Human Resources Development Working Group
Purpose of the Human Resources Development WG
Achieving carbon neutrality requires both technological and social innovations, and it is necessary to face unknown challenges that cannot be solved by existing technologies and knowledge alone. The development of human resources and the improvement of environmental literacy, which will be the bearers of these efforts, are urgent issues in the world and in the country. It is also important to work on human resources development that meets the needs of society, develop problem-solving skills based on practical application in society, and foster social entrepreneurs.
From these perspectives, Human Resources Development WG will deepen discussions on the elements necessary for human resources development to achieve carbon neutrality, while incorporating knowledge from the initiatives of companies, local governments, and other organizations, as well as advanced overseas examples. In addition to these activities, the Center also aims to promote the creation of curricula and teaching materials through collaboration within the university, as well as the exchange of human resources between companies, local governments, universities and technical colleges.
Examples of Activities
Offering Common Courses in the College of Sustainable System Sciences
“Systems and Sustainability" has been offered as a common course in the College of Sustainable System Sciences from the 2022 academic year.
Students can learn about sustainability from the perspective of the four systems of information, natural, social, and human, which correspond to the four academic departments of the College of Sustainable System Sciences, in a cross disciplinary manner.
Discussions are underway to see if these studies can be expanded to the entire university and if they can be offered to Osaka Metropolitan University College of Technology.
Creating a system for human resources development utilizing students' environmental activities
At Osaka Metropolitan University, students are involved in a variety of environmental activities. Since practical experience is very important for sustainability education, not only carbon neutrality, Human Resources Development WG is discussing the possibility of establishing a system for human resources development that takes advantage of such voluntary activities by students.
Below are some examples of student activities.
Example 1: Activities by “Environmental Club (ecolosuke)”
At Osaka Metropolitan University, the “Environmental Club (ecolosuke)” promotes environmental awareness activities and reusing/recycling, both on and off campus. Through these activities, students aim to realize a sustainable society.
Example 2: Forest Growing Activities
At Osaka Metropolitan University College of Technology, as part of its extracurricular activities, the "Space Design Club" has been involved in the "Forest Growing" activities at Mt. Makio in Izumi City since 2012 in cooperation with the Osaka Prefectural Government and other organizations. Through these activities, students learn about forest conservation and regeneration.