Peer-reviewed papers
[45] "In Situ Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Measurement System for Characterizations of Hydrogen-bonded Organic Framework Nanosheets Assembled on the Liquid Surface with Bending Magnet-based X-ray Source"Takeshi Watanabe*, Takashi Ohata, Rie Makiura, and Ichiro Hirosawa
JPS Conference Proceedings, 41, 011009 (2024).
Published : 1 March 2024 [44] "Self-Assembly of Peptide-Conjugated Forklike Mesogens at Aqueous/Liquid Crystalline Interfaces: Molecular Design for Ordering Transition Induced by Specific Binding of Biomolecules"
Junya Uchida*, Anna Niwa, Mina Hasome, Rie Makiura, Nicholas L. Abbott and Takashi Kato*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15, 30, 36657-3666 (2023).
Published : 21 July 2023
Self-assembly of functional liquid crystals provides a powerful approach to the development of stimuli-responsive materials and interfaces. Here, we have designed and synthesized bioconjugated amphiphilic dendritic mesogens containing arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD) peptide sequence to develop new biofunctional aqueous/liquid crystalline interfaces. We have found that the RGD peptide-conjugated forklike mesogens induce the homeotropic alignment of liquid crystals at the aqueous interfaces, leading to distinct optical changes caused by the specific binding of the target proteins. In contrast, no response to the target protein is observed for the interfaces prepared with the RGD peptide-conjugated single mesogen. Molecular insights into the orientation and stimuli-responsiveness of the bioconjugated mesogens at the interfaces are obtained based on measurements of the Langmuir films and self-assembled properties of these molecules. These results demonstrate that the number of rodlike cores of the bioconjugated mesogens affects the monolayer structures formed at the aqueous interface as well as the liquid crystalline properties. We propose a new molecular design of bioconjugated mesogens to couple biomolecular interactions at the aqueous interfaces with the ordering transition of the liquid crystals. These materials have the potential to tailor the responsiveness of liquid crystalline interfaces for biomolecular sensing.
Kazuaki Tachimoto, Takashi Ohata, Kanokwan Jumtee Takeno, Akihiro Nomoto, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichiro Hirosawa, and Rie Makiura*
Langmuir, 39, 8952-8962 (2023).
Published: 16 June 2023
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)─crystalline coordination polymers─with unique characteristics such as structural designability accompanied by tunable electronic properties and intrinsic uniform nanopores have become the platform for applications in diverse scientific areas ranging from nanotechnology to energy/environmental sciences. To utilize the superior features of MOF in potential applications, the fabrication and integration of thin films are of importance and have been actively sought. Especially, downsized MOFs into nanosheets can act as ultimately thin functional components in nanodevices and potentially display unique chemical/physical properties rarely seen in bulk MOFs. Assembling nanosheets by aligning amphiphilic molecules at the air/liquid interface has been known as the Langmuir technique. By utilizing the air/liquid interface as a reaction field between metal ions and organic ligands, MOFs are readily formed into the nanosheet state. The expected features in MOF nanosheets including electrical conduction largely depend on the nanosheet characteristics such as lateral size, thickness, morphology, crystallinity, and orientation. However, their control has not been achieved as yet. Here, we demonstrate how changing the concentration of a ligand spread solution can modify the assembly of MOF nanosheets, composed of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenylene (HITP) and Ni2+ ions (HITP-Ni-NS), at the air/liquid interface. A systematic increase in the concentration of the ligand spread solution leads to the enlargement of both the lateral size and the thickness of the nanosheets while retaining their perfect alignment and preferred orientation. On the other hand, at much higher concentrations, we find that unreacted ligand molecules are included in HITP-Ni-NS, introducing disorder in HITP-Ni-NS. These findings can develop further sophisticated control of MOF nanosheet features, accelerating fundamental and applied studies on MOFs.
Shintaro Toda, Kanokwan Jumtee Takeno, and Rie Makiura*
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 181, 111512 (2023).
Published: 16 June 2023
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are crystalline organic materials with high porosity. The COFs are typically electrical insulators because of their wide bandgaps and closed-shell structures despite their π–π layer stacking motif suitable for carrier conduction. Here, we report a strategy for realizing tunable electrical conductivity in COFs by intercalating redox-active guest molecules. The approach is demonstrated using COF-5 with a boronate-ester-linked two-dimensional structure and one-dimensional nanopore channels infiltrated by 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinododimethane (TCNQ). Successful incorporation of guest TCNQ molecules into the cavities of the COF-5 host is confirmed by vibrational and optical spectroscopies and results in the appearance of guest–host charge-transfer transitions for TCNQ-intercalated COF-5. Overall electrical conductivities are enhanced by the carrier generation induced by the charge transfer between TCNQ and COF-5 with the retained layer-stacked structures in COF-5 also contributing to the conduction pathways. The tunable electronic properties of COFs realized by the host–guest strategies established here will further promote refinement of design principles of conductive COFs and deeper understanding of the conduction mechanism while simultaneously providing opportunities for using COFs in diverse applications.
Takashi Ohata, Akihiro Nomoto, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichiro Hirosawa, Tatsuyuki Makita, Jun Takeya, and Rie Makiura*
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, in press.
Available online : 26 May 2023
