紹介論文 2011(平成23)年度
紹介論文 2011(平成23)年度
Older Adults’ Own Reasoning for Their Alcohol Consumption
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-4-25/福島(奈)/Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 26(11)/1169-1176/2010
Help-Seeking by Older Husbands Caring for Wives with Dementia
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-5-16/高岡/JAN
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 59(4)/352-360/2007
Weight Loss, Exercise, or Both and Physical
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-5-30/藤田/N Engl J Med
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 364/1218-29/2011
Elder Self-Neglect and Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community-Dwelling Population
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-6-13/久乗/JAMA
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 336(7656)/517-26/2009
The Impact of Advance Care Planning on End of Life Care in Elderly Patients: Randomised Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-6-27/濱吉/BMJ
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 10/1136-1345/2010
Targeting and Managing Behavioral Symptoms in Individuals with Dementia: A Randomized Trial of a Nonpharmacological Intervention
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-7-11/丸尾/JAGS
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 58/1465-1474/2010
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Community Mentoring Service for Socially Isolated Older People: A Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-7-22/金谷/BMC Public Health
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 11/218-31/2011
Primary Care-Based Intervention to Reduce At-Risk Drinking in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-9-27/福島(美)/Addiction
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 106/111-120/2009
Self-Neglect among the Elderly: A Model Based on More Than 500 Patients Seen by a Geriatric Medicine Team
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-10-17/久乗/Am J Public Health
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 97(9)/1671-1676/2007
Effect of an End-of-Life Planning Intervention on the Completion of Advance Directives in Homeless Persons: A Randomized Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-10-31/濱吉/Ann Intern Med
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 153(2)/76-85/2010
Effects of Non-Invasive Ventilation on Survival and Quality of Life in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Randomised Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-11-14/高岡/Lancet
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 5/140-147/2006
Metabolic Syndrome and Physical Decline in Older Persons: Results from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-11-28/藤田/J Gerontol
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 64A(1)/96-102/2009
“Learning to Become a Family Caregiver” Efficacy of an Intervention Program for Caregivers Following Diagnosis of Dementia in a Relative
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-12-12/丸尾/The Gerontologist
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 51(4)/484-494/2011
Understanding How Education/Support Groups Help Lone Mothers
【月日/担当/Journal】 2011-12-26/福島(美)/BMC Public Health
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 10(4)/4-12/2010
Alcohol Misuse, Gender and Depressive Symptoms in Community-Dwelling Seniors
【月日/担当/Journal】 2012-1-16/福島(奈)/Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 24/369-375/2009
Cross-Sectional Study of the Characteristics of Reported Elder Self-Neglect in a Community-Dwelling Population: Findings from a Population-Based Cohort
【月日/担当/Journal】 2012-1-30/久乗/Gerontology
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 56/325-334/2010
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Community Mentoring Service for Socially Isolated Older People: A Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2012-2-6/金谷/BMC Public Health
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 11/218-231/2011
Improving Decision-Making for Feeding Options in Advanced Dementia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2012-2-20/濱吉/JAGS
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 59(11)/2009-2016/2011