

 The underlined and bolded text indicates the corresponding author, and the blue text indicates group members.


    1. Morphological identification and phylogenetic analysis of Eimeria coypi and Eimeria fluviatilis (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) isolated from nutrias (Myocastor coypus [Rodentia]) in Japan. Ouchi S, Koda R, Ishizuka Y, Ikemoto S, Sakata M, Iwaide S, Shibahara T, Hinenoya A, Uni S, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Syst Parasitol. 102:18. (2025). button6
    2. An ultra-simplified protocol for PCR template preparation from both unsporulated and sporulated Eimeria oocysts. Takano A, Umali DV, Wardhana AH, Sawitri DH, Teramoto I, Hatabu T, Kido Y, Kaneko A, Sasai K, Katoh H, Matsubayashi M. Poult Sci. 104(3):104810.  (2025). button6
    3. Detection of Eimeria oocysts in chicken feces using flotation recovery with sucrose or saturated saline solution. Takano A, Morinaga D, Teramoto I, Hatabu T, Kido Y, Kaneko A, Hatta T, Tsuji N,  Uni S, Sasai K, · Katoh H, Matsubayashi M. Acta Parasitologica. 70(1):17. (2025). button6


    1. Evaluation of the detection method by a flotation method usinga wire loop for gastrointestinal parasites. Takano A, Morinaga D, Teramoto I, Hatabu T, Kido Y, Kaneko A, Hatta T, Tsuji N, Uni A, Sasai K,  Katoh H, Matsubayashi M. Vet Med Sci. 10(5):e70007. (2024). button6
    2. Anticoccidial activity of the secondary metabolitents frequently ingested by wild Japanese rock ptarmigans. Haraguchi A, Nagasawa J, Kuramochi K, Tsuchida A, Kobayashi A, Hatabu T, Sasai K, Ikadai H, Ushida K, Matsubayashi M. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 25:100967. (2024). button6
    3. Long-term effects of iopamidol as a contrast medium for computed tomography in Cloudy Catsharks Scyliorhinus torazame. Ito T, Furuya M, Tanaka 3, Yoshii Y, Murata M, Sasai K. J Aquat Anim Health. 36:239-249. (2024). button6 doi: 10.1002/aah.10219.
    4. Improved molecular identification of Strongyloides myopotami in nutrias using fecalsamples. Mori Y, Naka A, Koda R, Ishizuka Y, Hinenoya A, Shibahara T, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. J Vet Med Sci., 86:349-353. (2024). button6


    1. Experimental evaluation of pathogenicity and acquired immunity of Eimeria species, E. uekii and E. raichoi, infecting Japanese rock ptarmigans in a subspecies of the birds. Matsubayashi M, Kinoshita M, Tsuchida S, Kobayashi A, Tamura N, Shibahara T,Kido Y, Kaneko A, Sasai K, Ushida K. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl.  22:167-174. (2023). button6
    2. Evaluation of the host specificity of Eimeria uekii and Eimeria raichoi for Japanese rock ptarmigans by oocyst transfer to taxonomically related birds. Matsubayashi M, Tsuchida S, Kobayashi A, Shibahara T, Teramoto I, Kido Y, Kaneko A, Nakamura H, Hasegawa M, Sasai K, Ushida K. Parasitol Res. 122(8):1795-1800. (2023). button6
    3. Occurrence, Histopathological Findings, and Molecular Identification of Pathogenic Eimeria Infections in Rabbits (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) in Japan. Takami S, Shibahara T, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Acta Parasitol. 68(2) 453-457. doi: 10.1007/s11686-023-00678-x.  (2023). button6
    4. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and cross-sectional anatomy of the trunk in the brownbanded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum). Ito T, Tanaka T, Kiyatake I, Izawa T, Furuya M, Sasai K. Anat Histol Embryol. 52(3):437-447. doi: 10.1111/ahe.12903.  (2023).button6 


    1. Molecular identification of Eimeria species in liver and feces of naturally infected rabbits in Japan. Katsui K, Takami S, Ohashi K, Otsuka H, Uni S, Shibahara T, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Parasitol Res. 121(9):2733-2738.  (2022). button6
    2. Evaluation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst inactivation following exposure to ultraviolet light-emitting diodes by in vitro excystation and dye staining assays. Matsubayashi M, Teramoto I, Urakami I, Naohara J, Sasai K, Kido Y, Kaneko A.Parasitol Int.88:102557. (2022). button6
    3. Dystrophin-deficient muscular dystrophy in a Toy Poodle with a single base pair insertion in exon 45 of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene. Sakai K, Motegi T, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Nishida H, Shimamura S, Tani H, Shimada T, Furuya M. J Vet Med Sci. 84(4):502-506. (2022). button6
    4. Retrospective evaluation of nimustine use in the treatment of feline lymphoma. Sakai K, Hatoya S, Furuya M, Nabetani T, Kanegi R, Shimamura S, Tani H, Shimada T. Vet Med Sci. 8(1):3-8.  (2022). button6


