Dec 31, 2021
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Lab. News |
before 2009
2023 News |
Nakagawa won the best poster award in QFS2023!
- :Participation in International Conferences Tsubota, Yui, Sano, Nakagawa, Asakawa, Yang, and Doki attended international conference,
QFS2023: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- .
- Yui, Sano, Nakagawa, Asakawa, Yang, and Doki gave poster presentations.
- Tsubota gave an oral presentation.
- :【Press release】Finally solved! The great mystery of quantized vortex motion OMU made the English press release about (
Nature Communications 14, 2941
- )!
- 【Press release】
- 【OMU Web】
- or
- :Graduation Ceremony 2023 I. Doki got bachelor's degree in science at Osaka City University. G. Asaka and N. Shukuno got master's degree in science at Osaka City University. S. Inui got PhD in science at Osaka City University.
2022 News |
- :Nakagawa won LT29 best poster award Nakagawa won the best poster award in LT29!
- :Participation in International Conferences We attended international conference, LT29 and ULT2022. The presenters as follows.
- LT29(Poster):Hejazi,Inui,Sano,Nakagawa,Asakawa,Yang,Asaka,Shukuno
- ULT2022(Poster):Inui,Sano,Nakagawa,Asakawa
- ULT2022(Oral):Yui,Yang
- :Graduation Ceremony 2022 K. Asakawa got master's degree in science at Osaka City University. J. Han got PhD in science at Osaka City University.
2021 News |
Michiakzu Kobayashi from Kochi University of Technology did a special lecture on Condened Matter Physics at Osaka City University.
- :2021 JPS autumn meeting Tsubota, Takechi, Inui, Nakagawa, Tanaka and Asaka participated in 2021 autumn meeting and Takeuchi, Inui and Asaka gave oral presentations.
- :QFS2021: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids Tsubota, Takeuchi, Han, Inui, Sano, Nakagawa, Asakawa, Yang, and Asaka participated in QFS2021: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Edmonton, India(Online).
- Takeuchi, Han, Inui, Sano, Nakagawa, Asakawa, Yang, and Asaka gave poster presentations. Takeuchi gave oral presentation.
- :Master thesis public presentation
- From our lab K. Okazaki, Y. Sano, and T. Nakagawa presented their theses. Their titles are; "Faraday waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate: Instability and nonlinear dynamics"(K. Okazaki),
- "Anisotropy of turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic gases"(Y. Sano), and "Numerical study on statistical laws and self-similarity of localized quantum turbulence in superfluid Helium"(T. Nakagawa) respectively.
2020 News |
- :Master thesis public presentation
- From our lab S. Iui presented his thesis: "Dynamics of Fine Particles and Quantized vortices and Formation of Localized Vortex Tangle in Superfluid 4He".
- :Guest Dr. Peter Moroshkin visited our lab and had discussions.
- :Turbulence of all kinds Tsubota, Takeuchi, Han, Inui, Okazaki, Sano, and Nakagawa participated in Turbulence of all kinds.
- Han, Inui, Sano, and Nakagawa gave poster presentations.
- :Guest Dr. Nir Navon and Dr. Kazuya Fujimoto visited our lab and had discussions.
2019 News |
- :Einstein seminar Fall 2019 Tsubota, Han, Inui, Okazaki, Sano and Nakagawa participated in Einstein seminar 2019. Inui and Sano and Nakagawa gave oral presentations.
- :2019 JPS autumn meeting Tsubota, Inui, Sano and Nakagawa participated in 2019 autumn meeting at Doshisha University, Gihu, Japan, and Inui and Sano and Nakagawa gave oral presentations.
- :QFS2019: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids Tsubota, Inui, Sano, and Nakagawa participated in QFS2019: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Edmonton, Canada.
- Inui, Sano, and Nakagawa gave poster presentations.
- :Condensed Matter Physics Summer School Han, and Okazaki participated in Condensed Matter Physics Summer School, Gifu, Japan.
- :Press release We have sent out a press release announcing the publication of the paper "We discovered that a mysterious motion of particles in Superfluid 4He in the vicinity of absolute zero is 'governed' by invisible quantized vortices" from
- !
- :Workshop "Turbulence of all kinds" Tsubota joined
the workshop on turbulence of all kinds
- held at
Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NITEP)
- , Osaka City Univeristy, and gave oral presentations.