The air/liquid interface is a superior platform to create nanosheets of materials by promoting spontaneous two-dimensional growth of components. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)—intrinsically porous crystals—with π-conjugated triphenylene-based ligands show high electrical conductivities. Forming nanosheets of such conductive MOFs should enable their use in electronic devices. Although highly conductive MOF nanosheets have been created at the air/liquid interface, direct control of their continuity, morphology, thickness, crystallinity, and orientation directly influencing device performance remains as an issue to be addressed. Here, we present detailed insights into the formation process of electrically conductive MOF nanosheets composed of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenylene (HITP) and Ni2+ ions (HITP-Ni-NS) at the air/liquid interface. The morphological and structural features of HITP-Ni-NS strongly depend on the standing time—the time without any external actions involved, but leaving the interface undisturbed after setting the ligand solution onto the metal-ion solution. We find that the fundamental features of HITP-Ni-NS are determined by the standing time with conductivity sensitively influenced by such pre-determined HITP-Ni-NS characteristics. These findings will lead towards the establishment of a rational strategy for creating MOF nanosheets at the air/liquid interface with desired properties, thereby accelerating their use in diverse potential applications.
Takashi Ohata, Kazuaki Tachimoto, Kanokwan Jumtee Takeno, Akihiro Nomoto, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichiro Hirosawa, Rie Makiura*
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 96, 3, 274-282 (2023).
Published: 11 March 2023
Nanosheets of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)—porous crystalline materials consisting of metal ions and organic ligands—are actively studied for their intrinsic chemical/physical properties attributed to the reduced dimensionality and for their potential to function as ideal components of nanodevices, especially when electrical conduction is present. Air/liquid interfacial synthesis is a promising technique to obtain highly oriented MOF nanosheets. However, rational control of size and shape combined with the aimed functionality remains an important issue to address making it necessary to research the critical factors governing nanosheet characteristics in the interfacial synthesis. Here, we investigate the influence of the solvent—methanol (MeOH) versus N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)—used to prepare a ligand spread solution on an assembly of MOF nanosheets composed of Ni2+ and 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenylene (HITP) (HITP-Ni-NS). We find that the macroscopic morphological uniformity in the micrometer scale is higher when DMF is used as the solvent. Regarding the microscopic crystalline domain, molecules of DMF with relatively high polarity and boiling point are involved in HITP-Ni-NS formation, hindering its growth and resulting in nanosheets with slightly smaller lateral size than that grown when MeOH is used. These findings provide crucial guidelines towards establishing a judicious strategy for creating desired MOF nanosheets at the air/liquid interface, thereby driving forward research on both fundamental and applied aspects of this field.
[39] "Ambipolar Nickel Dithiolene Complex Semiconductors: From One- to Two-Dimensional Electronic Structures Based upon Alkoxy Chain Lengths"
Masatoshi Ito, Tomoko Fujino*, Lei Zhang, So Yokomori, Toshiki Higashino, Rie Makiura, Kanokwan Jumtee Takeno, Taisuke Ozaki, and Hatsumi Mori*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 4, 2127-2134 (2023).
Published: 13 Dec 2022
International Joint Research Paper, Supplementary Cover.
Press Release by ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Osaka Metropolitan University, Highlighted in The University of Tokyo, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, EE Times Japan, and Tech+.
Air-stable single-component ambipolar organic semiconductors that conduct both holes and electrons are highly desired but have been rarely realized. Neutral nickel bis(dithiolene) complexes are promising candidates that fulfill the stringent electronic requirements of shallow HOMO levels and deep LUMO levels, which can reduce the carrier injection barrier to overcome the work function of gold electrodes and ensure air stability. However, most nickel bis(dithiolene) analogs that have been characterized as ambipolar semiconductors have twisted molecular structures that hinder the effective intermolecular interactions required for carrier conduction. To address this issue, we synthesized planar alkoxy-substituted nickel bis(dithiolene) analogs that facilitate dense packing with effective intermolecular interactions. Remarkably, changing the methoxy substituents to ethoxy or propoxy groups led to a dramatic change in the packing mode, from one-dimensional to herringbone-like, while maintaining effective intermolecular interactions. These materials overcome the usual trade-off between crystallinity and solubility; they are highly crystalline, even in their film forms, and are highly soluble in organic solvents. They are therefore readily solution-processable to form semiconducting layers with well-defined and well-ordered structures in field-effect transistors. Devices based on these compounds exhibited efficient ambipolar characteristics, even after several months of exposure to air, achieving high carrier mobilities of up to 10–2 cm2 V–1 s–1 and large on/off ratios of up to 105, which are the top-class performances achieved for a single-component ambipolar semiconductor material driven in air.
[38] "Metal-Organic Framework and Hydrogen-bonded Organic Framework Nanosheets Assembled at Air/Water Interfaces — Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications"
Rie Makiura*
Zeolite, 39(3), 96-111 (2022).
Published: 15 July 2022