    1.  The establishment of an optimal protocol for contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography in the cloudy catshark (Scyliorhinus torazame). Ito T, Furuya M, Sasai K. J. J Aquat Anim Health. 33(4):264-276. (2021).  button6
    2. Morphological and molecular identification of Eimeria tetartooimia oocysts from a Japanese green pheasant (Galliformes; Phasianidae; Phasianus versicolor) at a zoo in Japan. Matsubayashi M, Takami K, Kinoshita M, Tsuchida S, Ushida K, Shibahara T, Sasai K. Parasitol Res. 120(8):2973-2979.(2021).  button6
    3. Phylogenetic characterization of Isospora jaracimrmani oocysts from a veiled chameleon (family Chamaeleonidae; Chamaeleo calyptratus) reared at a zoo in Ishikawa, Japan. Ekawasti F, Kitagawa K, Domae H, Wardhana AH, Nagasawa J, Shibahara T, Tokoro M, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. J Vet Med Sci. 83(8):1240-1243. (2021).  button6
    4. Biochemical Properties and Cell Culture Affinity of Fowl Adenovirus Serotype-4 Strains Isolated from the Oviducts of Layer Hens in East Japan. Fletcher D.V, Camba S.I, Umali D.V, Sasai K, Shirota K, Katoh H. JWPR 11(2) 241 – 251.(2021)   . PDF logo
    5. Distribution of Eimeria uekii and Eimeria raichoi in cage protection environments for the conservation of Japanese rock ptarmigans (Lagopus muta japonica) in the Japanese Alps. Matsubayashi M, Kobayashi A, Kaneko M, Kinoshita M, Tsuchida S, Shibahara T, Hasegawa M, Nakamura H, Sasai K, Ushida K. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 15:225 – 230. (2021). button6
    6. Canine idiopathic chylothorax: Anatomic characterization of the pre- and postoperative thoracic duct using computed tomography lymphography. Kanai H, Furuya M, Yoneji K, Hagiwara K, Nukaya A, Kondo M, Aso T, Fujii A, Sasai K. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 62(4):429-436. (2021).  button6
    7. Whole-genome analyses of extended-spectrum or AmpC β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates from companion dogs in Japan. Yasugi M, Hatoya S, Motooka D, Matsumoto Y, Shimamura S, Tani H, Furuya M, Mie K, Miyake M, Nakamura S, Shimada T. PLoS One. 16(2):e0246482.(2021).button6 
    8. HSP110 expression in canine mammary gland tumor and its correlation with histopathological classification and grade. Okada S, Furuya M, Fukui-Kaneshige A, Nakanishi H, Tani H, Sasai K. HSP110 expression in canine mammary gland tumor and its correlation with histopathological classification and grade.Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 232:110171 (2021). button6
    9. Systemic Anaplastic Large T-Cell Lymphoma with Initial Presentation of Dysuria in a Dog. Kaneguchi A, Izawa T, Tanaka M, Suzuki H, Tani H, Kuwamura M, Yamate J. J Comp Pathol. 189:26-30. (2021). button6