- :6th IEA International Workshop: Physics of Cold Atom Gases: Ordered and Chaotic Aspects Tsubota joined the workshop on cold atom gases held at
Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Sao Paulo
- , University of Sau Paulo, and gave oral presentations as an invited speaker.
- :Quantum Turbulence Workshop at INT Tsubota, Han and Inui joined the workshop on quantum turbulence held at
Institute for Nuclear Theory(INT)
- , University of Washington, and gave oral presentations.
- :Commencement 2019 S. Yui received PhD, J. Han received MD, and Y. Sano and T. Nakagawa received Bachelor's degree in Science.
- :Bachelor thesis presentation in the material physics group
- From our lab Y. Sano and T. Nakagawa presented thier theses.
- :Master thesis public presentation
- From our lab J. Han presented his thesis: "The dynamics and cluster structure of quantized vortices in two-dimensional two-component miscible Bose-Einstein condensates".
- :PhD defense Satoshi Yui presented his doctoral thesis:"Theoretical study of inhomogeneous quantum turbulence in superfluid
- He", as a public portion of the PhD defense.
- :Web news article M. Tsubota was interviewed by "Rike-lab", and an article is released!! (Aveilable only in Japanese form
- .)
2018 News |
- :SHU-OCU Symposium on Physics Shanghai University and Osaka City University held a symposium on Physics. Tsubota participated in it as an invited speaker, and Han and Inui had poster sessions.
- :Guest Dr. Che-hsiu Hsueh visited our lab and had discussions.
- :Guest Prof. W.F. Vinen visited our lab and had discussions.
- :International Symposium in Honor of Professor Nambu for the 10th Anniversary of his Nobel Prize in Physics OCU held
- . Han and Inui had poster sessions.
- :Invited Talk at Tokyo University of Science Tsubota participated in the workshop at Tokyo University of Science as an invited speaker.
- :Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan Inui has been bestowed the "Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan".
- :Einstein seminar Fall 2018 Tsubota, Han, Inui and Nakagawa participated in Einstein seminar 2018. Han and Inui gave oral presentations.
Tsubota, Yui, Han and Inui participated in 2018 autumn meeting at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, and Han and Inui gave oral presentations.
Prof. Cristian Enns visited Osaka City University and gave us a talk with the tile "Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters: A Novel Technology for Neutrino Physics and Beyond".
Tsubota, Takeuchi, Yui, Han,and Inui participated in QFS2018: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Tokyo, Japan.
We went to watch a movie called "Laplace's Witch" that is tied up with our lab, and had some kushikatsu at Shin-sekai after that.
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbum reported the work done by S. Yui, M. Tsubota, et al. on thier news paper! (Available only in Japanese)
M. Tsubata gave an invited talk at the conference "Chasing tornadoes: vorticity above, below, and in the lab" held at Newcastle University.
We have sent out a press release announcing the publication of the paper "Three-Dimensional Coupled Dynamics of The Two-Fluid Model in Superfluid 4He: Deformed Velocity Profile of Normal Fluid in Thermal Counterflow" from Osake City University and Keio University
We welcomed our new members at sea food izakaya at Abiko.
Tsubota, Takeuchi, Yui, Han and Inui participated in 2017 autumn meeting, Tokyo University of science, Noda Campus, Japan
- Tsubota was invited to DPG Spring Meeting and EPS-CMD27, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Tsubota, Yui, Han and Inui participated in Einstein seminar 2018. Yui, Han, Inui had their seminars.
Fujimoto gave Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists。
Kanai gave public presentations of master thesis.
Quantum Hydrodynamics(Tsubota M, Kasamatsu K, Kobayashi M, Takeuchi H) is published by Maruzdn publisher.
Tsubota gave the talk in 4th quantum vortex and non-linear wave, Tokyo University of science, Kagurazaka Campus, Japan.
Tsubota and Yui were invited to Seminar, Keio Topological Science Project, Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, Japan.
2017 News |
Dr. Che-hsiu Hsueh came to our Labo.
Tsubota was invited to The 4th East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics, National Sun-Yet-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Yui gave the talk in National Taiwan Normal University and Osaka City University Joint Workshop, Osaka City University, Japan.
Tsubota was invited to Hybrid Photonics & Materials International Conference, Mykonos.
Tsubota, Yui, and Han participated in 2017 autumn meeting, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan
Tsubota, Takeuchi, Yui, Kanai, and Han participated in ULT 2017: Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics. Kanai got "ULT Poster Award".