Sheet-like nanomaterials with thicknesses ranging from a few nanometers to a dozen nanometers are called nanosheets. Since they are the ultimate thin functional materials, they contribute to miniaturize various devices/products and resource conservation. Many nanosheets reported so far are produced by exfoliating macro-scale materials. This requires many processes such as synthesis of macro-scale crystals under high temperature and high pressure, exfoliation, preparation of dispersion solutions for exfoliated materials (nanosheets), and film formation of exfoliated nanosheets. In addition, the exfoliation process requires chemical or physical stimulations such as sonication under existence of solvents or grinding which causes degradation and re-agglomeration of the nanosheets. We have developed a simple method by utilizing air/water interfaces for creating molecular nanosheets. The major process is dropping a solution containing organic molecules, which are the building blocks of nanosheets, onto a water surface at room temperature. With the air/water interfacial synthesis, we have succeeded in creating nanosheets of crystalline and porous coordination polymers (MOFs: metal-organic frameworks) and hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs: hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks). Organic molecules spread at the air/liquid interface connect each other in a two-dimensional direction and align regularly, resulting in formation of crystalline nanosheets with uniform nanopores. These nanosheets are stable without aggregation at the air/water interface and can be transferred to various substrates depending on the required application while retaining their porous structure. Such nanosheets with regularly arranged molecules and nanopores of uniform shape and size can be used diverse applications including high-performance separation membranes, thin film solar cells, molecular sensors and electrodes of batteries. In this article, detailed synthetic procedures of MOF and HOF nanosheets using the air/water interface are explained together with their characterization methods and potential applications.
[37] "Creation of Metal–Organic Framework Nanosheets by the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique"
Rie Makiura*
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 469, 15, 214650 (2022).
Received: 17 February 2022; Accepted: 30 May 2022, Published online: 22 June 2022
Press Release by Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka Metropolitan University (English). Highlighted in EurekAlert!, AsiaResearchNews, AlphaGalileo.
Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in research on metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) – highly ordered microporous materials composed of metal ions and organic linkers – resulting in an increased understanding of the relationship between framework structure/components and performance in various applications in diverse fields such as electronics, energy creation/storage and biomaterials. For most potential applications, organizing MOFs into two-dimensional (2D) thin films – nanosheets – is necessary. In order to create MOF nanosheets, two experimental approaches have been developed: top-down and bottom-up and most review papers on MOF nanosheets deal with these two methods. In this review, I focus on the bottom-up approach for creation of MOF nanosheets, a simple process with one or few steps that potentially offers access to large nanosheets with macroscopic continuity. Especially, the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) methodology utilizing air/liquid interfaces is sequentially discussed. Because of the ultrathin state of nanosheets, characterization methods of MOF nanosheets often differ from those employed for bulk MOF crystals conducted with conventional techniques. Therefore, representative and useful techniques to determine nanosheet characteristics are explained in detail. Following that, I discuss the structural and morphological development of porphyrin- and triphenylene-based MOF nanosheets that critically influences their chemical/physical properties. Finally, I describe challenges and perspectives related to the LB synthesis towards further understanding of the growth mechanism at the interfaces, leading to extensive applications of MOF nanosheets.
[36] "Uniaxially Oriented Electrically Conductive Metal–Organic Framework Nanosheets Assembled at Air/Liquid Interfaces"
Takashi Ohata, Akihiro Nomoto, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichiro Hirosawa, Tatsuyuki Makita, Jun Takeya, and Rie Makiura*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 54570-54578 (2021). Supplementary Cover
Received: 26 August 2021; Accepted: 13 October 2021, Published online: 27 October 2021
Press Release by Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka Prefecture University (English), The University of Tokyo, The University of Tokyo (English), SPring-8/JASRI, SPring-8/JASRI (English), Highlighted in Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, MynaviNews, EurekAlert!, AsiaResearchNews, AZONANO, ScienceDaily,, Mirage.News, Nanowerk.
Although most metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)—highly porous crystalline metal complex networks with structural and functional varieties—are electrically insulating, high electrical conduction has been recently demonstrated in MOFs while retaining permanent porosity. Usability of electronically active MOFs effectively emerges when they are created in a thin-film state as required in major potential applications such as chemiresistive sensors, supercapacitors, and electrode catalysts. Thin-film morphology including crystallinity, thickness, density, roughness, and orientation sensitively influences device performance. Fine control of such morphological parameters still remains as a main issue to be addressed. Here, we report a bottom-up procedure of assembling a conductive MOF nanosheet composed of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenylene molecules and nickel ions (HITP-Ni-NS). Creation of HITP-Ni-NS is achieved by applying air/liquid (A/L) interfacial bottom-up synthesis. HITP-Ni-NS has a multilayered structure with 14 nm thickness and is endowed with high crystallinity and uniaxial orientation, demonstrated by synchrotron X-ray crystallography. Facile transferability of HITP-Ni-NS assembled at air/liquid interfaces to any desired substrate enables us to measure its electrical conductivity, recorded as 0.6 S cm-1—highest among those of triphenylene-based MOF nanosheets with a thickness lower than 100 nm.
[35] "Direct Causality between Film Formation and Water-Retaining Effect of Surfactant-Based Film-Forming Curing Compound for Concrete"
Yoko Ito, Yuya Sakai*, Rie Makiura, Seunghyun Na, and Taro Toyota
Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 102930 (2021).
Available online 29 June 2021
[34] "Air/Water Interfacial Monolayer Assembly of Peptide-Conjugated Liquid-Crystalline Molecules"
Rie Makiura*, Anna Niwa, Hiroki Eimura, Junya Uchida*, and Takashi Kato*
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 94, 2060-2067 (2021).
Received: 4 May 2021; Accepted: 3 June 2021; Web Released: 19 June 2021