    1. Decreased serum zinc concentration in dogs with lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, and its associations with disease severity and prognosis. Sakai K, Hatoya S, Furuya M, Shimamura S, Nabetani T, Tani H, Shimada T. J Vet Med Sci. 82(6):759-763. (2020). button6 
    2. Efficacy of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LED) at four different peak wavelengths against Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by inactivation assay using immunodeficient mice. Takahashi K, Matsubayashi M, Ohashi Y, Naohara J, Urakami I, Sasai K, Kido Y, Kaneko A, Teramoto I. Parasitol Int. 77:102-108 (2020).  button6
    3. Prevalence of astrovirus and parvovirus in Japanese domestic cats. Soma T, Ogata M, Ohta K, Yamashita R, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 82:1243-1246.(2020). button6
    4. Occurrence and genetic identifications of porcine Entamoeba, E. suis and E. polecki, at Tangerang in West Java, Indonesia. Wardhana AH, Sawitri DH, Ekawasti F, Martindah E, Apritadewi D, Shibahara T, Kusumoto M, Tokoro M, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Parasitol Res. 119:2983-2990. (2020). button6
    5. Molecular identification of Trichuris suis worms and eggs in pig feces, infected intestines, and farm environments in Japan. Muramatsu R, Sato R, Onuma N, Sasai K, Shibahara T, Matsubayashi M. JARQ 54:271-275. (2020). PDF logo
    6. Efficacy of enbloc thoracic duct ligation in combination with pericardiectomy by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for canine idiopathic chylothorax. Kanai H, Furuya M, Hagiwara K, Nukaya A, Kondo M, Aso T, Fujii A, Sasai K. Vet Surg. 49:102 -111.(2020).button6 
    7. Morphological and Molecular Identification of Eimeria Spp. In Breeding Chicken Farms of Japan. Matsubayashi M, Shibahara T, Matsuo T, Hatabu T, Yamagishi J, Sasai K, Isobe T. J Vet Med Sci. 82:516-519. (2020). button6
    8. Evaluation of 3-week-old layer chicks intratracheally challenged with Salmonella isolates from serogroup C1 (O:6,7) and Salmonella Enteritidis. Camba SI., Del Valle FP., Sasai K., Katoh H. Avian Phatology. in Press (2020). button6
    9. Genetic Analysis of Chick Anemia Virus from 11 to 14 weeks Old Replacement Pullets with Clinical and Sub-clinical Infections. Del Valle Fletcher, Camba S, Umali D, Sasai K, Shirota K, Katoh H, Tajima T. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 82:520-526. (2020). button6 
    10. Molecular and pathologic characterization of avian adenovirus isolated from the oviducts of laying hens in eastern Japan. Del Valle Fletcher, Camba S, Umali D, Sasai K, Shirota K, Katoh H, Tajima T. Poult Sci. 99:2459-2468. (2020). button6 
    11. Parasitic development in intestines and oocyst shedding patterns for infection by Eimeria uekii and Eimeria raichoi in Japanese rock ptarmigans, Lagopus muta japonica, protected by cages in the Southern Japanese Alps. Matsubayashi M, Kinoshita M, Kobayashi A, Tsuchida S, Shibahara T, Hasegawa M, Nakamura H, Sasai K, Ushida K. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 12:19-24. (2020).button6 
    12. Molecular identification of Trichuris suis worms and eggs in pig feces, infected intestines, and farm environments in Japan. Muramatsu R, Sato R, Onuma N, Sasai K, Shibahara T, Matsubayashi, M. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 54(3):15-22.   (2020).button6 
    13. Prevalence of astrovirus and parvovirus in Japanese domestic cats. Soma T, Ogata M, Ohta K, Yamashita R, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 82(9):1243-1246 (2020).button6 
    14. Swine multifocal ulcerative colitis and crypt abscesses associated with Entamoeba polecki subtype 3 and Salmonella Typhimurium. Ito H, Hosokawa K, Kawamura M, Ito N, Abeto Y, Matsubayashi M, Sasai K, Shibahara T. J Vet Med Sci. 82:463-466 (2020). button6
    15. Molecular identification of Eimeria hestermani and Eimeria prionotemni from a red-necked wallaby (Macropodidae; Macropus rufogriseus) in Japan. Ekawasti F, Kitagawa K, Domae H, Wardhana AH, Shibahara T, Uni S, Tokoro M, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Parasitol Res. 119:1271-1279 (2020). button6 
    16. Detections of gastrointestinal parasites, including Giardia intestinalis and Cryptosporidium spp., in cattle of Banten province, Indonesia. Sawitri DH, Wardhana AH, Martindah E, Ekawasti F, Dewi DA, Utomo BN, Shibahara T, Kusumoto M, Tokoro M, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. J Parasit Dis. 44:174 – 179 (2020). button6 
    17. The Expanded Role of Roof-Rats (Rattus rattus) in Salmonella Spp. Contamination of a Commercial Layer Farm in East Japan. Camba SI, Del Valle FP, Umali DV, Soma T, Shirota K, Katoh H, Sasai K. Avian Dis. 64(1) 46-52 (2020). button6


      1. Molecular characterization of highly pathogenic Eimeria species among beef cattle on Java Island, Indonesia. Ekawasti F, Nurcahyo W, Wardhana AH, Shibahara T, Tokoro M, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Parasitol Int. 72:101927. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2019.101927. (2019). button6
      2. Genetic analysis of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi isolated from horses imported into Japan. Kasuya K, Tanaka N, Oshima F, Fujisawa N, Saito M, Tagami K, Niwa H, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 81(6):924-927. (2019). button6
      3. Novel characteristics of mitochondrial electron transport chain from Eimeria tenella. Matsubayashi M, Inaoka DK, Komatsuya K, Hatta T, Kawahara F, Sakamoto K, Hikosaka K, Yamagishi J, Sasai K, Shiba T, Harada S, Tsuji N, Kita K. Genes (Basel). 10(1). pii: E29. doi: 10.3390/genes10010029. (2019). button6
      4. Correlation between toll-like receptor 4 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) and pathological severity in dogs with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Aono K, Azuma YT, Nabetani T, Hatoya S, Furuya M, Miki M, Hirota K, Fujimoto Y, Nishiyama K, Ogata Y, Mochizuki T, Tani HVet Immunol Immunopathol. 210(4):15-22. (2019). button6
      5. Anti-feline panleukopenia virus serum neutralizing antibody titer in domestic cats with the negative or low hemagglutination inhibition antibody titer. Soma T, Ohta K, Yamashita R, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 81(2):252-255. doi: 10.1292/jvms.18-0472. (2019). button6
      6. Retrospective and histopathological studies of Entamoeba spp. and other pathogens associated with diarrhea and wasting in pigs in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Komatsu T, Matsubayashi M, Murakoshi N, Sasai K, Shibahara T. JARQ, 53(1):57-66 . (2019). button6


