Talks (講演)

2023/04 - 2024/03

  1. TBA, Knot theory, Geometric Lie Group Action and Its Applications 2024 (Tokyo University of Science, Kagurazaka), 2025/03/24-25
  2. "Nilpotent Lie algebras obtained by quivers and Ricci solitons", The 8th workshop “Complex Geometry and Lie Groups” (Osaka University Nakanoshima Center), 2025/03/13
  3. "Introduction to quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", Geometry Day (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), 2025/02/18
  4. "カンドルのオイラー標数", 鶴岡微分幾何学研究集会 (庄内産業振興センター), 2024/10/26
  5. "Some properties of finite two-point homogeneous quandles", Knots and Related Topics (大阪公立大学), 2024/09/11
  6. "Some properties of finite two-point homogeneous quandles", 千歳幾何学研究集会 (公立千歳科学技術大学), 2024/08/06
  7. "不変量の簡単な紹介【学生向け講演】", 千歳幾何学研究集会 (公立千歳科学技術大学), 2024/08/05

2023/04 - 2024/03

  1. "リー群上の左不変な幾何構造について:モジュライ空間と特別な構造の存在・非存在問題", 名工大幾何学講演会 2024 (名古屋工業大学), 2024/03/02
  2. "Left-invariant geometric structures on Lie groups and their moduli spaces", The 4th International Conference on Geometry, Analysis, and Numerics in Differential Geometry (Rexxam Hall, Kagawa), 2024/02/23
  3. "リー群上の左不変な幾何構造について:モジュライ空間と特別な構造の存在・非存在問題", 立命館大学幾何学セミナー (立命館大学), 2024/01/15
  4. "Quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces", 部分多様体幾何とリー群作用 2023 (東京理科大学), 2023/11/21
  5. "Quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces", 7th Tunisian-Japanese Conference: Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Applications (Iberostar Selection Kuriat Palace, Monastir, Tunisia), 2023/10/31-11/04
  6. "On the moduli spaces of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on Lie groups", Representation Theory and Differential Geometry on homogeneous spaces (Osaka Metropolitan University), 2023/09/06
  7. "On the moduli spaces of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on Lie groups", The 21st OCAMI-RIRCM Joint Differential Geometry Workshop (Pukyong National University, Korea), 2023/08/28

2022/04 - 2023/03

  1. "On the moduli spaces of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on Lie groups", Mini-Workshop: Global Analysis and Geometry (Osaka Metropolitan University), 2023/03/30
  2. "Lie groups whose moduli spaces of left-invariant Riemannian metrics are one-dimensional", 部分多様体幾何とリー群作用 2022 (東京理科大学), 2023/03/28
  3. "Geometry of some nilpotent Lie groups with left-invariant metrics", 東京理科大学理工学部数学科談話会 (東京理科大学幾何学セミナーと合同開催), 2022/11/11

2021/04 - 2022/03

  1. "Introduction to quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", Geometry of Symmetric Spaces and Group Actions (online), 2022/02/17
  2. "Codimension one Ricci soliton subgroups of solvable Iwasawa groups", The 6th China-Japan Geometry Conference, 2021/12/28
  3. "Milnor-type theorems for left-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metrics", Workshop: 擬リーマン多様体の幾何の諸相 (online), 2021/12/03
  4. "Quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces - a survey", カンドルと対称空間 (online), 2021/11/26
  5. "Introduction to quandles from the viewpoint of symmetric spaces", 北海道大学幾何学コロキウム (online), 2021/11/08
  6. "Codimension one Ricci soliton subgroups of solvable Iwasawa groups", 対称空間と群作用の幾何学 (online), 2021/09/28
  7. "Totally geodesic surfaces in symmetric spaces and applications", The 23rd International Differential Geometry Workshop on Submanifolds in Homogeneous Spaces and Related Topics - The 19th RIRCM-OCAMI Joint Differential Geometry Workshop (online), 2021/07/03

2020/04 - 2021/03

  1. "可解岩澤群内の余次元 1 リッチソリトン部分群", 部分多様体幾何とリー群作用2020 (online), 2021/03/19
  2. "A commutativity condition for subsets in quandles --- a generalization of antipodal subsets", 筑波大学微分幾何学セミナー (online), 2021/01/05

2019/04 - 2020/03

  1. "Quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", 第15回代数・解析・幾何学セミナー (鹿児島大学), 2020/02/13
  2. "Quandles and discrete symmetric spaces", 淡路島幾何学研究集会 2020 (南あわじ市阿那賀地区公民館), 2020/01/24
  3. "Left-invariant metrics and submanifold geometry of noncompact symmetric spaces", AMS Special Session on Differential Geometry and Global Analysis, Honoring the Memory of Tadashi Nagano (1930-2017) (Colorado Convention Center, USA), 2020/01/16
  4. "Geometry of homogeneous hypersurfaces in noncompact symmetric spaces", Symmetry and shape - Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. J. Berndt (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), 2019/10/28
  5. "Moment maps and isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres --- some recent results", The 22nd International Workshop on Differential Geometry of Submanifolds in Symmetric Spaces and Related Problems (Kyungpook National University), 2019/08/02
  6. "On the moduli spaces of left-invariant geometric structures", Workshop on geometric analysis and homogeneous geometry (The University of Queensland), 2019/06/27
  7. "Geometry of homogeneous hypersurfaces in noncompact symmetric spaces", 第2回水戸幾何小研究集会 (茨城大学), 2019/06/22
  8. "Moment maps and isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres", Workshop on the Isoparametric Theory (Beijing Normal University), 2019/06/04

2018/04 - 2019/03

  1. "サッカーの幾何学:変分法に基づくゴールキーパーの最適位置", 淡路島幾何学研究集会 2019 (阿那賀地区公民館), 2019/01/25
  2. "カンドルおよび対称空間内のある種の部分集合", 部分多様体論・湯沢2018 (湯沢グランドホテル), 2018/11/30
  3. "Symmetric spaces, submanifold geometry, and left-invariant metrics", OCAMI 談話会 (大阪市立大学), 2018/10/17
  4. "Discrete symmetric spaces, quandles, and their subsets", 広島大学数学教室談話会 (広島大学), 2018/07/24
  5. "Flat quandles, graphs, and subsets in symmetric spaces", 第35回代数的組合せ論シンポジウム (広島工業大学), 2018/06/19
  6. "Examples of weakly reflective submanifolds in noncompact symmetric spaces", Hiroshima Differential Geometry Day 2018 (Hiroshima University), 2018/04/21

Before 2018/03

  • Under Reconstruction