Mar 31, 2023
Sumi D, Nagatsuka H, Matsuo K, Okazaki K, Goto K: Heat acclimation does not attenuate hepcidin elevation after a single session of endurance exercise under hot condition. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 122(8): 1965-1974, 2022.
Dokchan V, Okazaki K, Lawsirirat C: Effects of a 4-week neuromuscular training on contralateral pelvic drop in female runners. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(7): 1633-1638, 2022.
Yokoyama H, Deguchi M, & Hongu N: The Role of Diets and Dietitians for Para-Athletes: A Pilot Study Based on Interviews. Nutrients, 14 (18): 3720, 2022
Suzuki Y., Hahn M., Enomoto Y.: Estimation of Foot Trajectory and Stride Length during Level Ground Running Using Foot-Mounted Inertial Measurement Units. Sensors, 22(19): 7129, 2022
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