    1. First surveillance and molecular identification of the Cryptosporidium skunk genotype and Cryptosporidium parvum in wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Osaka, Japan. Hattori K, Donomoto T, Manchanayake T, Shibahara T, Sasai K, Matsubayashi M. Parasitology Research, 117(11):3669-3674. (2018). button6
    2. Prevalence of microorganisms associated with feline gingivostomatitis.Nakanishi H, Furuya M, Soma T, Hayashiuchi Y, Yoshiuchi R, Matsubayashi M, Tani H, Sasai K. J Feline Med Surg. 2018 Mar 1:1098612X18761274. doi: 10.1177/1098612X18761274.(2018). button6
    3. Outcome of limb fracture repair in rabbits: 139 cases (2007-2015). Sasai H, Fujita D, Seto E, Denda Y, Imai Y, Okamoto K, Okamura K, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 252(4):457-463.(2018). button6
    4. First detection and molecular identification of Entamoeba bovis from Japanese cattle. Matsubayashi M, Matsuura Y, Nukata S, Daizi Y, Shibahara T, Teramoto I, Matsuo T, Uni S, Hatta T, Kaneko A, Tsuji N, Sasai K. Parasitol Res. 2018 Jan;117(1):339-342. (2018). button6
    5. Feline coronavirus antibody titer in cerebrospinal fluid from cats with neurological signs. Soma T, Saito N, Kawaguchi M, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 2018 Jan 1;80(1):59-62. (2018). button6
    6. Characterization of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale from commercial layer chickens in eastern Japan. Umali DV, Shirota K, Sasai K, Katoh H. Poult Sci. 2018 Jan 1;97(1):24-29. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex254.(2018). button6


    1. Pathogenic characteristics of a novel intranuclear coccidia in Japanese black calves and its genetic identification as Eimeria subspherica. Koreeda T, Kawakami T, Okada A, Hirashima Y, Imai N, Sasai K, Tanaka S, Matsubayashi M, Shibahara T. Parasitol Res, doi: 10.1007/s00436-017-5629-1.(2017). button6
    2. Genetic and histopathological identification of Cystoisospora suis in a post-weaned piglet with watery diarrhea. Kanamori K, Manchanayake T, Matsubayashi T, Imai N, Kobayashi Y, Sasai K, Shibahara TJarq-Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. In Press116(7):2001-2007. (2017). button6 
    3. EBSTEIN ANOMALY IN THE TSUSHIMA LEOPARD CAT (PRIONAILURUS BENGALENSIS EUPTILURUS). Shimamura S, Shiota Y, Takagi N, Habara T, Hirata S, Komai H, Nishimura S, Tani H, Shimada T. J Zoo Wildl Med. 48(2):586-589. (2017). button6
    4. Serological surveillance for antibodies against six canine veruses in wild raccoons in Japan. Aoki E, Soma T, Yokoyama M, Matsubayashi M, Sasai K. J. Wildlife Dis. 53(4):761-768. (2017).  button6
    5. Development of molecular diagnostic protocols for detecting three types of Entamoeba from diarrheal and asymptomatic pigs and environmental moist soils. Hirashima Y, Manchanayake T, Yano T, Kitahara S, Koreeda T, Kamimura S, Sasai KMatsubayashi M, Shibahara T. Parasitol  Res, 116(7):2001-2007, (2017). button6
    6. Report of fatal mixed infection with Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia intestinalis in neonatal calves. Matsuura Y, Matsubayashi M, Nukata S, Shibahara T, Ayukawa O, Kondo Y, Matsuo T, Uni S, Furuya MTani H, Tsuji N, Sasai KActa Parasitologica, 62(1):214-220.(2017). button6


