Academic year 2022
- Interaction between interstitial-substitutional solute atoms and formation of their clusters in bcc iron
H. Numakura
27 June, 2022, The 19th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-19)(June 27-July 1, 2022, Roma, Italy)
Academic year 2019
- Diffusion of boron in alpha-iron: Long-range diffusion measurement by secondary ion mass spectroscopy(Invited lecture)
R. Nakamura, K. Hamana, H. Numakura, T. Suzuki
27 June, 2019, 15th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2019)(June 24-28, 2019, Athens, Greece)
Academic year 2018
- Structural evolution and crystallization behaviour of sputter-deposited amorphous germanium films(Invited lecture)
R. Nakamura, M. Okugawa, M. Ishimaru, H. Yasuda, H. Numakura
13 July, 2018, International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS - Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications- (Thermec’2018) (8-13 July, 2018 Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France)
Academic year 2017
- Single-phase interdiffusion in Ni3V (Poster presentation)
D. Inoue, R. Nakamura, Y. Kaneno, H. Numakura
4 October, 2017, NIMS WEEK 2017 (4-6 October, 2017 International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba) - Characterization of dual-phase steels (Poster presentation)
T. Miyata, G. Komeda*, H. Numakura*, J. Haga**, T. Nishio**, K. Sano** (*Osaka Prefecture University, **Nippon Steel Corp.)
13 September, 2017, The18th International Conference on International Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-18)(12-15 September, 2017 Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) - Nano-clustering of interstitial and substitutional solute atoms in alpha iron
H. Numakura
13 September, 2017, The18th International Conference on International Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-18)(12-15 September, 2017 Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) - Inhomogeneous crystallization of sputter-deposited amorphous Ge films(Invited lecture)
R. Nakamura, M. Okugawa, M. Ishimaru, H. Yasuda, H. Numakura
July, 2017, International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Display and Devices (17) (4-7 July, 2017 Ryukoku University, Kyoto) - Single-phase interdiffusion in Ni3V (Poster presentation)
D. Inoue, R. Nakamura, Y. Kaneno, H. Numakura
29 June, 2017, The 13th International Conference on Diffusion in Liquids and Solids - DSL2017 (27-29 June, 2017 Vienna, Austria) - Influence of substitutional solutes on the solubility and diffusion of C and N in bcc iron
H. Numakura, M. Souissi*, Y. Chen**, M. H. F. Sluiter***(*National Institute for Materials Science, **Tohoku University, ***Delft University of Technology)
28 June, 2017, The 13th International Conference on Diffusion in Liquids and Solids - DSL2017 (27-29 June, 2017 Vienna, Austria) - Crystallization of sputter-deposited amorphous Ge films: Competition of diamond cubic and hexagonal phases
R. Nakamura, M. Okugawa, M. Ishimaru*, H. Yasuda**, H. Numakura (* Kyusyu Institute of Technology, **Osaka University)
7 May, 2017,10th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT 2017)(7-12 May, 2017 Haifa, Israel)
Academic year 2016
- Interaction between Interstitial and Substitutional Solute Atoms in Alpha Iron: Experimental Study H. Numakura, R. Nakamura, M. Souissi
5 August, 2016, The 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9)(1-5 August 2016, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto) - Interaction between Interstitial and Substitutional Solute Atoms in Alpha Iron: First-Principles Study
M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, M.H.F. Sluiter**, H. Numakura (* Tohoku University, ** Delft University of Technology)
5 August, 2016, The 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9)(1-5 August 2016, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto) - Structural transition in sputter-deposited amorphous germanium films by aging at ambient temperature: TEM analysis and MD simulation
M. Okugawa, R. Nakamura, M. Ishimaru*, H. Yasuda**, H. Numakura (*Kyushu Institute of Technology, **Osaka University)
4 July, 2016, 23rd International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2016) (3-8 July 2016, Nara Kasugano International Forum, Nara) - Ab initio evaluation of the enthalpy of solution of light elements in bcc iron
M. Souissi, Y. Chen, M.H.F. Sluiter, H. Numakura
30 May, 2016, The 45th International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD XLV) (May 29 - June 3, 2016, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Hyogo)
Academic year 2015
- Interaction of interstitial C with substitutional Cr in alpha iron: a first principles study Maaouia Souissi, Ying Chen*, Marcel H. F. Sluiter**, Hiroshi Numakura (* Tohoku University, ** Delft University of Technology) 24 March 2016, The 158th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals(23-25 March 2016, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo)