Tsubota, Takeuchi, Kanai, and Han participated in 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics.
Dr. Wei Guo had his seminars "Flow visualization in superfluid helium: progresses and future development".
Dr. Wei Guo came to our Labo.
Prof. Ionut Danaila and Prof. Luminita Danaila came to our Labo and had their Ionut Danaila "Finite-element tools for the simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates"
prof. Luminita Danaila "Mixing in turbulent flows: Finite Reynolds number effects"
M. Tsubota gave the talk in Glasses and Related Nonequilibrium Systems, Osaka University, Japan.
Tsubota, Yui, Kanai participated in 2017 JPS spring meeting.
S. Ikawa got master's degree in science at Osaka City University. J. Han and M. Tokura got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
Junshiku Han and Minami Tokura gave presentations at the condensed matter group.
Shinichi Ikawa gave public presentations of master thesis.
2016 News |
M. Tsubota gave the talk in Topological Effects in Ultra-Cold Atoms, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
M. Tsubota gave the talk in a seminar 'Quantum Vortex & Nonlinear wave'.
M. Tsubota participated in JSFM Annual meeting 2016, Nagoya Institute of Technology University, Aichi, Japan.
M. Tsubota, S, Yui, and S.Ikawa participated in a mini-workshop at Department of Physics of National Taiwan Normal University.
M. Tsubota and S. Ikawa participated in 2016 autumn meeting, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan.
Tsubota, Yui, and Ikawa participated in QFS2016: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Prague, Czech Republic.
Prof. Blair Blakie had discussions with our Lab. menbers.
Tsubota participated in "New Challenges in Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Superfluids", Marseille, France.
Tsubota participated in "Helicity, Structures and Singularity in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics", Venice, Italy.
We enjoy oyster at Tennoji.
K. Fujimoto got doctor's degree in science at Osaka City University and left from our laboratory. A. Usui and S. Yui got master's degree in science at Osaka City University. T. Kanai got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University. Yui win Wakano award for excellent research achievement.
Tsubota participated in 2016 JPS spring meeting. Fujimoto win the 4th Student Presentation Award.
Tsubota participated in APS March Meeting 2016 as an invited speaker.
Kanai gave presentations at the condensed matter group.
Tsubota gave a plenary lecture in "Workshop on Computation of Quantum Systems in Cold-matter Physics and Chemistry" in the Fields institute.
Ayaka Usui and Satoshi Yui gave public presentations of master thesis.
Kazuya Fujimoto gave a public presentation of the doctor thesis.
Tsubota participated in the workshop at Tokyo University of Science as an invited speaker.
Tsubota, Fujimoto, Yui, and Ikawa participated in the ISSP workshop.
2015 News |
Tsubota participated in a seminar at Department of Physics of National Taiwan Normal University, "The first annual meeting of applied mathematics: Frontier aspects of applied mathematics", and "One afternoon workshop for BEC dynamics".
M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, K. Fujimoto, S. Yui, and S. Ikawa participated in 2015 autumn meeting, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan.
Tsubota participated in "Interpretation of measurements in 4He superfluid turbulence, PALM Workshop, Saclay, France."
Fujimoto participated in The twenty fourth annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Shanghai, China.
Tsubota and Takeuchi participated in SFS2015: Internatinal Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
Tsubota, Takeuchi, Fujimoto, and Ikawa participated in QFS2015: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Niagara Falls, NY USA.
M. Tsubota gave the talk in a seminar.
Prof. S. Sasa gave a lecture and a talk.
M. Tsubota gave the talk in 'Hybrid Photonics and Materials 2015 Conference'.
We enjoy a 'kushikatsu' party at Shinsekai.
Y. Mizuno and N. Yamasaki got master's degree in science at Osaka City University. S. Ikawa, J. Kobayashi, and T. Muraki got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
M. Tsubota gave the talk in '4th International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications'.
- S. Ikawa, J. Kobayashi, and T. Muraki gave presentations at the condensed matter group.
- M. Tsubota gave a lecture 'Quantum hydrodynamics and turbulence' and a talk 'Spin turbulence in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates' in a seminar.
- Y. Mizuno and N. Yamasaki gave a presentation in of master thesis.
- M. Tsubota gave the talk in a seminar 'Quantum Vortex & Nonlinear wave'.