Molecular arrangements of amphiphilic mesogens with tripeptides in monolayers assembled at air/water interfaces are studied. Because of bent structures, the amphiphilic mesogens exist in the liquid-expanded state. The measurements of atomic force microscopy and water contact angle of monolayers transferred on silicon imply that the rigid-rod moieties initially lie on the substrate then rise up by applied surface pressure.
[33] "Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Electrocatalysts Derived from Nanoporous Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution"
Chao Yang, Shanshan Tao, Ning Huang, Xiaobin Zhang, Jingui Duan*, Rie Makiura*, and Shinya Maenosono*
ACS Applied NanoMaterials, 3, 5481-5488 (2020).
Received:24 March 2020, Accepted:15 May 2020, Published online:1 June 2020

Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are vital in the renewable energy platform, particularly fuel cells and rechargeable batteries, where construction of efficient electrocatalysts is a crucial task. In contrast to noble-metal catalysts, heteroatom-doped carbons have recently emerged as new-generation electrocatalysts because of their low cost and high stability/activity. Although unique features of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) including high surface areas, adjustable apertures, and easy introduction of diverse heteroatoms render them promising precursors for heteroatom-doped carbons, development of electrocatalysts derived from COFs with simultaneously high activities of ORR/HER is still at an early stage. Here, we report the creation of metal-free heteroatom-doped carbon catalysts derived from four types of newly designed nanoporous two-dimensional COFs with ordered pores smaller than 1 nm. Both preincorporated N in the pristine COFs and postdoped P heteroatoms are uniformly distributed into the graphitized carbons and functioning as effective active sites for electrocatalysis. Furthermore, the obtained heteroatom (N, P) codoped carbons possess nanoporosity beneficial for efficient introduction of reactants. Therefore, the N, P codoped nanoporous carbons demonstrate robust electrochemical performances for both ORR and HER with a half-wave potential of 0.81 V in alkaline medium and low overpotential of 260 mV in acid solutions. In addition, their catalytic activities are not changed after a long-time cycle. These findings will promote creation of robust COF-derived carbon catalysts in energy storage and conversion as well as development of new COFs with tunable nanopores.
[32] "界面活性剤系被膜養生剤による水分蒸発抑制効果に関する研究 Water-Retaining Effect of Surfactant-Based Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds"
第19回 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム, 150-160 (2019).
Published on October 2019
[31] "ブリュースター角顕微鏡による界面活性剤系被膜養生剤の観察"
生産研究, 2019, 71巻, 1号, p.51-54 (2019).
Published on 31 January 2019
[30] "Controlled Release of DNA from Zinc and Magnesium Ion-Doped Hydroxyapatites"
Chie Kojima*, Kenji Watanabe, Hidenobu Murata, Yuki Nishio, Rie Makiura, Katsuyuki Matsunaga, and Atsushi Nakahira
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 45, 23-32 (2019).
First Online: 11 October 2018
[29] "Influence of Solution pH and Reaction Atmosphere on the Morphology of SrTiO3 Nanocubes Synthesized by Thermohydrolysis"
Rie Makiura*
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 44, 4775-4782 (2018).
First Online: 24 January 2018

