Osaka Metropolitan University
- School of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
- Department of Materials Science
- Science Information Center
- OPAC - Osaka Metropolitan University Online Public Access Catalog
- e-journals and e-books
- Portal System
- Outlook Web App - (web mail)
- University Co-operative Association
Educational and research institutions
- National universities
- Public universities
- Private universities
- Colleges
- Open institutes
- National research institutes
- AIST - Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- NIMS - National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
- NII - National Institute of Informatics
- NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
- NPL - National Physical Laboratory, UK
Administrative institutions
- e-Rad(府省共通研究開発管理システム)
- JISC - Japanese Industrial Standards Committee(日本工業標準調査会)
- JSPS - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(日本学術振興会)
- JST - Japan Science and Technology Agency(科学技術振興機構)
- JST CREST Element Strategy - (戦略的創造研究推進事業 元素戦略領域)
- METI - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(経済産業省)
- METI Kinki - Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry(近畿経済産業局)
- MEXT - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologies(文部科学省)
- NEDO - New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)
- SCJ - Science Council of Japan(日本学術会議)
- The Japan Academy
Osaka Prefecture
- Education Committee
- Teachers' Mutual Aid Association
- Osaka Mono Support(大阪府 ものづくり支援課)
- Creation Core Higashi Osaka
- Development Center for New Metallic Material
- ORIST - Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (大阪産業技術研究所)
Sakai City
- Commerce and Industry Dept
- The Sakai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Sakai City Industrial Promotion Center
Academic institutions(学術団体・法人)
- AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute
- ASM International
- ASTM International
- CeSJ - The Ceramic Society of Japan(日本セラミックス協会)
- ChSJ- The Chemical Society of Japan(日本化学会)
- ENEKAN - Kyoto Energy-Environment Research Society(京都エネルギー・環境研究協会 エネカン)
- ISIJ - The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan(日本鉄鋼協会)
- JABEE - Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education(日本技術者教育認定機構)
- JCBA - Japan Copper and Brass Association(日本伸銅協会)
- JILM - The Japan Institute of Light Metals(軽金属学会)
- JIM - The Japan Institute of Metals(日本金属学会)
- JISF - The Japan Iron and Steel Federation(日本鉄鋼連盟)
- JPS - The Physical Society of Japan(日本物理学会)
- JSAP - The Japan Society of Applied Physics(応用物理学会)
- JSHT - The Japan Society for Heat Treatment(日本熱処理技術協会)
- JSM - The Japanese Society of Microscopy(日本顕微鏡学会)
- JSME - The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(日本機械学会)
- JSMS - The Society of Materials Science, Japan(日本材料学会)
- JSNDI - The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection(日本非破壊検査協会)
- JSTP - The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity(日本塑性加工学会)
- MMIJ - Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan(資源・素材学会)
- MRS - Materials Research Society
- TMS - The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
- Iketani Science and Technology Foundation(池谷科学技術振興財団)
- JFE 21st Century Foundation(JFE 21世紀財団)
- JSF - Japan Science Foundation / Science Museum(日本科学技術振興財団・科学技術館)
- JRCM - The Japan Research and Development Center for Metals(金属系材料研究開発センター)
- LMEF - The Light Metal Education Foundation(軽金属奨学会)
- OSTEC - Osaka Science and Technology Center(大阪科学技術センター)
- Research Foundation for Materials Science(材料科学研究助成基金)
- RIMCOF - R&D Institute of Metals and Composites for Future Industries(次世代金属・複合材料研究開発協会)
- WERC - The Wakasa-wan Energy Research Center(若狭湾エネルギー研究センター)
Knowledge bases and databases(知識ベース・データベース)
- AbrvJT - Journal title abbreviations provided by Web of Science
- CiNii - NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator(国立情報学研究所 論文情報ナビゲータ)
- J-STAGE(科学技術情報発信・流通総合システム)
- JREC-IN - Japan Research Career Information Network(研究者人材データベース)
- JST Science Portal(サイエンスポータル)
- J-GLOBAL(科学技術総合リンクセンター)
- KAKEN - Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research Database(科学研究費補助金データベース)
- Materials Journal Portal Site - Acamdemic Material Journal Information from Japan
- IRP-NII - Institutional Repository Program, National Institute of Informatics(国立情報学研究所 学術機関リポジトリ)
Education and research resources(教育・研究資源)
- APDIC - The Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission
- ATAT - Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit by Axel van de Walle
- Bilbao Crystallographic Server - Crystallographic data provided by the Condensed Matter Physics Dept of the University of the Basque Country
- CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology, International Council for Science
- CCMS - Center for Computational Materials Science, Naval Research Laboratory
- Defects in Crystals by Helmut Föll at University of Kiel
- Diffusion Fundamentals at Leipzig University
- DoITPoMS - Online Materials Science Learning Resources by University of Cambridge
- E-Materials - Multimedia Resource Centre for Materials Science Education
- ICME - The International Council on Materials Education
- Interactive periodic table of elements - provided by Merck
- ISSS - International Symposium on Steel Science, organised by Iron and Stell Institute of Japan
- Materials Today
- MedeA by Materials Design, Inc
- MTDATA - Phase diagram software from NPL, UK
- Nanotech Japan(ナノテクノロジー先端研究拠点ネットワーク)
- Nature Materials
- NIST Scientific and Technical Databases
- ScienceDaily Materials Science News
- ScienceDirect Elsevier
- SGTE - Scientific Group Thermodata Europe
- SpringerLink
- Thermo-Calc - Calculations of thermodynamics and phase diagrams of alloys
- VASP - Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package from the University of Vienna
- WebElements - Periodic Table of the Elements
- WIEN2k - DFT program package from TU Vienna
- Apple Developer
- CrystalMaker - Crystal and molecular structures visualization software
- Cygwin - A Linux-like environment for Windows
- HPC - High Performance Computing for Mac OS X
- GNU Emacs - Text editor from Free Software Foundation
- LaTeX - A document preparation system - LaTeX project site
- MacPorts - Online community and resource for Mac OS X in science
- MacWiki
- MacWindows - Macintosh–Windows integration
- TeX Wiki
- TeXdoc Online - TeX and LaTeX Documentation
- WaveMetrics - Igor Pro
- Wolfram Alpha - Computational knowledge engine
- Wolfram Research
- Linux標準教科書 - LPI Japan
- Emacs入門 - 慶應大学
- Fortran入門 - NAG
- gnuplot - MacWiki
- ABC News
- Asahi Shimbun(朝日新聞)
- BBC News
- CNET News
- CNN News
- DAINICHI - Osaka Daily News(大阪日日新聞)
- France 2
- Frankfurter Allgemeine
- Le Monde
- Mainichi Shimbun(毎日新聞)
- MSN Sankei News(MSN産経ニュース)
- NHK Online(NHKオンライン)
- Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Business Line(日刊工業新聞)
- NIKKEI NET(日経ネット)
- Sankei Kansai(産経関西)
- The New York Times
- TIMES Online
- Yomiuri Online(読売新聞)
- ZDF - Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
- Display test @ ITmedia(ディスプレイ表示テスト)
- Display test @ miyahan(ディスプレイ表示テスト)
- Inforati - Mac tips