- M. Tsubota gave the talk in a seminar 'Nanoscience and Quantum Physics'.
- M. Tsubota gave the talk in a seminar 'Turbulence, QCD and Gravity'.
2014 News |
- We traveled to Kagawa prefecture and Tokushima prefecture.
- We had a year-end party.
- H. Takeuchi, Y. Mizuno and A. Usui gave the talk in International conference on topological quantum phenomena.
- M. Tsubota gave the talk in Quo vadis BEC? V.
- M. Tsubota and S. Yui gave the talk in Workshop on New Perspectives in Quantum Turbulence: experimental visualization and numerical simulation.
- M. Tsubota and K. Fujimoto gave the talk in Gakusyuin university.
M. Tsubota, K. Fujimoto, Y. Mizuno, and A. Usui participated in Forontiers in optics/Laser Science 2014, giving the presentation.
- :2014 JPS autumn meeting
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi,K. Fujimoto, Y. Mizuno, and A. Usui participated in 2014 autumn meeting, the University of Chubu, Aichi.
- :Business trip to Brazil
- M. Tsubota participated in "Quantum Gases, Fluids and Solids (LT27 satellite)" held in Brazil, giving the presentation.
- :Business trip to Argentina
- H. Takeuchi and S. Yui participated in "International Conference on Ultralow Temperature Physics" held in Argentina, giving the presentations.
- :Business trip to Argentina
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, and S. Yui participated in "27th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics" held in Argentina, giving the presentations.
- :Prof. Daniel P. Lathrop came to Osaka City university
- Prof. Daniel P. Lathrop made a seminar "Visualization and characterization of quantum fluid flows".
- :Business trip to Tokyo
- M. Tsubota gave the talk "Quantum turbulence" at QCD Club in Tokyo university.
- :Business trip to Bulgaria
- M. Tsubota and K. Fujimoto participated in the workshop "23rd Annual International Laser Physics Workshop" held in Bulgaria, giving the talk.
- :Shingo Kobayashi came to our Labo.
- Mr. S. Kobayashi made a seminar about odd parity superconductors.
- :DAMOP Meeting
- H. Takeuchi participated in DAMOP Meeting.
- :Boat festival
- We participated in the Boat festival held in Osaka City University, winning the victory for a section of faculty.
- :Business trip to Abu Dhabi
- M. Tsubota participated in the workshop "Quantum Turbulence and Its Visualization" held in Abu Dhabi, giving the invited talk.
- :Issp Workshop "Novel quantum phenomena in Supermatter"
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, and K. Fujimoto participated in the Issp Workshop "Novel quantum phenomena in Supermatter".
- :Welcome party for newcomers
- We enjoy a 'kushikatsu' party at Shinsekai.
- :Prof. Tzyy-Leng Horng、Prof. Yin-Tzer Shih、and Prof. Ming-Jyh Chern guests came to our Labo
- Prof. Tzyy-Leng Horng、Prof. Yin-Tzer Shih、and Prof. Ming-Jyh Chern had discussions with our Lab. menbers.
- :2014 JPS spring meeting
- M. Tsubota, Y. Mizuno, and S. Yui participated in 2014 spring meeting, Syonan Campus, Tokai Univ, Kanagawa.
- :Graduation Ceremony 2013
- A. Nakatsuji, and Y. Aoki got master's degree in science at Osaka City University.
- A. Usui, K. Dehara, and S. Yui got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
- :Presentation of bachelor thesis in condensed matter group.
- A. Usui, K. Dehara, and S. Yui gave presentations at the condensed matter group.
- :Business trip to America
- H. Takeuchi went to America to participate in
- , giving the presentations for
- "Nambu-Goldstone modes in segregated Bose-Einstein condensates" and
- "Ultrasound Attenuation in Normal Fluid 3He in 98% Aerogel: Knudsen-to-Hydrodynamic Crossover".
- :Public presentation of master thesis.
- Y. Aoki : Numerical Study of Spin Turbulence in Spin-1 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates.
- A. Nakatsuji : Numerical Study of Dynamics of Quantized Vortices in Superfluid 4He .
- :Business trip to Germany
- M. Tsubota and K. Fujimoto went to Germany for business trip. Tsubota made the seminar "Quantum turbulence " and Fujimoto made the seminar "Study of turbulence in spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates from the perspective of wave turbulence" in
Weak Chaos and Weak Turbulence
- .