The influence of synthetic conditions on the shape and size of SrTiO3 (STO) nanocubes was studied. These were synthesized in aqueous solution using Sr(OH)2 as the Sr2+ source and titanium(IV) bis(ammonium lactate)dihydroxide (TALH) as the TiIV source in the presence of oleic acid and hydrazine. A large excess of OH− at a pH of the precursor solution higher than 12 is necessary for the formation of STO nanocubes without the need for any calcination. Performing the synthesis in a N2 atmosphere additionally prevents the formation of SrCO3 impurity, leading to the creation of uniformly sized STO nanocubes in a reproducible manner. Such size-regulated STO nanocubes are found to align over a large area.
[28] "液相界面ボトムアップ法による分離膜向け分子ナノシートの創製と構造解析 Structural Analysis of Molecular Naonsheets for Separation Membrane Assembled with a Bottom‒Up Approach at Liquid Interfaces"
Takashi Ohata, Ichiro Hirosawa, Takeshi Watanabe, and Rie Makiura*
SPring-8 / SACLA Research Report, 6, 2016B1862 / BL19B2 (2017).
Received: June 29, 2017; Early edition: November 24, 2017
[27] "Air/Liquid Interfacial Nanoassembly of Molecular Building Blocks into Preferentially-Oriented Porous Organic Nanosheet Crystals via Hydrogen Bonding"
Rie Makiura*, Kohei Tsuchiyama, Ehmke Pohl, Kosmas Prassides, Osami Sakata, Hiroo Tajiri, and Oleg Konovalov
ACS Nano, 11, 10875–10882 (2017). Open Access
Publication Date (Web): October 24, 2017