- Elastic properties of Fe-C and Fe-N martensites Maaouia Souissi, Hiroshi Numakura 2 November 2015, 10th Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science-Virtual Organization(ACCMS-VO 10)(1-3 November 2015, Tohoku University, Sendai)
Academic year 2014
- First principles calculations of elastic properties of FeC and FeN martensites M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 26 September 2014, The 168th ISIJ Meeting (24-26 September 2014, Nagoya University, Nagoya)
- Behavior of C and N in vicinity of Cr in alpha iron: first principles study M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 25 September 2014, The 168th ISIJ Meeting (24-26 September 2014, Nagoya University, Nagoya)
- Solute-solute interaction in α iron(Keynote) Numakura Hiroshi 22 September 2014, 17th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-17)(21-26 September 2014, Hefei, China)
- Atomic interaction of phosphorus with carbon and nitrogen in iron(poster)
Akata Ai
22 September 2014, 17th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-17)(21-26 September 2014, Hefei, China) - Observation of oxygen diffusivity in perovskite oxides by impedance and mechanical spectroscopy(poster) Morimoto H, Watanabe R, Amano S, Nakamura R, Souissi M, Takeuchi T, Numakura H. 18 August 2014, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials(DIMAT-2014)(17-22 August 2014, Munster, Germany)
- Diffusion of oxygen in amorphous oxides Nakamura R, Toda T*, Tsukui S, Tane M*, Ishimaru M**, Suzuki T*, Nakajima H***(*Osaka University, **Kyushu Institute of Technology, ***The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center) 18 August 2014, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials(DIMAT-2014)(17-22 August 2014, Munster, Germany)
- Theoretical evaluation of anisotropic distortion associated with point defects in ordered compounds(poster) M. Souissi, T. Takeuchi, R. Nakamura, H. Numakura 18 August 2014, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials(DIMAT-2014)(17-22 August 2014, Munster, Germany)
- Solute-solute interaction in iron - thermodynamic and kinetic aspects(invited lecture) H. Numakura 23 June 2014, International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids(DSL-2014)(23-27 June 2014, Paris, France)
Academic year 2013
- Site preference and migration energy of B, C, N, and O in α iron: First-principles calculations with corrections for elastic interaction M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 21 March 2014, The 154th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (21-23 March 2014, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo)
- Solute-solute interaction in alpha iron - theory and experiment H. Numakura 6 August 2013, The 8th pacific rim international congress on advanced materials and processing - PRICM-8 (4-9 August 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA)
- First-principles study of B, C, and N dissolved in α iron (poster) M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 6 August 2013, The 8th pacific rim international congress on advanced materials and processing - PRICM-8 (4-9 August 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA)
- Atomic interaction between carbon and substitutional transition elements in α iron (poster) S. Hiramatsu, H. Numakura, Y. Tanaka*, T. Takeuchi (*Kobe Steel Ltd.) 6 August 2013, The 8th pacific rim international congress on advanced materials and processing - PRICM-8 (4-9 August 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA)
- Si-C and Si-N interaction in α iron (poster) Y. Watanabe, H. Numakura 6 August 2013, The 8th pacific rim international congress on advanced materials and processing - PRICM-8 (4-9 August 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA)
Academic year 2012
- Light elements dissolved in alpha iron: A first-principles study (poster) M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 23 November 2012, The 7th general meeting of ACCMS-VO (23-25 November 2012, Sendai)
- Light elements dissolved in alpha-iron: A density functional theory study M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 18 September 2012, The 151st meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (17-19 September 2012, Ehime University, Matsuyama)
- Interaction between interstitial and substitutional solute atoms in iron H. Numakura 28 May 2012, The 3rd International Symposium on Steel Science - ISSS 2012 (27-30 May 2012, Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto)
- First-principles approach to the nature of light elements dissolved in α iron(poster) M. Souissi, Y. Chen*, H. Numakura (*Tohoku University) 28 May 2012, The 3rd International Symposium on Steel Science - ISSS 2012 (27-30 May 2012, Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto)
Academic year 2011
