization of antipodal subsets", 筑波大学微分幾何学セミナー (online), 2021/01/05
2019/04 - 2020/03
"Quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", 第15回代数・解析・幾何学セミナー (鹿児島大学), 2020/02/13
"Quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", 淡路島幾何学研究集会 2020 (南あわじ市阿那賀地区公民館), 2020/01/24
"Left-invariant metrics and submanifold geometry of noncompact symmetric spaces", AMS Special Session on Differential Geometry and Global Analysis, Honoring the Memory of Tadashi Nagano (1930-2017) (Colorado Convention Center, USA), 2020/01/16
"Geometry of homogeneous hypersurfaces in noncompact symmetric spaces", Symmetry and shape - Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. J. Berndt (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), 2019/10/28
"Moment maps and isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres --- some recent results", The 22nd International Workshop on Differential Geometry of Submanifolds in Symmetric Spaces and Related Problems (Kyungpook National University), 2019/08/02
"On the moduli spaces of left-invariant geometric structures", Workshop on geometric analysis and homogeneous geometry (The University of Queensland), 2019/06/27
"Geometry of homogeneous hypersurfaces in noncompact symmetric spaces", 第2回水戸幾何小研究集会 (茨城大学), 2019/06/22
"Moment maps and isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres", Workshop on the Isoparametric Theory (Beijing Normal University), 2019/06/04
2018/04 - 2019/03
"サッカーの幾何学:変分法に基づくゴールキーパーの最適位置", 淡路島幾何学研究集会 2019 (阿那賀地区公民館), 2019/01/25
"カンドルおよび対称空間内のある種の部分集合", 部分多様体論・湯沢2018 (湯沢グランドホテル), 2018/11/30
"Symmetric spaces, submanifold geometry, and left-invariant metrics", OCAMI 談話会 (大阪市立大学), 2018/10/17
"Discrete symmetric spaces, quandles, and their subsets", 広島大学数学教室談話会 (広島大学), 2018/07/24
"Flat quandles, graphs, and subsets in symmetric spaces", 第35回代数的組合せ論シンポジウム (広島工業大学), 2018/06/19
"Examples of weakly reflective submanifolds in noncompact symmetric spaces", Hiroshima Differential Geometry Day 2018 (Hiroshima University), 2018/04/21
Before 2018/03
Under Reconstruction