

Kobayashi, R. & Satoh, S. (2025) Decision-making process of biting in lesser moray eel (Gymnothorax minor): the primacy of tactile stimuli. Ichthyological Research. file-text What's New 

Kondo, Y., Okamoto, K., Kitamukai, Y., Koya, Y. & Awata, S. (2025) Medaka (Oryzias latipes) initiate courtship and spawning late at night: Insights from field observations. PLOS One, 20(2): e0318358. file-text What's New 

Inoue, R., Morita, M,. Awata, S. & Satoh, S. (2025) Behavioral sequences during courtship and territorial defense of male Benthochromis horii in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia.file-textWhat's New

Kondo, Y., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2025) Male medaka continue to mate with females despite sperm depletion. Royal Society Open Science, 12, 241668.file-textWhat's New

Nakamura, M., Terada, C., Ito, K., Hiura, T., Shibata, H., Miki, T., Saitoh, T. M., Takagi, M., Hougen, T., Matsuzaki, S. S., Watanabe, M., Tado, H., Hotta, N., Kosugi, Y., Aiko, N., Kojima, N., Katagiri, N., Kishimoto, K., Yoshida, T., Tsunoda, Y., Takamiya, T., Ito, K., Utsumi, Y., Yoshikawa, T., Tanaka, K., Oda, M., Agetsuma, N., Kawai, M., Fujita, T., Hishi, T., Shimada, H., Ichie, T., Hoshizaki, K., Kobayashi, H., Seino, T., Noguchi, M., Nagamatsu, D., Saito, H., Tateno, R., Iwamoto Ishihara, M., Kitagawa, Y., Hisamoto, Y., Homma, K., Hirao, T., Otani, T., Toda, M., Terada, J., Kume, T., Fukuzawa, K., Takashima, A., Kurose, K., Fujii, S., Itoh, S., Ohta, T., Otsuki, K., Nagaike, T., Hasegawa, K., Kobayashi, M., Shirahata, M., Matsuki, S., Hatanaka, M., Suzuki, S., Muro, N., Yamoto, T., Adachi, N., Kaneko, N. & Yamashita, T. (2025) Physiological profiling of the soil microbe community using the EcoPlate and assessment of soil properties at 74 planted forest sites across Japan. Ecological Research (in press) file-text

Yasuda, K., Kato, D., Naoe, S., Amano, T., Yoshikawa, T, Tochigi, K., & Koike, S. (2025) Does forest fragmentation and loss reduce woodpecker-associated ecosystem functions? Global Ecology and Conservation, 57, e03366.file-textWhat's New


Kohda, M., Sogawa, S. & Sowersby, W. (2024) The ability of teleost fishes to recognize individual faces suggests an early evolutionary origin in vertebrates. Frontiers in Psychology 15:1497386.file-text

吉川徹朗 (2024). たくさんのタネをより遠くへ運ぶ(カラスの仲間)88–91 コラム3 タネが出るまでの時間.46 コラム5 毒に耐性のある運び屋.58 タネまく動物 体長150センチメートルのクマから1センチメートルのワラジムシまで」. 文一総合出版, 152.file-text

吉川徹朗 (2024). 森の中での関わり合い 生きるための種間の関係.図説 日本の森林森・人・生き物の多様なかかわり日本森林学会(), 朝倉書店, 120-121.file-text

Kobayashi, T., Kohda, M., Awata, S., Bshary, R. & Sogawa, S. (2024) Cleaner fish with mirror self-recognition capacity precisely realize their body size based on their mental image. Scientific Reports, 14, 20202. 109. file-textWhat's New

Yoshikawa, T., Totsu, K., Takeuchi, Y., Kadoya, T., Enoki, T., Fujii, S., Fukamachi, AS., Hirota, M., Hoshizaki, K., Iiyama, N., Ishikawa, Y., Itō, H., Kobayashi, H., Kohyama, T.S., Konno, Y., Makita, A., Mori, A.S., Nagamatsu, D., Nakashizuka, T., Namikawa, K., Noguchi, M., Sakimoto, M., Ozaki, Y., Seino, T., Sugita, H., Suzuki, J.I., Suzuki, R.O., Suzuki, S.N., Takahashi, K., Tateno, R., Watanabe, T., Yamashita, T., Yoshida, T., Ishihara, M.I., Kenta, T., Nakamura, M. & Hiura, T. (2024). Forest monitoring data of 45 plots across the Japanese archipelago during 1980–2021. Ecological Research, 32(3), 137-143. file-text