- Theoretical approach to the nature of light elements dissolved in iron (poster) Souissi M., Chen Y.*, Numakura H. (*Tohoku University) 10 February 2012, The 6th general meeting of ACCMS-VO (10-12 February 2012, Tohoku University, Sendai)
- Study of structural relaxation in Zr−based bulk metallic glasses by dynamic shear modulus measurements (in Japanese) Fujimoto S., Numakura H., Saida J.*, Kato H.* (*Tohoku University) 7 November 2011, The 149th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (7-9 November 2011, Okinawa Convention Center, Ginowan)
- Effects of solute carbon atoms on defects in severely deformed iron (in Japanese) Akaki T., Morimoto H., Numakura H., Terada D.*, Tsuji N.* (*Kyoto University) 7 November 2011, The 149th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (7-9 November 2011, Okinawa Convention Center, Ginowan)
- Effect of texture on difference of deformation behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy rolling-sheets between in-plane tension and compression (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Naka T.*, Uemori T.**, Yoshida F.*** (*Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, **Kinki University, ***Hiroshima University) 29 October 2011, The 62th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (27-29 October 2011, Toyohashi)
- Grain refining for magnesium alloy by eccentric torsion extrusion with rapid-rotation (7th Report) (in Japanese) Fukui M., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 28 October 2011, The 62th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (27-29 October 2011, Toyohashi)
- Effect of post-weld heat treatment on reliability of duplex stainless steel (in Japanese) Udo R., Numakura H. 20 September 2011, The 162th ISIJ Meeting (20-22 September 2011, Suita)
- Study of structural relaxation in Zr−based bulk metallic glasses by dynamic shear modulus measurements (poster) S. Fujimoto, H. Numakura, J. Saida*, H. Kato* (*Tohoku University) 5 July 2011, The 16th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy − ICIFMS-16 (3-8 July 2011, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland)
- Characterization of defects in severely deformed metals by mechanical spectroscopy (poster) T. Akaki, H. Morimoto, H. Numakura, D. Terada, N. Tsuji* (*Kyoto University) 5 July 2011, The 16th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy − ICIFMS-16 (3-8 July 2011, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland)
- Quantitative analysis of carbon in ferrite in dual-phase steels by mechanical loss measurements (poster) K. Honda , K. Nakano , H. Numakura , D. Maeda*, N. Yoshinaga*, K. Ushioda* (*Nippon Steel Corporation) 5 July 2011, The 16th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy − ICIFMS-16 (3-8 July 2011, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland)
- Solute-solute interaction in alpha iron studied by mechanical spectroscopy Y. Tanaka, H. Numakura, G. Miyamoto*, T. Furuhara* (* Tohoku University) 4 July 2011, The 16th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy − ICIFMS-16 (3-8 July 2011, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland)
- Grain refining for magnesium alloy by eccentric torsion extrusion with rapid-rotation (6th Report) (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Fukui M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 28 May 2011, The 2011 Japanese Spring Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (27-29 May 2011, Tokyo)
- Structure control and formability of Magnesium alloy sheet (in Japanese) Kohzu M. 28 May 2011, The 9th Grant Research Workshop of Amada foundation (28 May 2011, Tokyo) (Award lecture)
- Grainrefinement and forgeability of magnesiumu alloy by torsion-extrusion with rapid rotation (in Japanese) Fukui M., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 22 May 2011, The 120th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals (20-22 May 2011, Nagoya)
- Orientation randomization and cold formability of AM60 magnesium alloy sheet (in Japanese) Yamakawa T., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Sugimoto K., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.* (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd.) 22 May 2011, The 120th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals (20-22 May 2011, Nagoya)
Academic year 2010
- Effect of post-weld heat treatment on reliability of duplex stainless steel (in Japanese) Udo R., Numakura H. 27 March 2011, The 161th ISIJ Meeting (25-27 March 2011, Tokyo)
- Cr-N interaction in α iron — Evaluation from the effect of Cr on equilibrium solubility (in Japanese) Tanaka Y., Numakura H., Furuhara T.*, Miyamoto G.* (*Tohoku University) 26 March 2011, The 161th ISIJ Meeting (25-27 March 2011, Tokyo)
- Cr-N and Cr-C interactions in α iron — Evaluations from the effects of Cr on the Snoek relaxation (in Japanese) Tanaka Y., Numakura H., Furuhara T.*, Miyamoto G.* (*Tohoku University) 26 March 2011, The 161th ISIJ Meeting (25-27 March 2011, Tokyo)