[26] "Solution-Based Sequential Modification of LiCoO2 Particle Surfaces with Iron(II) Oxalate Nanolayers"
Yuki Kishimoto, So Yubuchi, Akitoshi Hayashi, Masahiro Tatsumisago, and Rie Makiura*
CrysEngComm, 19, 4175-4181 (2017).
First published on 19 May 2017

[25] "Optimization of Dendrimer Structure for Sentinel Lymph Node Imaging: Effects of Generation and Terminal Group"
Yuichiro Niki, Mikako Ogawa, Rie Makiura, Yasuhiro Magata, and Chie Kojima*
Nanomedicine: NBM, 11, 2119-2127 (2015).
Available online 5 September 2015

[24] "Liquid-Phase Step-by-Step Growth of an Iron Cyanide Coordination Framework on LiCoO2 Particle Surfaces"
Rie Makiura*, Shingo Teragawa, Kohei Tsuchiyama, Akitoshi Hayashi, Kiyoharu Tadanaga, and Masahiro Tatsumisago
Dalton Transactions, 44, 15279-15287 (2015).
First published online 13 May 2015

[23] "External Stimulation-Controllable Heat-Storage Ceramics"
Hiroko Tokoro, Marie Yoshikiyo, Kenta Imoto, Asuka Namai, Tomomichi Nasu, Kosuke Nakagawa, Noriaki Ozaki, Fumiyoshi Hakoe, Kenji Tanaka, Kouji Chiba, Rie Makiura, Kosmas Prassides, and Shin-ichi Ohkoshi*
Nature Communications, 6, 7037 (2015). Open Access
Published 12 May 2015

[22] "Towards Rational Modulation of In-Plane Molecular Arrangements in Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets"
Rie Makiura*, Ryo Usui, Yuta Sakai, Akihiro Nomoto, Akiya Ogawa, Osami Sakata, and Akihiko Fujiwara
ChemPlusChem, 79, 1352-1360 (2014). Open Access
Early View Online 18 Jul 2014
Highlighted in Wiley-Japan Science Cafe Most accessed for Dec 2014 (Wiley-Japan Science Cafe / ChemistryViews)

[21] "Porphyrin-Based Coordination Polymer Composed of Layered Pillarless Two-Dimensional Networks"
Rie Makiura*, Ryo Usui, Ehmke Pohl, and Kosmas Prassides
Chemistry Letters, 43, 1161-1163 (2014). Open Access
Advance online publication 14 April 2014 Released on J-STAGE 5 July 2014

[20] "EQCM Analysis of Redox Behavior of Prussian Blue in a Lithium Battery Electrolyte"
Shunsuke Yagi*, Masaaki Fukuda, Rie Makiura, Tetsu Ichitsubo, and Eiichiro Matsubara
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 8041-8047 (2014).
Published online 14 Mar 2014

[19] "Micropattern Formation by Molecular Migration via UV-Induced Dehydration of Block Copolymers"
Kenji Okada, Yasuaki Tokudome, Rie Makiura, Kristina Konstas, Luca Malfatti, Plinio Innocenzi, Hiroki Ogawa, Toshiji Kanaya, Paolo Falcaro, and Masahide Takahashi*
Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 2801-2809 (2014).
Published online 23 January 2014

[18] "Toward Step-by-Step Nuclear Growth of Surface Two-Dimensional Porphyrin Nanonetworks"
Rie Makiura*, Hiroshi Kitagawa*, Yasuyuki Akita, and Mamoru Yoshimoto
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 413, 71-77 (2014). Editor's Choice
Published on 25 September 2013 Top cover image

We report the development of a solution-based step-by-step technique, which utilizes the coordination bond between metalloporphyrin molecular units and metal linkages and results in the nuclear growth of nano-networks on solid substrates. The growth of the surface structures is strongly influenced by the choice of substrate materials and solvents: the molecule-substrate interaction and the solubility of the molecular units are important parameters in tuning the size and growth of the domains.
[17] "Bottom-Up Assembly of Ultrathin Sub-Micron Size Metal-Organic Framework Sheets"
Rie Makiura* and Oleg Konovalov
Dalton Transactions, 42, 15931-15936 (2013). Open Access
Published on 3 September 2013

[16] "Preparation of Hydroxyapatite-Decorated Poly(Lactide-co-Glycolide) Microspheres for Paclitaxel Delivery"
Chie Kojima*, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Nagayasu, Yuki Nishio, Rie Makiura and Atsushi Nakahira
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15, 2098/1-2098/11 (2013).
Published on 7 November 2013

[15] "Interfacial Growth of Large-Area Single-Layer Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets"
Rie Makiura* and Oleg Konovalov
Scientific Reports, 3, 2506 (2013). Open Access
Published on 26 August 2013

[14] "Designer Coordination Polymers: Dimensional Crossover Architectures and Proton Conduction"
Teppei Yamada, Kazuya Otsubo, Rie Makiura, and Hiroshi Kitagawa*
Chemical Society Reviews, 42, 6655–6669 (2013).
Published on 1 July 2013 Inside front cover