- :Mr. Daniel Cocks came to our Labo.
- Mr. Daniel Cocks had discussions with our Lab. menbers.
2013 News |
- :Business trip to Nagoya University
- H. Takeuchi went to Nagoya University for business trip. He made the seminar "Nambu-Goldstone Modes in Segregated Bose-Einstein Condensates " in
Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries The Fourth Annual Meeting
- .
- :Business trip to Osaka University
- M. Tsubota went to Osaka University for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum turbulence " .
- :Business trip to Tokyo
- H. Takeuchi went to Tokyo for business trip. He made the seminar "Quantum hydrodynamic instability and projected spontaneous symmetry breaking in superfluid " in
Quantum Science Symposium Asia-2013
- .
- :2013 JPS autumn meeting
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino,K. Fujimoto, Y. Aoki, A. Nakatsuji and N. Yamasaki participated in 2013 autumn meeting, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima.
- :Business trip to UK
- M. Tsubota went to UK for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum turbulence in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates" , in TOPOLOGICAL VORTICITY DYNAMICS IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES .
- :4 guests came to our Labo.
- Prof. W. F. Vinen, Prof. V. Eltsov, Dr. Risto Hanninen and Mr. Markus Karl came to our Labo.
- Following guests had their seminars :
- Prof. Eltsov "Bose-Einstein condensation Of Magnons In Superfluid 3He-B and its applications to vortex studies"
- Dr. Hanninen "Dissipation enhancement from a single reconnection event in superfuid helium"
- Prof. Vinen "Turbulence in the normal fluid in thermal counterflow in 4He"
- Mr. Karl "Non-thermal fixed points, vortex dynamics, and superfluid turbulence"
- Prof. Vinen "Quantum turbulence: some comments and questions relating to fluctuations in the vortex line density"
- :QFS2013: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, Y. Aoki, A. Nakatsuji and N. Yamasaki participated in
QFS2013: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- Matsue, Japan .
- :5 guests came to our Labo.
- Prof. W. F. Vinen, Prof. V. S. Bagnato, Dr. G. D. Telles, Dr. K. J. Thompson and Mr. R. F. Shiozaki came to our Labo.
- Following guests had their seminars :
- Dr. Telles "Observation of anomalous momentum distribution in a turbulent Bose-Einstein Condensate"
- Dr. Thompson "Characterization of an apparatus for a two species BEC turbulence experiment"
- Mr. Shiozaki "Thermodynamics of Trapped Gases: new global parameters and global specific heat analysis"
- :Business trip to Korea
- M. Tsubota ,H. Takeuchi and S. Ishino went to Korea for business trip. Tsubota made the seminar "Hydrodynamic Instability and Turbulence in Quantum Systems" in
- .
the motion pictuire of the banquet
- (file size 87MB) Tsubota and Prof. S. Sasa (Kyoto University) danced on the stage.
- :Business trip to Czech Republic
- M. Tsubota went to Czech Republic for business trip. He made the seminar "Quantum Hydrodynamics and Turbulence in Bose-Einstein Condensates " in
- .
- :Business trip to The University of Electro-Communications
- M. Tsubota went to The University of Electro-Communications for business trip. He made the seminar "Quantum hydrodynamics in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates" in
- .
- :Business trip to Taiwan.
- M. Tsubota and K. Fujimoto went to Taiwan for business trip. Fujimoto made the seminar "Spin turbulence in spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate" in Miniworkshop on the Turbulent and Glassy States in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates.
- :Welcome party for newcomers
- We enjoy a 'kushikatsu' party at Shinsekai.
- :Graduation Ceremony 2012
- T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi and Y. Mineda got master's degree in science at Osaka City University.
- S. Ishikawa, R. Tsuchitani and N. Yamasaki got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
- : Presentation of bachelor thesis in condensed matter group.
- In our Labo. following students had their presentation :
- S. Ishikawa "Vortex lattice in rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensates"
- R. Tsuchitani "Free expansion of Bose-Einstein condensate with quantum vortices"
- N. Yamasaki "Interaction of a quantum vortex and He2 molecule in superfluid 4He :visualization of quantum vortex at 0K"
- :Business trip to New Zealand.
- M. Tsubota went to New Zealand for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Two-dimensional quantum turbulence:Energy spectra and the correlation functions of vortices" in Frontiers of Quantum Turbulence,
- and the seminar "Quantum Hydrodynamics and Turbulence in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates" in
- :Public presentation of master thesis.