    1. Detection of kobuvirus RNA in Japanese domestic dogs. Soma T, Matsubayashi M, Sasai K. J Vet Med Sci. 8(11):1731-1735.(2016). button6
    2. Identification of Eimeria acervulina conoid antigen using chicken monoclonal antibody. Matsubayashi M, Minoura C, Kimura S, Tani H, Furuya M, Lillehoj H.S, Matsuda H, Takenaka S, Hatta T, Tsuji T, Sasai K. Parasitol  Res. 115:4123–4128.(2016). button6
    3. A Serological Survey of Leptospira Spp. Antibodies in Wild Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Osaka, Japan. Saeki J, Nakanishi H, Furuya M, Masubuchi M, Matsubayashi M, Tani H, Sasai K. Asian Journal of Animal and VeterinaryAdvances.  11: 258-262. (2016). PDF logo
    4. First report of molecular identification of Cystoisospora suis in piglets with lethal diarrhea in Japan. Matsubayashi M, Takayama H, Kusumoto M, Murata M, Uchiyama Y, Kaji M, Sasai K, Yamaguchi R, Shibahara T. Acta Parasitol, 61(2):406-11. (2016). button6
    5. Transcriptional profiles of virulent and precocious strains of Eimeria tenella at sporozoite stage; novel biological insight into attenuated asexual development. Matsubayashi M., Kawahara F., Hatta T., Yamagishi J., Miyoshi T., Anisuzzaman, Sasai K., Isobe T., Kita K., Tsuji N., Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 40(1):54-60. (2016). button6
    6. First report of molecular identification of Cystoisospora suis in piglets with lethal diarrhea in Japan. Matsubayashi M., Takayama H., Kusumoto M., Murata M., Uchiyama Y., Kaji M., Sasai K., Yamaguchi R., Shibahara T., Acta Parasitologica,,61(2):406–411. (2016) . button6 
    7. Feline Coronavirus RT-PCR Assays for Feline Infectious Peritonitis Diagnosis, Animal Coronaviruses. Edited by Leyi Wang, Springer Protocols Handbooks, Chapter 15, p.161-170, Humana Press, Takehisa Soma, ISBN 978-1-4939-3412-6, ISBN 978-1-4939-3414-0 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3414-0. (2016). button6


    1. Localization of heat shock protein 110 in canine mammary gland tumors. Okada S., Furuya M., Takenaka S., Fukui A., Matsubayashi M., Tani H., Sasai K. Vet. Immunol., 167(3-4):139-46. (2015). button6 
    2. Characteristics of bone fractures and usefulness of micro-computed tomography for fracture detection in rabbits: 210 cases (2007-2013). Sasai H, Fujita D, Tagami Y, Seto E, Denda Y, Hamakita H, Ichihashi T, Okamura K, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K, Yamate J. J Am Vet Med Assoc., 46(12):1339-44. (2015). button6 
    3. The detection of toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans from cats with nasal inflammation in Japan. Saeki J, Katsukawa C, Matsubayashi M, Nakanishi H, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K. Epidemiol. Infect., 143, 2660–2665. (2015). button6  
    4. Identification of novel tumor-associated antigens in canine mammary gland tumor. Furuya M, Funasaki M, Tani H, Sasai K ,Veterinary and Comparative Oncology., 13(3):194-202. (2015). button6 


    1. Localization of eimeripain, an Eimeria tenella cathepsin B-like cysteine protease, during asexual and sexual intracellular development in chicken ceca. Matsubayashi M, Hatta T, Miyoshi T, Anisuzzaman, Sasai K, Yamaji K, Shimura K, Isobe T, Kita K, Tsuji N. J Vet Med Sci., 76(4):531-7. (2014). button6 
    2. Profiling of serum metabolites in canine lymphoma using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Tamai R, Furuya M, Hatoya S, Akiyoshi H, Yamamoto R, Komori Y, Yokoi S, Tani K, Hirano Y, Komori M, Takenaka S. J Vet Med Sci.76(11):1513-8.(2014). button6 


    1. Elongation Factor-1α is a Novel Protein Associated with Host Cell Invasion and a Potential Protective Antigen of Cryptosporidium parvum. Matsubayashi M, Kimata I, Uni S, Lillehoj HS, Matsuda H, Furuya M, Tani HSasai K. J Biol Chem. 288(47):34111-20. (2013).  button6
    2. High-throughput RNA sequencing profiles and transcriptional evidence of aerobic respiratory enzymes in sporulating oocysts and sporozoites of Eimeria tenella. Matsubayashi M, Hatta T, Miyoshi T, Anisuzzaman, Sasai K, Shimura K., Isobe T., Kita K., Tsuji N. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 18:269-76. (2013). button6 
    3. Infectivity of Cryptosporidium andersoni Kawatabi type relative to the small number of oocysts in immunodeficient and immunocompetent neonatal and adult mice. Koyashiki-Nagano S., Matsubayashi M., Kimata I., Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K, Parasitol. Int., 62(2):109-11. (2013). button6 


    1. Expression of Fat2 mRNA in Canine Skin Tumors. Matsui S, Sasai K., Takeuchi T, J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11(13):2289-93. (2012) . Research Gate-Logo


    1. Phylogenetic identification of Cystoisospora spp. from dogs, cats, and raccoon dogs in Japan. Matsubayashi M, Carreno RA, Tani H, Yoshiuchi R, Kanai T, Kimata I, Uni S, Furuya M, Sasai K, Vet. Parasitol., 176(2-3):270-4. (2011). button6 
    2. Effect of low pH on the morphology and viability of Cryptosporidium Cover-Int.J.Parasitol.andersoni
      sporozoites and histopathology in the stomach of infected mice. Matsubayashi M, Ando H, Kimata I, Takase H, Nakagawa H, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K, Int. J. Parasitol., 41(3-4):287-92. (2011). button6 
      Int. J. Parasitol.の表紙のイメージに採用されました