[13] "Paclitaxel-Loaded Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Hybrid Gels as Drug Delivery Systems for Metastatic Cancer Cells"
Kenji Watanabe, Yuki Nishio, Rie Makiura, Atsushi Nakahira, and Chie Kojima*
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 446, 81–86 (2013).
Published on 10 February 2013 Inside front cover

[12] "Single-Molecule Imaging of Gold-Binding Peptide Adsorbed on Au(111)"
Satoshi Kanata, Tomoaki Nishino*, Rie Makiura, Sho Saiki, and Nobuhiko Hayashi
Analytical Science., 29, 405-409 (2013). Hot article
Published on 10 April 2013

[11] "Self-Assembly of Highly Crystalline Two-Dimensional MOF Sheets on Liquid Surfaces"
Rie Makiura*, Kohei Tsuchiyama, and Osami Sakata
CrystEngComm, 13, 5538-5541 (2011).
Published on 20 July 2011

[10] "Nanoscale Effects on the Stability of the Lambda-Ti3O5 Polymorph"
Rie Makiura*, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Andrew N. Fitch, Hiroko Tokoro, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi, and Kosmas Prassides*
Chemistry - an. Asian Journal, 6, 1886–1890 (2011).
DOI: 10.1002/asia.201100125
Published on 28 April 2011

[9] "Highly Crystalline Nanofilm by Layering of Porphyrin Metal-Organic Framework Sheets"
Soichiro Motoyama, Rie Makiura*, Osami Sakata, and Hiroshi Kitagawa*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, 5640–5643 (2011).
Published on 30 March 2011

[8] "Highly-Ordered Porous Coordination Polymer Nanofilms Grown by Layer-by-Layer Deposition Technique"
Rie Makiura* and Hiroshi Kitagawa
MRS Proceedings 2010 Fall meeting, 1312, pp mrsf10-1312-jj06-01 (2011).
Published on 14 Jan 2011

[7] "分子フレームワークを有する結晶性ナノ薄膜の作製と表面界面構造の解析 Assembly of a Highly-Ordered Nanofilm Comprised of Molecular Frameworks and Surface/Interface Structural Study"
牧浦 理恵、 北川 宏
Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan, 52, 295-300 (2010).
Selected as a cover picture
[6] "Porous Porphyrin Nanoarchitectures on Surfaces"
Rie Makiura* and Hiroshi Kitagawa
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 24, 3715-3724 (2010).
DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201000730
Published on 26 July 2010

[5] "Surface Nano-Architecture of a Metal–Organic Framework"
Rie Makiura*, Soichiro Motoyama, Yasushi Umemura, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Osami Sakata, and Hiroshi Kitagawa*
Nature Materials, 9, 565-571 (2010).
Published on 30 May 2010
Highlighted in News & Views of Nature Materials Highlighted in NPG Asia Materials

[4] "Size-Controlled Stabilisation of the Superionic Phase to Room Temperature in Polymer-Coated AgI Nanoparticles"
Rie Makiura*, Takayuki Yonemura, Teppei Yamada, Miho Yamauchi, Ryuichi Ikeda, Hiroshi Kitagawa*, Kenichi Kato, and Masaki Takata
Nature Materials, 8, 476-480 (2009).
Published on 17 May 2009
Press release - jst Press release - Kyushu University Press release - SPring8 News commentary

[3] "Structural Evaluation of an Iron Oxalate Complex Layer Grown on an Ultra-Smooth Sapphire (0001) Surface by a Wet Method"
Rie Haruki, Osami Sakata, Teppei Yamada, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Rie Makiura, Yasuyuki Akita, Mamoru Yoshimoto, and Hiroshi Kitagawa
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 33, 629-631 (2008).
Published on 1 September 2008

[2] "Electronic State of a Halogen-Bridged Mixed-Valence Binuclear Complex, Ni2(dta)4I"
Rie Makiura, Hiroshi Kitagawa and Ryuichi Ikeda
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 379, 309-314 (2002).
Published on 1 January 2002