Hidaka, R., Sogawa, S., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2024). Punishment from dominant breeders increases helping effort of subordinates in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Animal Behaviour, 211, 99-109. file-textWhat's New

Ito, T., Goldman, B. N., Awata, S. & Crow, K. D. (2024). Mating season, egg-laying season, and internal gametic association in the sympatrically occurring Fluffy Sculpin (Oligocottus snyderi) and Rosy SculpinO. rubellio). Ichthyology & Herpetology, 112(1), 10-20. file-textWhat's New


Kohda, M., Awata, S. & Sogawa, S. (2023). Fish identify themselves in mirrors and portraits. The Science Breaker,  9(4). file-text

Hanya, G., Yoshihiro, S., Yamamoto, H., Ueda, Y., Kakuta, F., Hiraki, M., Otani, Y., Kurihara, Y., Kondo, Y., Hayaishi, S., Honda, T., Takakuwa, T., Koide, T., Sugaya, S., Yokota, T., Jin, S., Shiroishi, I., Fujino, M. & Tachikawa, Y. (2023). Two-decade changes in habitat and abundance of Japanese macaques in primary and logged forests in Yakushima: Interim report. Forest Ecology and Management, 545, 121306.file-text

Kondo, Y., Kohda, M., Koya, Y. & Awata, S. (2023). Sperm allocation in relation to male-male aggression and courtship in an externallly fertilizing fish, the medaka. Animal Behaviour, 202, 9-19. file-text What's New

Matsumoto, K., Yoshihara, K., Katsura, C., Ono, T., Habara, M. & Kohda, M. (2023). Sex-dependent growth regulation in monogamous pairs of a cichlid fish. Behaviour, 160(1), 85-107. file-text What's New

Suzuki, N., Matsumoto, I., Yoshikawa, T., Kaneko, S. & Broadley, H.J. (2023). Bird predation on Roseau cane scale as revealed by a web image search and querying a citizen monitoring database. Ecosphere, 14(6), e4501. file-text

Kohda, M., Sowersby, W., Awata, S. & Sogawa, S. (2023). Reply to Morin: Cleaner fish have a concept of the self. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(19), e2303923120. file-text What's New

Sogawa, S., Fukushima, R., Sowersby, W., Awata, S., Kawasaka, K. & Kohda, M. (2023). Male guppies recognize familiar conspecific males by their face. Zoological Science, 40(2), 168-174. file-text  What's New

Munehara, H., Togashi, K., Yamada, S., Higashimura, T., Yamazaki, A., Suzuki, S., Abe, T.,  Awata, S., Koya, Y. & Tsuruoka, O. (2023). Rhamphocottus nagaakii (Cottoidea: Rhamphocottidae), a new species of grunt sculpin from the northwestern Pacific, with notes on the phylogeography of the genus Rhamphocottus. Ichthyological Research, 70(2), 268-285. file-text What's New

Yoshikawa, T., Koide, D., Yokomizo, H., Kim, J. Y., Kadoya, T. (2023). Assessing ecosystem vulnerability under severe uncertainty of global climate change. Scientific Reports, 13, 5932. file-text

Yoshikawa, T., (2023). The large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus) as a consumer and potential disperser of seeds of the neurotoxic Japanese star anise (Illicium anisatum). Mammal Study, 48(2), 131-135. file-text

Kohda, M., Bshary, R., Kubo, N., Awata, S., Sowersby, W., Kawasaka, K., Kobayashi, T. & Sogawa, S. (2023). Cleaner fish recognize self in a mirror via self-face recognition like humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,  120(7), e2208420120. file-text What's New


Ito, T., Morita, M., Okuno, S., Inaba, K., Shiba, K., Munehara, H., Koya, Y., Homma, M. & Awata, S. (2022). Fertilization modes and the evolution of sperm characteristics in marine fishes: Paired comparisons of the externally and internally fertilizing species. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12), e9562. file-text What's New

