Department of Legal Medicine
Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine
Publications 2016
Original Article
- Inamori-Kawamoto 0, Ishikawa T, Michiue T, Hishmat AM, Sogawa N, Kano T, 0ritani S, Maeda H.Possible application of CT morphometry of the calcaneus and talus in forensic anthropological identific ation. lnt J Legal Med. 2016; 130: 575-585.
- Michiue T, Sogawa N, Ishikawa T, Maeda H. Cardiac dilatation index as an indicator of terminal central congestion evaluated using postmortem CT and forensic autopsy data. Forensic Sci lnt. 2016; 268: 152-157.
- Tominaga M, Michiue T, 0ritani S, Ishikawa T, Maeda H. Evaluation of postmortem drug concentrations in bile compared with blood and urine in forensic autopsy cases. J Anal Toxicol. 2016; 40: 367-373.
- Nakagawa M, Matsusue A, Umetsu K, lino M, lshikawa T, Yuasa I. Genotyping of the c.1423C>T (p.P475S) polymorphism in the ADAMTS13 gene by APLP and HRM assays: Northeastern Asian origin of the mutant. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2016; 21: 1-4.
- Tani N, Michiue T, Chen JH, Oritani S, Ishikawa T. Usefulness of postmortem biochemistry in identification of ketosis: Diagnosis of ketoacidosis at the onset of autoimmune type 1 diabetes in an autopsy case with cold exposure and malnutrition. Leg Med(Tokyo). 2016; 22: 23-29.
- 0gata K, Michiue T, Yamazoe R, and M aed a H.lmp act of on-site personal experience of violent death on posttraumatic stress disorder of bereaved Japanese family members in forensic autopsy cases. J Loss Trauma. 2016: 21(4):290-302.
- 谷直人, 陳建華, 道上知美, 織谷茂樹, 石川隆紀.大阪市南部の司法解剖例における最近10年間の覚せい剤関連死亡例の解析.法医病理. 2016; 22: 13-20.
Commentary, reviews, etc.
- Maeda H, Michiue T. Court Systems: Japanese Law and Courts. ln: Payne-James J and Byard RW, editors. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2nd ed., vol 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016; p646-653.
- Maeda H, Michiue T, and lshikawa T. Postmortem Changes: Posomortem Electrolyte Disturbances. In: Payne-J ames J and Byard RW, editors. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2nd ed., vol 4. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016; p32-42.
- Michiue T. Postmortem imaging in forensic medicine. In: Ishikawa T, Kondo T, and Maeda H, editors. Innovative Concepts and Technology for Medico-legal Investigation of Death: How to Learn about Human Life from the Deceased. 0saka: Medico-legal Consultation and ortem Investigation Support Center; 2016; p33-66.
- Ishikawa T. Forensic biochemistry and molecular pathology for investigating the pathophysiology of death in routine postmortem casework. In: Ishikawa T, Kondo T, and Maeda H, editors. Innovative Concepts and Technology for Medlco-legal Investigation of Death: How to Learn about Human Life from the Deceased. 0saka: Medico-legal Consultation and Postmortem Investigation Support Center; 2016; p81-107.
- Ishikawa T, Michiue T. Postmortem toxicology in routine forensic autopsy. In: Ishikawa T, Kondo T, and Maeda H, editors. Innovative Concepts and Technology for Medico-legal Investigation of Death: How to Learn about Human Life from the Deceased. 0saka: Medico-legal Consultation and Postmortem Investigation Support Center; 2016; p137-174.
- Ishikawa T. Future perspectives and further issues for innovation in postmortem investigation. In: Ishikawa T, Kondo T, and Maeda H, editors. Innovative Concepts and Technology for Medico-legal Investigation of Death: How to Learn about Human Life from the Deceased. Osaka: Medico-legal Consultation and Postmortem Investigation Support Center; 2016; p223-227.
Reports and others
- 石川隆紀:低酸素・虚血状態における甲状腺関連ホルモンの動態と窒息死診断における意義.平成25年度~平成27年度文部科学省研究費補助金[基盤研究(C)]. 研究成果報告書. 2016.
