

Jayedul Hassan教授との国際共同研究の成果がInt J Food Microbiol誌に掲載されました。

Journal:  International Journal of Food Microbiology

Title:  Occurrence and cross contamination of Escherichia albertii in retail chicken outlets in Bangladesh.

Authors:  Jayedul Hassan, Kishor Sosmith Utsho, Susmita Karmakar, Md. Wohab Ali, Sharda Prasad Awasthi, Chiharu Uyama, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Shinji Yamasaki, Atsushi Hinenoya*.

Abstract:  Escherichia albertii is an emerging zoonotic pathogen linked to human gastrointestinal illnesses, with poultry meats being considered as a key source of human infections. However, there is little information regarding the distribution and characteristics of this bacterium in Bangladesh. This study investigated the occurrence, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence of E. albertii in chicken meats from retail outlets in Bangladesh. We collected samples from 61 dressed chickens across 17 retail shops from 4 upazilas, along with swabs from cloaca, processing utensils, and worker hands. Detection of E. albertii by species-specific PCR revealed substantial occurrence of E. albertii in retail chicken meat (63.9 %), cloaca (71.4 %), human hand (45.5 %), bleeding cone (13.3 %) and blade (10 %). Almost all the E. albertii isolates (94.4 %) exhibited resistance to at least one of the tested antimicrobials, among which 50 % were multidrug resistant, including resistance to clinically relevant antimicrobials such as tetracycline, ampicillin, gentamicin, kanamycin, nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. Whole genome sequencing analysis identified the presence of corresponding antimicrobial resistance genes and critical virulence genes (eaeEacdt). Notably, although wgSNP-based phylogenetic analysis showed the genomic diversity of the isolates, some of the isolates from the same shop displayed clonal relationships among meats, cloacal swabs, and human hand swabs, indicating contamination during processing. These findings highlight the public health risk posed by E. albertii in retail poultry, underlining the poultry's role as a potential vector for zoonotic transmission and the need for improved biosecurity and antimicrobial management practices in poultry production.

Keywords: Escherichia albertii; Retail chicken; Bangladesh; Cross contamination; Antimicrobial resistance; Multidrug resistance

本研究は、2019年3月に当教室で学位を取得したJayedul Hassanさん(現;Professor at Bangladesh Agricultural University)と行った国際共同研究の成果発表です。

アルバーティ細菌(E. albertii)は、新興食中毒細菌として世界的に認知されています。一部の菌株は、O157で知られる腸管出血性大腸菌と同じように志賀毒素を産生することから、ヒトに重篤な病態を引き起こす可能性もあり、公衆衛生上の新たなリスクとなっています。


①バングラデシュの鶏は70%以上の個体がE. albertiiを保菌し、その鶏肉は60%以上が汚染されている。