竹内やよい・遠山弘法・吉川徹朗・岡本遼太郎・井手玲子・角谷拓・小出大・西廣淳・小熊宏之・日浦勉・中静透(2022).気候変動時代の生態学:陸域生態系における「自然を基盤とした解決策」にむけた課題.日本生態学会誌,72(2),109-143. file-text

Saeki, T., Satoh, S., Frommen, J. G., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2022). Kin-structured cooperatively breeding groups due to limited dispersal in the obligate shell-brooding cichlid Neolamprologus meeli. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(7), 89. file-text What's New

Satoh, S., Saeki, T., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2022). Cooperative breeding in Neolamprologus bifasciatus, a cichlid fish inhabiting the deep reefs of Lake Tanganyika. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 31(4),  640–649. file-text

Ando, K., Yoshikawa, T., Kozakai, C., Yamazaki, K., Naganuma, T., Inagaki, A. & Koike, S. (2022). Composite Brownian walks best explain movement patterns of Asian Black bears, irrespective of food availability, sex and seasonality. Ecological Research, 37(4), 522-531. file-text

Kohda, M., Sogawa, S., Jordan, A. L., Kubo, N., Awata, S., Satoh, S., Kobayashi, T., Fujita, A. & Bshary, R. (2022). Further evidence for the capacity of mirror self-recognition in cleaner fish and the significance of ecologically relevant marks. PLoS Biology, 20(2), e3001529. file-text

Nakamura, M., Terada, C., Ito, K., Matsui, K., Niwa, S., Ishihara, M., Tanaka, K., Yoshikawa, T., Kadoya, T., Hiura, T., Muraoka, H., Ishida, K.,  Agetsuma, N.,  Nakamura, R.,  Sakio, H.,  Takagi, M.,  Mori, A.,  Kimura, M.,  Kurokawa, H.,  Enoki, T.,  Seino, T.,  Takashima, A.,  Kobayashi, H.,  Matsumoto, K.,  Takahashi, K.,  Tateno, R.,  Yoshida, T.,  Nakaji, T.,  Maki, M.,  Kobayashi, K.,  Fukuzawa, K.,  Hoshizaki, K.,  Ohta, K.,  Kobayashi, K.,  Hasegawa, M.,Suzuki, S.,  Sakimoto, M.,  Kitagawa, Y.,  Sakai, A.,  Kondo, H.,  Ichie, T.,  Kageyama, K.,  Hieno, A.,  Kato, S.,  Otani, T.,  Utsumi, Y.,  Kume, T.,  Homma, K.,  Kishimoto, K.,  Masaka, K.,  Watanabe, K.,  Toda, M.,  Nagamatsu, D.,  Miyazaki, Y.,  Yamashita, T. & Takuchi, N. (2022). Evaluating the soil microbe community-level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan. Ecological Research, 37(3), 432-445.file-text 

Awata, S., Ito, T., Crow, K. D., Koya, Y. & Munehara, H. (2022). The first record of egg masses in tunicates deposited by the snubnose sculpin, Orthonopias triacis, from the Northeastern Pacific: evidence for convergent evolution of an unusual reproductive strategy. Journal of Fish Biology, 100(1), 82-91. file-text Free PDF


Satoh, S. (2021). First report of maternal interference behaviour towards sibling aggression in the shell-brooding cichlid Lamprologus ornatipinnis (Cichlidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 61(6), 992-996.file-text

幸田正典 (2021). 魚にも自分がわかる–動物認知研究の最前線. ちくま新書.file-text

Josi, D., Heg, D., Takeyama, T., Bonfils, D., Konovalov, D. A., Frommen, J. G., Kohda, M. & Taborsky, M. (2021). Age-and sex- dependent variation in relatedness corresponds to reproductive skew, territory inheritance, and workload in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Evolution, 75(11), 2881-2897.file-text

Hotta, T., Awata, S., Jordan, L. A. & Kohda, M. (2021). Subordinate fish mediate aggressiveness using recent contest information. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 685907.file-text

山田泰智・安房田智司 (2021). 新発見! 餌でつながるハゼとテッポウエビの共生関係はワンパターンではなかった. うみうし通信, 112, 8-10.file-text

小林優也 (2021). ニシン目, ダテハゼ. 新・門川の魚図鑑 ひむかの海の魚たち. (編) 村瀬敦宣・緒方悠輝也・山﨑裕太・三木涼平・和田正昭・瀬能宏. 宮崎大学農学部附属フィールド科学教育センター延岡フィールド. pp84–88, 216–217.file-text