- 道上知美:死後CT検査による致死的呼吸・循環病態の分析.平成26年度~平成27年度文部科学省研究費補助金[若手研究(B)].研究成果報告書. 2016.
Conference presentation
- Miyamoto K, 0ritani S, Michiue T, Chen JH, Tani N, Ishikawa T. Possiblity of sex differentiation via measurements of index and ring finger lengths using computed tomography and the effect of testosterone. International Academy of Legal Medicine Intersocietal Symposium. Abstracts. 2016; p299, Venice, ItaIy.
- Tani N, Chen JH, Michiue T, Oritani S, Ishikawa T.Correlation between clock gene expression and catecholamine in acute cardiac death. International Academy of Legal Medicine Intersocietal Symposium. Abstracts, 2016; p300, Venice, Italy.
- Michiue T, Chen JH, Tani N, 0ritani S, Ishikawa T. Presentation of injury mechanisms using postmortem/antemortem CT data in suspected child abuse cases. The 1st Japanese-German International Symposium Forensic Medicine & Sciences. Abstracts. 2016; p9, Wakayama, Japan.
- Tani N, Chen JH, Michiue T, 0ritani S, Ishikawa T. Significance of clock gene expression in acute cardiac death. 95. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin. Rechtsmedizin. 2016; 26(4): p379, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Miyamoto K, 0ritani S, Michiue T, Chen JH, Tani N, Ishikawa T. Differentiating males from female using second and fourth finger length value with blood testosterone level. 95. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin. Rechtsmedizin. 2016; 26(4): p403, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 石川隆紀: 長期入院加療後死亡症例における原死因診断の可能性について.第2回小児虐待検討会. 2016年5月, 大阪.
- 道上知美: 学術奨励賞受賞講演「法医剖検実務における多角的・客観的データ分析」.第100次日本法医学会学術全国集会.日本法医学雑誌.2016; 70(1): p66-67, 東京.
- 宮本和典, 織谷茂樹, 道上知美, 陳建華, 谷直人, 石川隆紀. CTを用いた第二指長および第四指長の計測による性別判定の可能性とテストステロンの影響について.第100次日本法医学会学術全国集会.日本法医学雑誌. 2016; 70(1): p95, 東京.
- 谷直人, 陳建華, 道上知美, 織谷茂樹, 石川隆紀. Correlation between clock gene expression and catecholamine levels in sudden cardiac death. 第100次日本法医学会学術全国集会.日本法医学雑誌.2016; 70(1): p119, 東京.
- 谷直人, 陳建華, 道上知美, 織谷茂樹, 石川隆紀.心臓性突然死における時計遺伝子の発現状態とカテコラミン分泌の概日リズムについて.第34回日本ヒト細胞学会学術集会.抄録集.2016; p46-47, 奈良.
- 松末綾, 石川隆紀, 道上知美, Waters Bri an, 原健二, 高山みお, 池松夏紀, 柏木正之, 久保真一.覚醒剤摂取事例におけるCOMT遺伝子多型と脳脊髄液中ドパミン濃度の関連.第66回日本法医学会学術九州地方集会.講演要旨集. 2016; p18, 福岡.
- 森岡郁哉, 陳建華, 谷直人, 道上知美, 織谷茂樹, 石川隆紀.トルコ鞍近傍部に腫瘍を認めた2剖検例.第63回日本法医学会学術近畿地方集会.講演要旨集. 2016; p24, 大阪.
- 道上知美, 陳建華, 谷直人, 織谷茂樹, 石川隆紀.精神症状を主徴とした劇症1型糖尿病の1例.第63回日本法医学会学術近畿地方集会.要旨集. 2016: p27, 大阪.
- 谷直人, 道上知美, 陳建華, 織谷茂樹, Stefan Potente, 石川隆紀.高齢者介護に係る同居死亡例の社会医学的解析.第63回日本法医学会学術近畿地方集会.講演要旨集. 2016; p36, 大阪.