

  • 岡村賞

Okamura Award for Female Scientists

This award was established with funding from donation to the Education Supporters' Association by Chieko Okamura, a graduate of Osaka University of Commerce, which is one of the roots of Osaka Metropolitan University, to promote support for female researchers.  Inheriting her wish, Osaka Metropolitan University aims to foster the next generation of excellent female researchers and to contribute* to gender equality in the fields of academic research, by honoring female researchers at the University who have produced creative and ambitious works, to contribute gender equality.

*For the purposes of this award, "contribution to gender equality" includes activities that promote gender equality in academic societies, departments, graduate schools, and local communities, as well as activities in which the applicant serves as a role model (e.g., demonstrating her own efforts in research and work-life balance to younger colleagues).


Flyer of the FY2024 Okamura Award for Female Scientists (1.4MB)
Application Guidelines for the FY2024 Okamura Award for Female Scientists (163.7KB)

Application Guidelines



※Only female members affiliated with the University

Number of Awardees Prize Details Note
Encouragement Award for Graduate Students Graduate Students less than 4 people

Certificate and


Includes JSPS Research Fellow DC1 and DC2
Encouragement Award

Postdoctoral researchers, specially appointed faculty (including medical lecturers), Junior and Senior clinician scientists*(*Rinsho-kenkyui)

1 person

Certificate and


Includes JSPS Research Fellow PD and RPD

Special Award Full-time faculty

1 person

Certificate and


Application period

Monday, July 1 - Friday, August 30, 2024

(Deadline for submission: 5:00 pm on Friday, August 30, 2024)

Application Procedure and Submission 

 Complete [ Application Form for the FY2024 Okamura Award for Female Scientists (40.7KB) ] convert it into a PDF file, and submit it via the following link.


* Please ensure you are logged in to Office365 with your OMU account (@omu.ac.jp) before accessing the site.

 Selection Process and Notification of Selection Results

The screening is done by The Okamura Award Selection Committee, comprising representatives from the Support Office for Women Researchers and the Education Supporters' Association, and the Applicants will be notified of the selection results by the end of October.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony is scheduled for Monday afternoon, December 2nd, at the Sugimoto Campus.
The winners will be announced on the website of the Support Office for Women Researchers and other relevant platforms.

 Other matters

Only self-nominations will be accepted.



Support Office for Women Researchers, Attn: Miki (Ext: Sugimoto 3661)

E-mail: gr-knky-wsupport@omu.ac.jp