Satoh, S., Nishida, Y., Saeki, T., Kawasaka, K., Kohda, M. & Awata, S. (2021). The functional role of sibling aggression and “best of a bad job” strategies in cichlid juveniles. Behavioral Ecology, 32(3), 488-499.file-text

Satoh, S., Bshary, R., Shibasaki, M., Inaba, S., Sogawa, S., Hotta, T., Awata, S. & Kohda, M. (2021). Prosocial and antisocial choices in a monogamous cichlid with biparental care. Nature communications, 12, 1775.file-text

坂上嶺・佐藤駿・松重一輝・安武由矢・日比野友亮・眞鍋美幸・内田和男・望岡典隆 (2021). 河川生活期のニホンウナギにおける浮き石による被食回避効果の検証. 日本水産学会誌, 87(3), 255-264.file-text

Satoh, S., Hotta, T. & Kohda, M. (2021). Maternal care-providing cichlid Neolamprologus furcifer selectively focuses on high-threat carnivorous intruders, limiting attention to other threats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 616810.file-text

Ito, T., Kinoshita, I., Tahara, D., Goto, A., Tojima, S., Sideleva, V. G., Kupchinsky, A. B. & Awata, S. (2021). Fertilization modes drive the evolution of sperm traits in Baikal sculpins. Journal of Zoology 314(1), 20-30.file-text

Satoh, S. & Sowersby, W. (2021). Mucus provisioning behavior in teleost fishes: a novel model system for the evolution of secretory provisioning in vertebrates. Ichthyological Research, 68(1), 1-10.file-text What's New


Izumiyama, M., Awata, S. & Crow, K. (2020). Evaluating reproductive strategies and female Bateman gradients in Ditrema temminckii: Is the number of fathers a good approximation for the number of mates? Copeia, 108(3), 532-537.file-text

Nishida, Y. & Takagi, M. (2020). Effects of habitat use on food acquisition and food caching during a nonbreeding season in a winter-breeding, food-storing passerine. Bird Study, 67(2), 181-189.file-text

Ota, K. (2020). Sneakers take a predation risk to gain sneaking opportunities. Animal Behaviour, 167, 255-262.file-text

Hotta, T., Ueno, K., Hataji, Y., Kuroshima, H., Fujita, K. & Kohda, M. (2020). Transitive inference in cleaner wrasses (Labroides dimidiatus). PloS ONE, 15(8), e0237817.file-text

Kondo, Y., Kohda, M., Koya, Y. & Awata, S. (2020). Sperm allocation strategies depending on female quality in medaka (Oryzias latipes). Zoological science, 37(3), 203-209.file-text

Matsumoto, K., Okamoto, Y., Tsurumi, Y. & Kohda, M. (2020). Context-dependent agonistic response to neighbours along territory boundaries in a cichlid fish. Behaviour, 157(6), 559-573.file-text

Awata, S., Tsuruta, T., Abe, S. I., Yonezawa, T. & Iguchi, K. (2020). Does construction in the spawning ground improve the riverbed conditions making it suitable for spawning of the Ryukyu-ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis? Ichthyological Research, 67(4), 493-501.file-textFree PDF

佐藤駿 (2020). 子育てを伴う魚類の粘膜給餌の機能とその進化. 海洋と生物, 246, 95-102.file-text


Satoh, S., Awata, S., Tanaka, H., Jordan, L. A., Kakuda, U., Hori M. & Kohda M. (2019). Bi-parental mucus provisioning in the scale-eating cichlid Perissodus microlepis (Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 128(4), 926-935.file-text

Hanya, G., Morishima, K., Koide, T., Otani, Y., Hongo, S., Honda, T., Okumura, H., Higo, Y., Hattori, M., Kondo, Y., Kurihara, Y., Jin, S., Otake, A., Shiroishi, I., Takakuwa, T., Yamamoto, H., Suzuki, H., Kajimura, H., Hayakawa, T., Suzuki, N. & Nakano, T. (2019). Host selection of hematophagous leeches (Haemadipsa japonica): Implications for iDNA studies. Ecological Research,  34(6), 842-855.file-text