    1. Survey and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia spp in owned companion animals, dogs and cats in Japan. Yoshiuch R, Matsubayashi M, Kimata I, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K, Vet. Parasitol., 174(3-4):313-316. (2010) button6
    2. Morphological changes and viability of Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites after excystation in cell-free culture media. Matsubayshi M, Ando H, Kimata I, Nakagawa M, Furuya M, Tani H, Sasai K., Paratiology., 137(13):1861-6. (2010) button6
    3. Coprological Survey of Parasitic Infections in Pigs and Cattle in a Slaughterhouse in Osaka, Japan. Matsubayashi M, Kita T, Narushima T, Kimata I, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., J. Vet Med. Sci,71(8):1079-1083.(2009). button6
    4. Importance of subunit vaccine antigen of major Fli C antigenic site of Salmonella Enteritidis II: A challenge trial. Toyota-Hanatani, Kyoumoto Y, Baba E, Ekawa T, Ohta H, Tani H, Sasai K. 2009, Vaccine 27(11):1680-1684. (2009). button6
    5. Public health assessment of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis inactivated-vaccine treatment in layer flocks. Toyota-Hanatani Y, Ekawa T, Ohta H, Igimi S, Hara-Kudo Y, Sasai K, Baba E. Appl Environ Microbiol., 75(4):1005-1010. .(2009). button6
    6. Genetical survey of novel type of Cryptosporidium andersoni in cattle in Japan. Matsubayashi M, Nagano S, Kita T, Narushima T, Kimata I, Iseki M, Hajiri T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Vet. Parasitol., 158: 44-50.(2008). button6
    7. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies that recognize the Eimeria tenella microneme protein MIC2. Sasai K, Raymond HF, Lillehoj HS, Matsuura S, Constantinoiu CC, Matsubayashi M, Tani H, Baba E. J. Parasitol. 94(6):1432-1434. (2008). button6
    8. The role of roof rats (Rattus rattus) in the spread of Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Infantis contamination in layer farms in eastern Japan. Lapuz R, Tani H, Sasai K, Shirota K, Katoh H, Baba E., Epidemiol Infect., 136(9):1235-1245.(2008). button6
    9. Improvement of DNA extraction method for dried blood spots and comparison of four PCR methods for detection of Babesia gibsoni (Asian genotype) infection in canine blood samples. Tani H, Tada Y, Sasai K, Baba E. J. Vet Med. Sci., 70(5):461-467.(2008). (IF=0.713). PubMed
    10. Electron microscopic observation of cytoskeletal frame structures and detection of tubulin on the apical region of Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites. Matsubayashi M, Takase H, Kimata I, Nakagawa H, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Parasitology., 135(Pt 3):295-301. (2008). (IF=2.316). PubMed
    11. Detection of a mixed infection of a novel Cryptosporidium andersoni and its subgenotype in Japanese cattle. Nagano S, Matsubayashi M, Kita T, Narushima T, Kimata I, Iseki M, Hajiri T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Vet Parasitol. 2007 149(3-4):213-8. (IF=2.278) PubMed
    12. Effects of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis vaccination in layer hens subjected to S. Enteritidis challenge and various feed withdrawal regimens. Piao Z, Toyota-Hanatani Y, Ohta H, Sasai K, Tani H, Baba E. Vet Microbiol. 2007 125(1-2):111-9. PubMed
    13. An epidemiological analysis of Salmonella Enteritidis comtamination in a rat-infested chicken layer farm, an egg processing facility, and liquid egg samples by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Lapua R., Tani H., Sasai K., Baba B., J. Vet. Med. Sci.,(2007) 69(6):649-652. PubMed
    14. Monoclonal Antibodies for the Diagnosis of Canine Mastocytoma. Sasai K., Katoh M., Fujita D., Yamashita M., Constantinoiu CC., Matsubayashi M., Tani H., Baba B., Hybridoma. (2007) 26(3):162-7. PubMed
    15. Therapeutic effects of beta-thujaplicin eardrops on canine Malassezia-related otitis externa. Nakano Y, Matsuo S, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., J Vet Med Sci. (2006) 68(4):373-4.
    16. Survey of Japanese layere farms for Salmonella enteritidis with vaccination and infection-specific antigens for egg yolk antibodies., Mizumoto N, Toyota-Hanatani Y, Sasai K, Tani H, Ekawa T, Ohta H, Baba E., J. Food Prot. (2006) 69:17-21.
    17. Molecular characterization of crane Coccidia, Eimeria gruis and E. reichenow, found in feces of migratory cranes. Matsubayashi M, Takami K, Abe N, Kimata I, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Parasitol Res. (2005) 97(1):80-83.