- Structural relaxation of Zr–Al–Ni–Cu bulk metallic glass studied by measurements of dynamic shear modulus (poster, in Japanese) Fujimoto S., Numakura H., Saida J.*, Kato H.* (*Tohoku University) 28 January 2011, The 5th meeting of Material Physics Forum, Kansai Branch of Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and Japan Institute of Metals (28 January 2011, Suita) (Excellent poster award)
- Effect of texture on difference between tensile and compressive deformation behavior of magnesium alloy (poster, in Japanese) Fukui M., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 7 January 2011, Students Workshop of Kansai Branch of Japan Institute of Light Metals (7 January 2011, Suita) (Award-winning for Excellent Poster Presentation)
- Texture controll for strong magnesium alloy AM60 (poster, in Japanese) Yamakawa T., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.* (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd.) 7 January 2011, Students Workshop of Kansai Branch of Japan Institute of Light Metals (7 January 2011, Suita) (Award-winning for Excellent Poster Presentation)
- A method for theoretically constructing a phase diagram by combining first-principle calculations and Monte Carlo simulation (in Japanese) Numakura H., Chen Y.* (*Tohoku University) 29 October 2010, The 20th Meeting of the JSPS 172 Alloy Phase Diagrams Committee (29 Octover 2010, Gero)
- Cold formability of randomly oriented AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Numakura H., Sugimoto K., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.*, Naka T.**, Mori K.*** (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd., **Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, ***Toyohashi University of Technology) 16 October 2010, The 61th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (15-17 October 2010, Yonezawa) (Award-winning for Excellent Presentation)
- Effect of Texture on difference between tensile and compressive deformation behavior of magnesium alloy (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Numakura H., Fukui M., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 16 October 2010, The 61th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (15-17 October 2010, Yonezawa)
- An attempt to evaluate the concentration of carbon dissolved in the ferrite phase in dual phase steels (poster, in Japanese) Honda K., Taniguchi S., Numakura H., Maeda D.*, Yoshinaga N.*, Ushioda K.* (*Nippon Steel Corporation) 26 September 2010, The 160th ISIJ Meeting (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Interaction between chromium and carbon, and chromium and nitrogen in ferrite iron (poster, in Japanese) Tanaka Y., Numakura H., Furuhara T.*, Miyamoto G.* (*Tohoku University) 26 September 2010, The 160th ISIJ Meeting (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Phase transformation and phase equilibria in Cu−Ti dilute alloys aged in a hydrogen atmosphere (in Japanese) Yamauchi S., Numakura H., Semboshi S.* (*Tohoku University) 27 September 2010, The 147th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Study of structural relaxation in Zr−Al−Ni−Cu metallic glass by measurements os dynamic shear modulus (in Japanese) Fujimoto S., Numakura H., Saida J.*, Kato H.* (*Tohoku University) 26 September 2010, The 147th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Cold formability of AZ31 Magnesium alloy rolling sheet with random orientation (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Numakura H., Sugimoto K., Naka T.*, Nakaura Y.**, Watanabe A.**, Mori K.*** (*Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, **Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd., ***Toyohashi University of Technology) 26 September 2010, The 147th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Defects in severely deformd nickel and their therminal stability (poster, in Japanese) Akaki T., Numakura H., Tsuji N.*, Terada D.* (*Kyoto University) 25 September 2010, The 147th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (25-27 September 2010, Sapporo)
- Effect of prior cold-working on strength and electrical conductivity of Cu−Ti dilute alloy aged in a hydrogen atmosphere Satosi Semboshi*, Hiroshi Numakura, Weilin Gao**, Hisashi Suda**, Akira Sugawara** (*Tohoku University, **DOWA Metaltech Co Ltd) 3 August 2010, The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM 7) (2-6 August 2010, Cairns, Australia)
- Grain refining for magnesium alloy by eccentric torsion extrusion with rapid-rotation (5th Report) (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Nagata Y., Fukui M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 29 May 2010, The 2010 Japanese Spring Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (28-30 May 2010, Chofu)