Taborsky, M., Koblmüller, S., Sefc, K. M., McGee, M., Kohda, M., Awata, S., Hori, M., & Frommen, J. G. (2019). Insufficient data render comparative analyses of the evolution of cooperative breeding mere speculation: A reply to Dey et al. Ethology, 125(11), 851-854.file-text

佐藤駿 (2019). タンガニイカ産シクリッド Neolamprologus furcifer 幼魚の巻き貝仮装は母親の仕事量に波及する. 海洋と生物, 243, 373-376.file-text

Hotta, T., Kawasaka, K., Satoh, S. & Kohda, M. (2019). Fish focus primarily on the faces of other fish. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8377.file-text

幸田正典 (2019). 魚たちのふるまいと生活を見続けて. 地域自然史と保全, 41(1), 1-2.file-text

Nishida, Y. & Takagi, M. (2019). Male bull-headed shrikes use food caches to improve their condition-dependent song performance and pairing success. Animal Behaviour, 152, 29-37.file-text

Ota, K. (2019). Pause and travel: How sneakers approach closer to spawning sites under territorial vigilance. Animal Behaviour, 152, 19-28.file-text

Mushagalusa, D. C., Awata, S., Satoh, S., Ota, K., Hori, M., Nshombo, M. & Kohda, M. (2019). Do scales of the cichlid Altolamprologus compressiceps in Lake Tanganyika function as a morphological defense against scale-eating? Zoological science, 36(2), 147-153.file-text

Awata, S., Sasaki, H., Goto, T., Koya, Y., Takeshima, H., Yamazaki, A. & Munehara, H. (2019). Host selection and ovipositor length in eight sympatric species of sculpins that deposit their eggs into tunicates or sponges. Marine Biology, 166(5), 59.file-textFree PDF ico_youtube.svgico_youtube.svg

Kohda, M., Hotta, T., Takeyama, T., Awata, S., Tanaka, H., Asai, J. & Jordan, A. L. (2019). If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals?. PLoS Biology, 17(2), e3000021.file-text

Hori, M., Kohda, M., Awata, S. & Takahashi, S. (2019). Dynamics of laterality in Lake Tanganyika scale-eaters driven by cross-predation. Symmetry, 11(1), 119.file-text

Kawasaka, K., Hotta, T. & Kohda, M. (2019). Does a cichlid fish process face holistically? Evidence of the face inversion effect. Animal Cognition, 22(2), 153-162.file-text

Ito, T. & Awata, S. (2019). Optimal methods to fix fish sperm for optical microscopic observation: comparisons among different fixative solutions using sperms of copulatory and non-copulatory marine fishes. Ichthyological Research, 66(2), 307-315.file-text

Satoh, S., Ota, K., Awata, S. & Kohda, M. (2019). Dynamics of sibling aggression of a cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia, 832(1), 201-213.file-text

伊藤玄・松本佳大・近藤湧生・安藤志郎 (2019). 美濃加茂市民ミュージアムに収蔵された魚類液浸標本:1989-2018年. 美濃加茂市⺠ミュージアム紀要, 18, 24-31.file-text


Morita, M., Ugwn, S. & Kohda, M. (2018). Variations in the breeding behavior of cichlids and the evolution of the multi-functional seminal plasma protein, seminal plasma glycoprotein 120. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18, 197.file-text

Tanaka, H., Frommen, J. G., Koblmüller, S., Sefc, K. M., McGee, M., Kohda, M., Awata, S., Hori, M. & Taborsky, M. (2018). Evolutionary transitions to cooperative societies in fishes revisited. Ethology, 124(11), 777-789.file-text

Satoh, S., Tanoue, H. & Mohri, M. (2018). Costs and benefits of biparental mucus provisioning in discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus). Ichthyological Research, 65, 510-514.file-text

Nishida, Y. & Takagi, M. (2018). Song performance is a condition-dependent dynamic trait honestly indicating the quality of paternal care in the bull-headed shrike. Journal of Avian Biology, 49(10), e01794.file-text

Tanaka, H., Kohda, M. & Frommen, J. G. (2018). Helpers increase the reproductive success of breeders in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus obscurus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, 152.file-text

Sogawa, S. & Kohda, M. (2018). Tit for tat in the dear enemy relationship between territorial females of a cichlid fish. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 44.file-text

