紹介論文 2022(令和4)年度

紹介論文 2022(令和4)年度

Visual trajectories and risk of physical and cognitiveimpairment among older Chinese adults

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-04-25/丸山/Journal of the American Geriatrics Society



Living Kidney Donors’ Financial Expenses and Mental Health

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-05-14/池田/Transplantation



Longitudinal Association Between Physical Activity and FrailtyAmong Community-Dwelling Older Adults

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-05-30/植松/J Am Geriatr Soc



Developing a tool to monitor knowledge translation inthe health system: results from an international Delphistudy                                                                                              

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-06-11/門野/Eur J Public Health

【巻(号)/ページ/年】31(4) 695–702/2021


Multicomponent intervention to prevent mobility disability in frail older adults: randomised controlled trial (SPRINTT project)

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-06-27/蔭西/BMJ



Successful ageing among a national community‑dwelling sample of older adults in India in 2017–2018

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-07-09/井上/Nature Scientific Reports



Effect of a Workplace Wellness Program on Employee Healthand Economic Outcomes A Randomized Clinical Trial

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-07-25/深山/JAMA



Association of Receipt of Palliative Care InterventionsWith Health Care Use, Quality of Life, and Symptom BurdenAmong Adults With Chronic Noncancer Illness A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-08-06/大西/JAMA



Trajectories of middle-aged and elderly people’s chronic diseases Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs): cohort, socio-economic status and gender disparities

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-09-10/三浦/Int J Equity Health 

【巻(号)/ページ/年】 20(179) /PDF(1-15)/2021


Discovery and Revitalization of “Feeling of Hometown” from a Disaster Site Inhabitant’s ContinuousEngagement in Reconstruction Work: EthnographicInterviews with a Radiation Decontamination WorkerOver 5 Years Following the Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant Accident1

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-09-26/田中/Jpn Psychol Res

【巻(号)/ページ/年】63(4) 393–405/2021


Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention led by female community health volunteers versus usual care in blood pressure reduction (COBIN) : an open-label, cluster-randomised trial

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-10-08/三輪/Lancet Glob Health



Healthy Behaviors, Leisure Activities, and Social Network Prolong Disability-Free Survival in Older Adults With Diabetes

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-10-24/吉行/J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci



Predictors of turnover intention among Norwegiannurses: A cohort study

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-11-12/松原/Health Care Manage Rev



Frailty Status and Transport Disadvantage:
Comparison of Older Adults’ Travel Behavioursbetween Metropolitan, Suburban, and Rural Areas of Japan

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-11-28/福島/Int J Environ Res Public Health



Effects of Self-Management Education on SelfEfficacy and Quality of Life in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-12-12/植松/Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery



Association of Prognostic Understanding With Health Care Use Among Older Adults With Advanced Cancer A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

【月日/担当/Journal】 2022-12-23/岡本/JAMA Network Open



Factors Favoring and Hindering Volunteering by Older Adults
and Their Relationship with Subjective Well-Being:
A Mixed-Method Approach

【月日/担当/Journal】 2023-01-07/蔭西/Int J Environ Res Public Health



Low health literacy and multiple medications in community-dwelling older adults: a population-based cohort study

【月日/担当/Journal】 2023-01-23/丸山/BMJ Open



Association of Medicaid-Focused or Commercial Medicaid Managed Care Plan Type With Outpatient and Acute Care

【月日/担当/Journal】 2023-02-04/三浦/JAMA Intern Med



Characterization of Nonphysician Health Care Workers’ Burnout
and Subsequent Changes in Work Effort

【月日/担当/Journal】 2023-02-20/松原/JAMA Network Open



Conceptualization of Surrogate Decision-making Among Spokespersons for Chronically Ill Patients

【月日/担当/Journal】 2023-03-18/三輪/JAMA Network Open