[1] "An Unusual Six-co-Ordinate Platinum(II) Complex Containing a Neutral I2 Ligand"
Rie Makiura, Isoroku Nagasawa*, Noriyoshi Kimura, Shin’ichi Ishimaru, Hiroshi Kitagawa, and Ryuichi Ikeda
Chemical Communications, 642-1643 (2001).
Published on 7 August 2001

[7] "4.1 金属錯体配向ナノシートの液相界面合成"
牧浦 理恵
フロンティア・ナノ金属錯体化学, 山下 正廣, 小西 克明編, p.279-297, 三共出版 (2022)
ISBN:978-4-7827-0801-9 C3043
[6] "第II編 合成と成膜プロセシング技術 第2章 二次元ナノシート合成技術 第3節 規則ナノ細孔を有する有機無機ポリマーナノシートの液相界面合成"
牧浦 理恵
ポストグラフェン材料の創製と用途開発最前線-二次元ナノシートの物性評価、構造解析、合成、成膜プロセス技術、応用展開, エヌ・ティー・エス (2020)
ISBN:978-4-86043-657-5 C3042
[5] "第2章 PCP/MOFの応用利用,その可能性 第14節 液相界面を利用した高配向MOFナノシートの創製"
牧浦 理恵
PCP/MOFおよび各種多孔質材料の作り方,使い方,評価解析, p.219-224, 技術情報協会 (2019)
[4] "2. Liquid-Phase Interfacial Synthesis of Highly Oriented Crystalline Molecular Nanosheets"
Rie Makiura
Molecular Technology: Life Innovation, p.25-51, Edited by Hisashi Yamamoto, Takashi Kato, Wiley-VCH (2018)
[3] "第18章多孔性金属錯体の表面ナノアーキテクチャ" (査読無し)
牧浦 理恵、大坪 主弥、北川 宏
CSJカレントレビューシリーズNo.25 "2次元物質の化学", p.172-179, (日本化学会編), 化学同人 (2017)
[2] "第4節 ヨウ化銀ナノ粒子の室温超イオン伝導と相転移のナノサイズ効果"
牧浦 理恵、北川 宏
イオン伝導体の材料技術と測定方法, p.178-193, サイエンス&テクノロジー(株)
ISBN:978-4-86428-033-4, 22 December 2011
[1] "[8]先端分野 : 多孔性配位高分子と触媒特性"
山田 鉄兵、北川 宏、牧浦 理恵
触媒年鑑:触媒技術の動向と展望 2011, p.81-89 (2011).
Other publications
[9] "多孔性ナノシート材料の水面合成と機能" 牧浦理恵 機能材料, vol.43, No.2,51-62 (2022).
[8] "CCIサロン この人, 紹介 マイノリティケミスト夫婦の苦楽" 牧浦 理恵 化学と工業, Vol.73, 6 (2020).
[7] "規則ナノ細孔を有する分子ナノシートの液相界面ボトムアップ合成" 牧浦 理恵 C&I Commun., Vol.41, No.3, 19-21 (2016).
[6] "分子の界面積み木細工による高配向性ナノシート結晶の創製" (査読無し) 牧浦 理恵 化学工業, vol.67, pp.237-243, (日本化学会編), 化学工業社 (2016).
[5] "Surface Molecular Architecture : Highly-Crystalline Metal-Organic Framework Nanofilms Assembled by Langmuir-Blodgett and Layer-by-Layer Method" Rie Makiura and Hiroshi Kitagawa SPring-8 Research Frontier 2010, 94-95 (2011).
[4] "AgI Nanoplarticles : Size-Controlled Stabilisation of the Superionic Phase to Room Temperature" Rie Makiura, Hiroshi Kitagawa, and Kenichi Kato SPring-8 Research Frontier 2009, 100-101 (2010).
[3] "Ionics and Hydrogen in Nanoparticles" Rie Makiura, Hirokazu Kobayashi, and Hiroshi Kitagawa Kyushu University Global-COE program, Science for Future Molecular Systems, Journal 2009, 3, 21-29.
[2] HEADLINE REVIEW "ナノテクによる安全で高性能な新しい電池の開発へ道" 牧浦 理恵、北川 宏 OHM, 96 (2009).
[1] トピックス "ナノ粒子のサイズ制御で室温超イオン伝導を実現" 牧浦 理恵、北川 宏 CERAMICS JAPAN, 44, 646 (2009). (2009年8月号)