- Cold press formability of randomly oriented AZ31 magnesium alloy (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Numakura H., Sugimoto K., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.*, Naka T.**, Yoshida F.***, Mori K.**** (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd., **Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, ***Hiroshima University, ****Toyohashi University of Technology) 23 May 2010, The 118th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals (22-23 May 2010, Suita)
Academic year 2009
- Crystal defects in pure iron severely deformed by ARB and the effects of carbon and nitrogen on their density (in Japanese) Morimoto H., Numakura H., Semboshi S.*, Terada D.**, Tsuji N.** (* Tohoku University, ** Kyoto University) 30 March 2010, The 146th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (28-30 March 2010, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba)
- Caharacterization of defects in pure aluminium severely deformed by ARB or ECAP (in Japanese) Takemoto Y., Numakura H., Semboshi S.*, Terada D.**, Tsuji N.**, Horita Z.*** (* Tohoku University, ** Kyoto University, *** Kyushu University) 30 March 2010, The 146th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (28-30 March 2010, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba)
- Mechanical and electrical properties of Cu−Ti dilute alloys subjected to cold-rolling and ageing in a hydrogen atmosphere (in Japanese) Semboshi S.*, Kondow T., Numakura H., Kou Y.**, Suda H.**, Sugawara A.** (* Tohoku University, ** DOWA Metal Tech) 29 March 2010, The 146th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (28-30 March 2010, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba)
- Grain refining for AZ31 magnesium alloy by rapid-rotation torsion extrusion (Poster) Nagata Y., Fukui M., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.*, Takahashi H.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 6 January 2010, Students Workshop of Kansai Branch of Japan Institute of Light Metals (6 January 2010, Sakai)
- Cold formability of AZ31 Magnesium alloy rolling sheet with random orientation (Poster) Sugimoto K., Kohzu M., Numakura H., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.* (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd.) 6 January 2010, Students Workshop of Kansai Branch of Japan Institute of Light Metals (6 January 2010, Sakai)
- Characterization of crystal defects introduced into pure metals by severe defromation (in Japanese) Numakura H. 5 January 2010, Workshop on bulk nano-metals (5 January 2010, Kyoto University, Kyoto)
- Alloying elemenets in steels (in Japanese, invited) Numakura H. 17 November 2009, Symposium on steels and rare metals, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University (17 November 2009, Sendai)
- Texture randomization and formability improvement of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet by rolling and high-temperature annealing (in Japanbese) Kohzu M., Sugimoto K., Inoue H., Numakura H., Nakaura Y.*, Watanabe A.* (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd.) 15 November 2009, The 117th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals (14-15 November 2009, Chofu)
- Effect of hydrogen pressure on hardness, electrical conductivity and microstructure of Cu−3 at.% Ti alloy aged in a hydrogen atmosphere (in Japanbese) Semboshi S., Nishida T., Numakura H. 11 November 2009, The 49th meeting of Japan Research Institute for Advanced Copper-Base Materials and Technologies (11-12 November 2009, Kyoto)
- Texture control by combination of rolling and heat treatment for cold-formable magnesium alloy sheet (in Japanese) Kohzu M. 22 October 2009, The 2nd Materials Development Workshop of the Japan Institute of Metals and the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (22 October 2009, Osaka)
- Texture randomization and cold-formability improvement of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet by rolling and high-temperature annealing (in Japanese) Kohzu M. Inoue H., Watanabe A.*, Nakaura Y.* (*Mitsubishi Aluminum Co., Ltd.) 20 October 2009, The 2009 2nd Symposium of Texture Research Group of Japan Institute of Light Metals (20 October 2009, Atami)
- Grain refining for magnesium alloy by eccentric torsion extrusion with rapid-rotation (4th Report) (in Japanese) Kohzu M., Nagata Y., Fukui M., Numakura H., Mizunuma S.* (*Kanagawa Institute of Technology) 31 October 2009, The 60th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity (31 October - 2 November 2009, Nagano)
- Characterization of defects in severely-deformed pure aluminium (in Japanese) Takemoto Y., Semboshi S., Numakura H., Terada D.*, Tsuji N.* (* Kyoto University)br> 17 September 2009, The 145th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (15-17 September 2009, Kyoto)
- Defects in severely-deformed pure iron and their stability (in Japanese) Morimoto H., Semboshi S., Numakura H., Terada D.*, Tsuji N.* (* Kyoto University) 17 September 2009, The 145th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (15-17 September 2009, Kyoto)