- T. Kusumura : Statistical laws of two-dimensional quantum turbulence.
- S. Hayashi : Helical Shear-flow Instability in Two-component Bose Einstein Condensates.
- Y. Mineda : Numerical Study of Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid 4He.
2012 News |
- :Lab. trip
- On Dec. 22, we visited Izanagi Jingu Shrine in Awaji Island and
- enjoyed fresh seafood for dinner in Sumoto City.
- On Dec. 23, we went sightseeing in Naruto Belt area .
- :Prof. Itamar Procaccia came to our Labo.
- Prof. Itamar Procaccia made a seminar "Analytic Solution of Vortex Reconnections".
- :The Science News
- Study of quantum turbulence by Tsubota's group was reported in The Science News newspaper.
- :2012 JPS autumn meeting
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, Y. Mineda, Y. Aoki, and A. Nakatsuji participated in 2012 autumn meeting, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa.
- :Business trip to Switzerland.
- M. Tsubota went to Switzerland for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum hydrodynamics and turbulence in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates" in
Novel Phenomena in Multi-Condensate Superconductors, Superfluids, and Ultracold Gases
- .
- :QFS2012: International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, T. Kusumura, Y. Mineda, S. Hayashi, Y. Aoki, and A. Nakatsuji participated in
QFS2012: International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- Lancaster, UK.
- :Business trip to Ireland.
- M. Tsubota went to Ireland for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum turbulence: the interests and the brief research history" in
IUTAM Symposium 2012: "Understanding Common Aspects of Extreme Events in Fluids"
- .
- :Business trip to Germany.
- M. Tsubota went to Germany for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum Hydrodynamics and Turbulence in Bose-Einstein Condensates" in
Relaxation, Turbulence, and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Matter Fields -RETUNE 2012-
- .
- :Business trip to Germany.
- M. Tsubota went to Germany for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantized vortices and turbulence" in Heidelberg University.
- :Business trip to USA.
- M. Tsubota went to USA for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum Hydrodynamics and Turbulence in Bose-Einstein Condensates" in
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures
- .
- :Dr. Kazumasa A. Takeuchi came to our Labo.
- Dr. Kazumasa A. Takeuchi made a seminar "Universality of Non-equilibrium Critical Phenomenon in Lquid-Crystal 'Quantum Tuebulence' ".
- :Business trip to United Arab Emirates.
- M. Tsubota went to United Arab Emirates for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Decay of Vortex Tangle in Thermal Counterflow" in Workshop on thermal counterflow.
- :Welcome party for newcomers
- We enjoy a 'kushikatsu' party at Shinsekai.
- : 2012 JPS spring meeting
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, S. Yamamoto, Y. Aoki, A. Nakatsuji and Y. Mizuno participated in 2012 spring meeting, Nishinomiya-Uegahara Campus, Kwansei Gakuin Univ, Hyogo.
- :Graduation Ceremony 2011
- S. Ishino,K. Fujimoto and S. Yamamoto got master's degree in science at Osaka City University.
- Y. Aoki, A. Nakatsuji and Y. Mizuno got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
- : Presentation of bachelor thesis in condensed matter group.
- In our Labo. following students had their presentation :
- Y. Aoki "Instability in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates"
- A. Nakatsuji "Propagation of quantized vortices driven by an oscillating sphere in superfluid 4He"
- Y. Mizuno "Plateau-Rayleigh instability in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
- :Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- M. Tsubota, M. Tsukamoto, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi, Y. Mineda participated in Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- :Farewell party of our Labo.
- We had a farewell party for M. Tsukamoto who leave our Labo.
- :Public presentation of master thesis.
- S. Ishino : Countersuperflow Instability in Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensates.
- K. Fujimoto : Dynamics induced by oscillating potential and properties of spin turbulence in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate.
- S. Yamamoto : Numerical study of quantum turbulence by using vortex filament model.
- :Lab. trip
- On Jan. 9, we visited Jingu in Mie Pref. and enjoyed fresh Japanese spiny lobster for dinner in Ise City.
- On Jan. 10, we enjoyed Toba Aqualium.
2011 News |
- :Maths-Physics Meeting around Bose Einstein condensates
- M. Tsubota and K.Fujimoto participated in Maths-Physics Meeting around Bose Einstein condensates, France.
