教授 山岸則夫(A306室)
[Biomarker Search and Clinical Applications]
We are studying biomarkers related to animal health using medical electrophoresis analysis, fluorescence measurement, and ELISA. We have found a blood biomarker that can predict the onset of postpartum hypocalcemia in dairy cattle calves 3 weeks before parturition. We have also found a blood biomarker that can be used for health management of rare animals (zoo-managed Asian elephants) during suckling and weaning.
We are currently interested in stress reduction in animals and are also preparing for research on biomarkers that can be used for stress assessment.
The students will be assigned a research theme from among the ongoing projects, and will experience a series of processes from planning (survey of previous reports), experiment (analysis), statistics, discussion, and publication.
*Doctoral degree holders supervised as the main supervisor: 7 people (as the professor of the United Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Gifu University)
Research achievements and other information
准教授 石川真悟(A302室)
馬や牛で問題となっている疾病を、分子生物学的な観点(特に免疫)から解明し、その予防・治療法を開発することを目的としています。現在取り組んでいるのは、牛や馬の呼吸器病の予防に関するテーマで、呼吸器粘膜免疫機構の解明、栄養と免疫の関係性、ワクチンによる非特異的な自然免疫機構の活性化(trained immunity)等について研究しています。
講師 土赤 忍(A302室)
助教 金 秀垠 (A302室)