- Precipitation of TiH2 in Cu−0.5 at.% Ti alloy aged in a hydrogen atmosphere (in Japanese, poster) Yamauchi S., Semboshi S., Numakura H. 15 September 2009, The 145th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (15-17 September 2009, Kyoto)
- Kinetics of structural relaxation of Zr−Al−Ni−Cu metallic glass in the glassy solid state (in Japanese, poster) Tanaka Y., Fujimoto S., Numakura H., Saida J.*, Kato H.* (* Tohoku University) 15 September 2009, The 145th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (15-17 September 2009, Kyoto)
Academic year 2008
- Hardness, electrical conductivity and microstructure of Cu−3 at.% Ti alloy aged in hydrogen atmospheres of various pressures (in Japanese) Semboshi S., Nishida T., Numakura H. 30 March 2009, The 144th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (28-30 March 2009, Tokyo)
- Phase transformation of Cu−0.5 at.% Ti alloy aged in hydrogen atmospheres (in Japanese) Yamauchi S., Semboshi S., Numakura H. 30 March 2009, The 144th meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (28-30 March 2009, Tokyo)
- Physical properties of iron based ferromagnetic alloys with large magnetostriction (in Japanese) Numakura H., M. Wuttig* (* University of Maryland) 30 March 2009, The 157th meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (28-30 March 2009, Tokyo)
- Crystal defects in severely-deformed iron and their stability (poster, in Japanese) Morimoto H., Numakura H., Tsuji N.*, Terada D.* (* Osaka University). 29 March 2009, The 157th meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (28-30 March 2009, Tokyo)
- The present and future of mechanical spectroscopy (invited, in Japanese) Numakura H. 12 December 2008, The 200th Anniversary Symposium of the 133rd Committee of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, 'New developments of materials science research' (12-13 December 2008, Tokyo)
- Interaction between solute elements (invited, in Japanese) Numakura H. 8 December 2008, Japan Institute of Metals Symposium, 'Functions of alloying elements in steels' (8 December 2008, Tokyo)
- Characterization of defects in severely deformed aluminium (poster) Takemoto Y., Numakura H., Terada D.*, Tsuji N.* (* Osaka University) 22-23 November 2008, International Symposium on Giant Straining Processes for Advanced Materials GSAM-2008 (21-24 November 2008, Fukuoka)
- Microstructure of a Cu−3% Ti alloy aged in a hydrogen atmosphere and its relation with electrical and mechanical properties S. Semboshi, T. Nishida, T. Al-Kassab, H. Numakura, R. Kirchheim 6 October 2008, MS&T'08 &minus Materials Science and Technology 2008 Conference (5-9 October 2008, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Electrical conductivity, hardness and microstructure of Cu−3 at.% Ti alloy aged in a hydrogen atmosphere (in Japanese) Nishida T., Semboshi S., Numakura H. 25 September 2008, The 143rd meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (23-25 September 2008, Kumamoto).
- Recovery of severely-deformed pure aluminium during isochronal and isothermal annealing (in Japanese) Takemoto Y., Numakura H., Terada D.*, Tsuji N.* (* Osaka University) 25 September 2008, The 143rd meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (23-25 September 2008, Kumamoto).
- Dynamic viscoelasticity of Zr-Al-Ni-Cu metallic glass in the temperature range of supercooled liquid (in Japanese) Ueno Y., Numakura H., Saida J.* (* Tohoku University) 24 September 2008, The 143rd meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (23-25 September 2008, Kumamoto).
- Study of diffusion in metal oxides by impedance spectroscopy and mechanical spectroscopy (in Japanese) Morimoto H., Ueno Y., Numakura H. 23 September 2008, The 143rd meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals (23-25 September 2008, Kumamoto).
- Quantitative evaluation of solute carbon and nitrogen in &alpha iron by mechanical spectroscopy (in Japanese) Numakura H. 23 September 2008, The 156th meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (23-25 September 2008, Kumamoto).
- Atom movements in metallic glasses studied by dynamic shear modulus measurements (poster) H. Numakura, Y. Ueno, M. Hojo, A. Matsumoto, R. Hirohata, T. Ichitsubo, E. Matsubara, J. Saida, N. Nishiyama 23 July 2008, The 15th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy &minus ICIFMS-15 (20-25 July 2008, Hotel Gio, Perugia, Italy)
- Application of mechanical spectroscopy to studies of atomic diffusion in ordered compounds (invited) Numakura H. 22 July 2008, The 15th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy &minus ICIFMS-15 (20-25 July 2008, Hotel Gio, Perugia, Italy)
- Mechanical spectroscopy of metallic glasses (invited, in Japanese) Numakura H. 18 April 2008, The 197th Meeting of the 133rd Committee of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (18 April 2008, Tokyo)