


Journal:   Heliyon (CellPress)

Title:  Detection of prolong excretion of Escherichia albertii in stool specimens of a 7-year-old child by a newly developed Eacdt gene-based quantitative real-time PCR method and molecular characterization of the isolates.

Authors:  Sharda Prasad AwasthiAkira NagitaNoritoshi HatanakaJayedul HassanBingting XuAtsushi HinenoyaShinji Yamasaki.


Escherichia albertii is an emerging zoonotic foodborne pathogen. The clinical significance of this bacterium has increasingly been recognized worldwide. However, diagnostic method has not yet been established and its clinical manifestations are not fully understood. Here, we show that an Eacdt gene-based quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) developed in this study is 100% specific and sensitive when tested with 39 E. albertii and 36 non-E. albertii strains, respectively. Detection limit of the real-time PCR was 10 colony forming unit (CFU) and 1 pg of genomic DNA per PCR tube. When E. albertii was spiked with 4 × 100-106 CFU per mL to stool of healthy person, detection limit was 4.0 × 103 and 4.0 CFU per mL before and after enrichment culture, respectively. Moreover, the qRT-PCR was able to detect E. albertii in five children out of 246 (2%) but none from 142 adults suffering from gastroenteritis. All five E. albertii strains isolated carried eae and paa genes, however, only one strain harbored stx2f genes. Long-term shedding of stx2f gene-positive E. albertii in a child stool could be detected because of the qRT-PCR developed in this study which might have been missed if only conventional PCR and culture methods were employed. Furthermore, E. albertii isolated from siblings with diarrhea showed clonality by PFGE analysis. Taken together, these data suggest that the Eacdt gene-based qRT-PCR developed for the detection of E. albertii is useful and will assist in determining the real burden and clinical manifestation of E. albertii infections.

E. albertii; Eacdt; Prolong shedding; Quantitative real-time PCR; Shiga toxin.



Escherichia albertiiの認知度はまだまだ低いかもしれませんが、新興の人獣共通感染症病原体として注目されている腸管感染症細菌です。我が国においては、各地で集団食中毒事例がたびたび発生しています。本菌の検査法については、現在も発展途上ですが、本論文では以下の成果を報告しました。

E. albertiiが、特異的かつ普遍的に保有するEacdt遺伝子をターゲットとしたリアルタイムPCR法を構築した。



・定量性を利用してE. albertii感染者を経時的にモニタリングしたところ、発症後から治癒後までの糞便への排菌数の変動を観察できたこと。 (少数ではあるが、下痢の回復後も排菌をしていることも判明した)
