Overview of our laboratory
Professor Yukie Majima -Profile-
Yukie MAJIMA received the B. Ed. and M. Ed. from University of Kagawa in 1994 and 1996, respectively. In 2001, I received my Ph.D. degree from Okayama University of Science.
Since 2004, I have been a member of Osaka Prefecture University.
I am currently a professor at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences ,Osaka Prefecture University.
My research interests include nursing informatics,
educational engineering and nursing education support system.
Overview of our laboratory
Ideas to run the laboratory
”We contribute to society by offering widely diverse solutions using a medical information approach to problems facing society.”
We would like to contribute to society by conducting research while remaining keenly aware of problems, continuing to seek solutions, participating in as many presentation opportunities as possible.
(2)Human resource cultivation
”We cultivate human resources with leadership and problem-solving capabilities through identification and solving of social problems.”
We would like to make a laboratory that can affect all of society by cultivating and producing human resources able to solve social problems and possessing the capabilities to do so.
”We continue to share in extensive exchange with the outside world and always let in fresh air bringing widely diverse knowledge.”
Members having different backgrounds can use their experience and talent. The different ways of thinking of overseas students and collaborators can be accepted and shared in the laboratory to improve it for all.
”Our laboratory is aimed not only for sending information to solve social problems but also to become an organization that can be a role model for all groups related to health.”
While remaining aware that we are dealing with medical information and that we exert effects on society through our research, we should always be conscious of health in daily life. Therefore, we aim to make the laboratory a model for all groups in terms of health.