- :Nishinomiya Yukawa Seminar
- M. Tsubota made a seminar "Quantum Turbulence -The Dream of Da Vinci-".
- :Prof. Shigeo Kida came to our Labo.
- Prof. Shigeo Kida made a seminar "Brightness Distribution of Reflective Flakes in Flows".
- :2011 JPS autumn meeting
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi and Y. Mineda participated in 2011 autumn meeting, Gohuku Campus, Univ. of Toyama, Toyama.
- :Mr.Boris Nowak came to our Labo.
- Mr.Boris Nowak made a seminar "Nonthermal fixed points and Superfluid Turbulence".
- :ULT2011: International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, T. Kusumura, and Y. Mineda participated in
ULT2011: International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics
- , KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
- :LT26: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics
- M. Tsubota, S. Ishino, T. Kusumura, and Y. Mineda participated in
LT26: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics
- , Beijing, China.
- :Business trip to France.
- M. Tsubota went to France for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum Turbulence" in
Morphology and dynamics of anisotropic flows
- .
- :Business trip to United Arab Emirates.
- M. Tsubota went to United Arab Emirates for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Simulations of quantum turbulence:achievements and prospects" in Workshop on Classical and Quantum Turbulence.
- :Welcome party for newcomers
- We enjoyed a `Sushi' party at Osaka City Univercity.
- :São Paulo School of Advance Science
- M. Tsubota and S. Ishino participated in
"São Paulo School of Advance Science"
- :Graduation Ceremony 2010
- M. Yasunaga got doctor's degree in science at Osaka City University and left from our laboratory.
- H. Adachi and H. Kuroyanagi got master's degree in science at Osaka City University and left from our laboratory.
- T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi and Y. Mineda got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
- :Presentation of bachelor thesis in condensed matter group.
- In our Labo. following students had their presentation :
- T. Kusumura "The Formation of Quantum Turbulence from Instability of a Dark Soliton for Bose-Einstein Condensation"
- S. Hayashi "Helical shear flow instability along a core-flow vortex"
- Y. Mineda "The coupled dynamics of the micron-size solid particles and the vortices"
- :Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- M. Tsubota, M. Tsukamoto, S. Ishino, T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi, Y. Mineda participated in Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- :Prof. W. F. Vinen came to our Labo.
- Prof. W. F. Vinen made a seminar 'Quantum turbulence: some simple but challenging problems'.
- :Public presentation of master thesis.
- H. Adachi : Numerical Study of Dynamics of Quantized Vortex and Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid 4He.
- H. Kuroyanagi : Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of Two-Dimensional Bose-Hubbard Model with Random Chemical Potential.
- :Public presentation of doctor thesis by M. Yasunaga.
- M. Yasunaga talked on "Magnetic Resonances and Josephson Effects in Bose-Einstein Condensates".
- :Dr. Muneto Nitta came to our Labo.
- Dr. Muneto Nitta made a seminar "Vortex Lines in Superfluid and Cosmic Strings".
2010 News |
- :High Reynolds Number Tour
- On Dec. 28, we visited
Kazura bridge in Tokushima Pref.
- and enjoyed fresh seafood for dinner in Naruto City.
- On Dec. 29, we enjoyed Tokushima
- .
- :The 5th Condensed-Matter Science Prize
- M. kobayashi won
The 5th Condensed-Matter Science Prize
- :Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, M. Tsukamoto, M. Yasunaga, H. Adachi, H. Kuroyanagi, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, S. Yamamoto, T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi and Y. Mineda participated Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics".
- :2010 JPS autumn meeting
- M. Tsubota, H. Takeuchi, M. Tsukamoto, M. Yasunaga, H. Adachi, H. Kuroyanagi, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, S. Yamamoto, T. Kusumura, S. Hayashi and Y. Mineda participated in 2010 autumn meeting, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture Univ, Osaka.
- :Prof. Dan Lathrop came to our Labo.
- Prof. Dan Lathrop made a seminar 'visualizing superfluid 4He'.
- :QFS2010: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- M. Tsubota, M. Takeuchi, M. Tsukamoto, M. Yasunaga, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto and S. Yamamoto participated in
QFS2010: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids
- , Grenobel World Trade Center, Grenoble, France.