    18. Survey of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giargia spp. infections in various animals at a zoo in Japan. Matsubayashi M, Takami K, Kimata I, Nakanishi T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E. J. Zoo Wildlife Med. (2005) 36(2):174-178.
    19. Specific adhesion and invasion of Salmonella Enteritidis inthe vaginaof laying hens., Mizumoto N, Sasai K, Tani H, Baba E.,Vet Microbiol. (2005) 111(1-2):99-105.
    20. Proliferative responses to canine thyroglobulin of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from hypothyroid dogs. Tani H, Nabetani T, Sasai K, Baba E., J Vet Med Sci. (2005) 67(4):363-8
    21. Infectivity of a novel type of Cryptosporidium andersoni tolaboratory mice. Matsubayashi M,Kimata I, Iseki M, Hajiri T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Vet Parasitol. (2005) 129(1-2):165-8.
    22. Cross-reactivities with Cryptosporidium spp. by chicken monoclonal antibodies that recognize avian Eimeria spp., Matsubayashi M,Kimata I, Iseki M, Lillehoj HS, Matsuda H, Nakanishi T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E.. Vet Parasitol.(2005) 128(1-2):47-57.
    23. Differentialresponsesof macrophages to Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium. Okamura M, Lillehoj HS,Raybourne RB, BabuUS, Heckert RA, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E, Lillehoj EP., Vet Immunol Immunopathol. (2005) 107(3-4):327-35.
    24. Effects of beta-thujaplicin on anti-Malassezia pachydermatis remedy for canine wtitis externa. Nakano Y, Wada M, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., J. Vet. Med. Sci. (2005) 67(12):1243-1247.
    25. First record of Cryptosporidium infectionin a raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus). Matsubayashi M,Abe N, Takami K, Kimata I, Iseki M, Nakanishi T, Tani H, Sasai K, Baba E., Vet Parasitol.(2004) 120(3):171-175.
    26. Detection of specific antibodies against deflagellated Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Enteritidis FliC-specific 9kDa polypeptide. Mizumoto N,Toyota-Hanatani Y, Sasai K, Tani H, Ekawa T, Ohta H, BabaE., Vet Microbiol. (2004) 99(2):113-120.
    27. Characterization of stage-specific andcross-reactive antigens from Eimeria acervulina by chicken monoclonal antibodies. Constantinoiu CC, Lillehoj HS, Matsubayashi M, Tani H, Matsuda H, Sasai K, Baba E., J Vet Med Sci. 2004 66(4):403-408.
    28. The detection of a novel type of Cryptosporidium andersoni oocyst in cattle in Japan., Matsubayashi M, Kimata I, Abe N, Tani H, Sasai K., Parasitol Res. (2004) 93(6):504-506.
    29. Analysis ofcross-reactivity of five new chicken monoclonal antibodies which recognize the apical complex of Eimeria using confocal laserimmunofluorescence assay. Constantinoiu CC, Lillehoj HS, Matsubayashi M, Hosoda Y, Tani H, Matsuda H, Sasai K, Baba E., Vet Parasitol. (2003) 118(1-2):29-35.
    30. Neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis and hydrocephalus in a chihuahua., Kuwamura M, Hattori R, Yamate J, Kotani T, Sasai K., J Small Anim Pract. (2003) 44(5):227-230.
    31. Increased lymphocyte subpopulationsandmacrophages in the ovaries and oviducts of laying hens infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis.. Withanage GS, Sasai K, Fukata T, Miyamoto T, Lillehoj HS, Baba E.,
    32. Increased lymphocyte subpopulationsandmacrophages in the ovaries and oviducts of laying hens infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Avian Pathol. (2003) 32(6):583-590.
    33. Recognition pattern of thyroglobulin autoantibody from hypothyroiddogs totryptic peptides of canine thyroglobulin., Tani H, Shimizu R, Sasai K, BabaE., J Vet Med Sci. (2003) 65(10):1049-1056.
    34. Differencies among six Salmonella Serovars in abilities to colonize reproductive organs and to contaminate eggs in laying hens. Okamura, M., Kamijima, Y., Miyamoto, T., Tani, H., Sasai, K., Baba, E. Avian Disease (2001) 45:61-69.
    35. Dynamics of lymphocyte subpopulation changes in the cecal tonsils of chickens infected with Salmonella enteritidis. Sasai, K., Aita, M., Lillehoj, H.S., Miyamoto, T., Fukata, T., Baba, E. Vet Microbiol. (2000) 74: 345-351.
    36. Study of lipid in the ear canal in canine otitis externa with Malassezia pachydermatis. Masuda, A., Sukegawa, T., Mizumoto, N., Tani, H., Miyamoto, T., Sasai, K., Baba, E. (2000) J. Vet. Med. Sci. 62:1177-1182.
    37. Lactobacillus flora in the cloaca and vagina of hens and its inhibitory activity against Salmonella enteritidis In vitro. Miyamoto, T., Horie, T., Fujiwara, T., Fukata, T., Sasai, K., Baba, E. (2000) Poult. Sci. 79:7-11.