Saeki, T., Sogawa, S., Hotta, T. & Kohda, M. (2018). Territorial fish distinguish familiar neighbours individually. Behaviour, 155(4), 279-293.file-text

Ota, K. (2018). Fight, fatigue, and flight: narrowing of attention to a threat compensates for decreased anti-predator vigilance. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(7), jeb168047.file-text

Tanaka, H., Frommen, J. G. & Kohda, M. (2018). Helpers increase food abundance in the territory of a cooperatively breeding fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, 51.file-text

Sawada, A., Yamasaki, T., Iwami, Y. & Takagi, M. (2018). Distinctive features of the skull of the Ryukyu Scops Owl from Minami-daito Island, revealed by computed tomography scanning. Ornithological Science, 17(1), 45-54.file-text

Sawada, J. & Takagi, M. (2018). Nest and roost characteristics of the Ruddy-breasted Crake Porzana fusca on Minami-daito Island. Ornithological Science, 17(1), 109-112.file-text

Hotta, T., Komiyama, S. & Kohda, M. (2018). A social cichlid fish failed to pass the mark test. Animal Cognition, 21, 127-136.file-text


Tanaka, H., Frommen, J.G., Engqvist, L. & Kohda, M. (2017). Task-dependent workload adjustment of female breeders in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behavioral Ecology, 29(1), 221-229.file-text

Hori, M., Nakagima, M., Hata, H., Yasugi, M., Takahashi, S., Nakae, M., Yamaoka, K., Kohda, M., Kitamura, J., Maehata, M., Tanaka, H., Okada, N. & Takeuchi, Y. (2017). Laterality is universal among fishes but increasingly cryptic among derived groups. Zoological science, 34(4), 267-274.file-text

Hotta, T., Satoh, S., Kosaka, N. & Kohda, M. (2017). Face recognition in the Tanganyikan cichlid Julidochromis transcriptus. Animal Behaviour, 127, 1-5.file-text

安房田智司 (2017). 佐渡島沿岸のカジカ科魚類:分類と生態について. 調査研究報告書 佐渡の自然史, 5, 9-20. FreePDF

Ochi, H., Awata, S., Hata, H. & Kohda, M. (2017). A Tanganyikan cichlid Neolamprologus mustax selectively exploits territories of another cichlid Variabilichromis moorii due to its inter-individual variation in aggression. Hydrobiologia, 791, 103-114.file-text

Satoh, S., Takahashi, T., Tada, S., Tanaka, T. & Kohda, M. (2017). Parental females of a nest-brooding cichlid improve and benefit from the protective value of young masquerading as snails. Animal Behaviour, 124, 75-82.file-text

Matsui, S. & Takagi, M. (2017). Habitat selection by the bull-headed shrike Lanius bucephalus on the Daito Islands at the southwestern limit of its breeding range. Ornithological Science, 16(1), 79-86.file-text

Kohda, M., Yamanouchi, H., Hirata, T., Satoh, S. & Ota, K. (2017). A novel aspect of goby-shrimp symbiosis: Gobies provide droppings in their burrows as vital food for their partner shrimps. Marine Biology, 164, 22.file-text

Satoh, S., Tanoue, H., Ruitton, S., Mohri, M. & Komatsu, T. (2017). Morphological and behavioral ontogeny in larval and early juvenile discus fish Symphysodon aequifasciatus. Ichthyological Research, 64, 37-44.file-text


Takahashi, T. & Ota, K. (2016). Body size evolution of a shell-brooding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(12), 2373-2382.file-text

Tanaka, H., Frommen, J.G., Takahashi, T. & Kohda, M. (2016). Predation risk promotes delayed dispersal in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus obscurus. Animal Behaviour, 117, 51-58.file-text

Satoh, S., Tanaka, H. & Kohda, M. (2016). Facial recognition in a discus fish (Cichlidae): experimental approach using digital models. PLoS ONE, 11(5), e154543.file-text

Sogawa, S., Ota, K. & Kohda, M. (2016). A dear enemy relationship in a territorial cichlid: Evidence for the threat-level hypothesis. Behaviour, 153(4), 387-400.file-text

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Jordan, L.A., Maguire, K.M., Hofmann, H.A. & Kohda, M. (2016). The social and ecological costs of an 'over-extended' phenotype. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 283(1822), 20152359.file-text


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