- : RIMS Workshop "Mathematics of Euler's equation: Mechanics and variational principle for 250 years"
- M. Tsubota, H. Adachi, S. Ishino and K. Fujimoto participated in
"Mathematics of Euler's equation: Mechanics and variational principle for 250 years"
- , Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University.
- :Business trip to Brazil.
- M. Tsubota went to Brazil for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum turbulence and nonlinear phenomena in quantum fluids" in
19th Intenational Laser Physics Workshop
- .
- This picture shows M. Tsubota, Prof. Kanamoto and Assistant Prof. M. Kobayashi in Iguazu Falls.
- :Business trip to China.
- M. Tsubota went to China for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum turbulence and nonlinear Instability in quantum fluids" in
Nonlinear Waves Theory and Applications
- .
- :Prof. Blair Blakie came to our Labo.
- Prof. Blair Blakie made a seminar "Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques."
- :Pascal Naidon came to our Labo.
- Prof. Pascal Naidon made a seminar.
- :Business trip to Finland.
- M. Tsubota went to Finland for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Numerical studies of quantum turbulence" in
Symposia on superfluids under rotation -Vortices, Superfluid dynamics, and quantum turbulence-
- .
- :Welcome party for newcomers
- We enjoy a `kushikatsu' party at Shinsekai.
- :Business trip to Israel.
- M. Tsubota went to Israel for business trip.
- He made the seminar "Quantum hydrodynamics" in The Weizmann Institute of Science.
- This picture shows M. Tsubota and Prof. Victor S. L'vov in Dead Sea.
- :Graduation Ceremony 2009
- S. Fujiyama got doctor's degree in science at Osaka City University and left from our laboratory.
- R. Numasato, S. Fukushima, and K. Morimoto got master's degree in science at Osaka City University and left from our laboratory.
- H. Takeuchi got doctor's degree in science at Osaka City University.
- S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto and S. Yamamoto got bachelor's degrees in science at Osaka City University.
- : 2010 JPS spring meeting
- M. Tsubota, M. Tsukamoto, H. Takeuchi, M. Yasunaga, R. Numasato, H. Adachi, S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, and S. Yamamoto participated in 2010 spring meeting, Tsushima Campus, Okayama Univ, Okayama.
- :Prof. Andrei Golov came to our Labo.
- Prof. Andrei Golov made a seminar "Interacting Vortex Rings and Turbulence in Superfluid He4 at Low Temperatures." After that we had a welcome party.
- :PSM2010:International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phase in Superclean Materials
- M. Tsubota, M. Mitsuaki, H. Takeuchi, S. Fujiyama, R. Numasato participated in
PSM2010:International Symposium on Physics of New Quantum Phase in Superclean Materials
- (Hamagin Hall "VIA MARE",Yokohama,Japan)
- : Presentation of bachelor thesis in condensed matter group.
- In our Labo. following students had their presentation :
- S. Ishino "Instability of Counter-superflow in Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensates"
- K. Fujimoto "The quantized vortex nucleation by oscillation object"
- S. Yamamoto "Quantized vortex dynamics : Kelvin wave excitation and Hasimoto soliton"
- :Prof. Carlo F. Barenghi came to our Labo.
- Prof. Carlo F. Barenghi made a seminar "Velocity statistics in quantum turbulence." After that we had a welcome party.
- :Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- M. Tsubota, M. Tsukamoto, H. Takeuchi, M. Yasunaga, Y. Adachi,S. Ishino, K. Fujimoto, S. Yamamoto participated in Seminar on "Research and Education linked by Einstein's Physics"
- : Public presentation of master thesis.
- R. Numasato : Direct Energy Cascade in Two-Dimensional Compressible Quantum Turbulence.
- S. Fukushima : Dynamics of a quantized vortex lattice trapped in a potential rotating around axis nonparallel to vortices.
- K. Morimoto : Effect of surface roughness on vortex dynamics.
- :Public presentation of doctor thesis by H. Takeuchi and S. Fujiyama.
- H. Takeuchi talked on ''Topological Defects and Instabilityin Bose-Einstein Condensates", and
- S. Fujiyama talked on ''Numerical analysis of quantum turbulence created by oscillating objects-Universal law underlying classical and quantum turbulence-".
- :Dr. Daisuke Takahashi came to our Labo.
- Dr. Daisuke Takahashi made a seminar "Research on the properties of the quantum vortex using snowball" and "Cloud 2D snowball work as the probe for studying the Kelvin-wave ?". After that we had a welcome party.