High Energy Physics Laboratory
We are performing the experimental researches revealing the properties and physics laws of the particles which are the smallest units of matter, the force carriers, and the origin of mass. In conjunction with that, we are searching for the new particles and phenomena beyond the Standard Model of the particle physics using the most advanced facilities and equipments in the world, and making an approach toward the beginning of the universe. Please see here for the detail. Currently, we are diligently going foward with the following researches:
- Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment using High Intensity Proton Accelerator (T2K Experiment)
- Particle Physics Experiment using Hyper-Large Scale Water Cherenkov Detector (Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment)
- Search for Muon-Electron Conversion by Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (DeeMe Experiment)
- High Energy Proton-Antiproton Collision Experiment at Fermilab Tevatron (CDF Experiment)