    38. Secretion of Salmonella-specific antibodies in the oviducts of hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis. Withanage, G. S. K., Sasai, K., Fukata, T., Miyamoto, T., Baba, E. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. (1999) 67:185-193.
    39. Inhibitory effects of competitive exclusion and fructooligosaccharide, singly and in combination, on Salmonella colonization of chicks. Fukata, T., Sasai, K., Miyamoto, T., Baba, E., (1999) J. Food Prot. 62: 229-233.
    40. Evaluation of the efficacy of Salmonella enteritidis oil-emulsion bacterin in an intravaginal challenge model in hen. (1999) Avian Disease 43:497-505.
    41. Oxitocin gene expression and action in goat testis. Inaba, T., Nakayama, Y., Tani, H., Tamada, H., Kawate, N., Sawada, T. (1999) Theriogenology 52:425-434.
    42. Increased LH pulse frequency and estrogen secretion associated with termination of anestrus followed by enhancement of uterine estrogen receptor gene expression in the beagle bitch. Tani, H., Inaba, T., Nonami, N., Matsuyama, S., Takamori, Y., Torii, R., Tamada, H., Kawate, N., Sawada, T. (1999) Theriogenology 52:593-607.
    43. Induction of fertile estrus in bitches using a sustained-release formulation of a GnRH agonist (leuprolide acetate). Inaba, T., Tani, H., Gonda, M., Nakagawa, A., Ohmura, M., Mori, J., Torii, R., Tamada, H. and Sawada, T. (1998) Theriogenology, 49(5), 975-982.
    44. Salmonella typhimurium colonization and changes in the intestinal tract in ochratoxin A-administrated layer chickens. Fukata, T., Okamoto, M., Sasai, K., and Baba, E. (1998) MYCOTOXINS, 46, 23-28.
    45. A chicken anti-conoid monoclonal antibody identifies a common epitope which is present on motile stages of Eimeria, Neospora, and Toxoplasma. Sasai, K., Lillehoj, H.S., Hemphill, A., Matsuda, H., Hanioka, Y., Fukata, T., Baba, E. and Arakawa, A. (1998) J. Parasitol., 84, 654-656.
    46. Recombinant porcine follicle stimulating hormone produced in baculovirus-insect cells induces rat ovulation in vivo and gene expression of tissue plasminogen activator in vitro. Inaba, T., Mori, J., Ohmura, M., Tani, H., Kato, J., Tomizawa, K., Kato, T., Ihara, T., Sato, I., Ueda, S.(1998) Res. Vet. Sci., 64(1), 25-29.
    47. T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and macrophages in the ovaries and oviducts of laying hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis. Withanage, G.S.K., Sasai, K., Fukata, T., Miyamoto, T., Baba, E. and Lillehoj, H.S. (1998) Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 66, 173-184.
    48. A first feline case of cardiomyopathy associated with hyperthyroidism due to thyroid adenoma in Japan. Miyamoto, T., Kato, M., Tani, K., Kawata, M. and Kuwamura, M. (1998) Feline Pract., 26, 6-9.
    49. Changes in microflora of the cloaca and oviduct of hens after intracloacal or intravaginal inoculation with Salmonella enteritidis. Miyamoto, T., Horie, T., Fukata, T., Sasai, K., Baba, E. (1998) Avian Dis., 42, 536-544)
    50. Salmonella penetration through eggshell associated with freshness of laid eggs and refrigeration. Miyamoto, T., Horie, T., Baba, E., Sasai, K., Fukata, T.,  Arakawa, A. (1998) J. Food. Prot., 61, 350-353.
    51. Salmonella enteritidis contamination of eggs from hens inoculated by vaginal, cloacal, and intravenous routes. Miyamoto, T., Baba, E., Tanaka, T., Sasai, K., Fukata, T.,  Arakawa, A. (1998) Avian Dis., 41, 296-303.
    52. Enhancement of estrogen receptor gene expression in the mediobasal hypothalamus during anestrus in the beagle bitch. Tani, H., Inaba, T., Matsuyama, S., Takamori, Y., Torii, R., Takano, H., Tamada, H,  Sawada, T. (1997) Neurosci. Lett., 227(3), 149-152.
    53. Analysis of splenic and thymic lymphocyte subpopulations in chickens infected with Salmonella enteritidis. (1997) Sasai, K., Yoshimura, K., Lillehoj, H.S., Withangage, G.S.K., Fukata, T., Baba, E. and Arakawa, A. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 59, 359-367.
    54. Localization and enumeration of T and B lymphocytes in the reproductive tract of laying hens. Withanage, G.S.K., Baba, E., Sasai, K., Fukata, T., Kuwamura, T., Miyamoto, T., Arakawa, A. (1997) Poult. Sci., 76, 671-676.
    55. Evaluation of plasma chemistry and haematological studies on chickens infected with Eimeria tenella and E acervulina. Fukata, T., Komba, Y., Sasai, K., Baba, E., Arakawa, A. (1997) Vet. Record, 141, 44-46.