紹介論文 2018(平成30)年度
紹介論文 2018(平成30)年度
Identification of Risk Factors for Mortality and Poor-Quality-of-Life Survival in Frail Older Women Participating in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-4-23/門野/Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Is the assosiation between offspring intelligence and parents' educational attainment infuluenced by schizophrenia or mood disorder in parents?
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-5-12/松下/Schizophrenia Resarch:Cognition
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 9/18-22/2017
Impact of Home Health Care Resource Utilization Following Hospital Discharge:A cohort Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-5-28/竹内/The American Journal of Medicine
Nursing Home Residents’ Preferences on Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-6-16/松岡/The Gerontological Society of America
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 56(4)/714-722/2016
Frailty and Postkidney Transplant Health-Related Quality of Life
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-7-2/池田/Transplantation
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 102(2)/291-299/2018
Computer-based training (CBT) intervention reduces workplace violence and harassment for homecare workers
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-7-9/武/American Journal of Industrial Medicine
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 60(7)/635-643 /2017
Community Social Characteristics and Health at Older Ages: Evidence From 156 Religious Communities
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-7-21/吉行/J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 73(8)/1429-1438/2018
Do social relations buffer the effect of neighborhood deprivation on health-related quality of life? Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-8-6/井上/Health and Place
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 44/43-51/2017
Middle-Aged Offspring’s Support to Aging Parents With Emerging Disability
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-8-25/深山/Gerontologist
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 57(3)/441-450/2017
Place of death in patients with dementia and the association with comorbidities: a retrospective population-based observational study in Germany
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-9-10/門野/BMC Palliat Care
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 17(1)/80/2018
Association between autism symptoms and family functioning in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:a community-based study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-9-29/松下/Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 25(12)/1307-1318/2016
Advance Directives and Outcomes of Surrogate Decision Making before Death
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-10-13/松岡/The New England Journal of Medicine
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 362(13)/1211-1218/2010
Effects of anurs-led transitional care proglam on clinical outcomes,health status among Chinese patients with coronary artery disease:A randomized controlled trial
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-11-10/竹内/International Journal of Nursing Studies
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 74/34-43/2017
Place The Lifetime Health Burden of Delayed Graft Function in Kidney Transplant Recipients in the United States
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-11-26/池田/MDM Policy Pract
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 3(1)/ /2018
Associations Among Neighborhood Characteristics,Mobility Limitation, and Social Participation in Late Life
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-12-8/吉行/J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 74(3)/546-555/2019
Postincident Support for Healthcare Workers Experiencing Occupational Violence and Aggression
【月日/担当/Journal】 2018-12-25/武/Nursing Scholarship
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 50(4)/344-352/2018
Social exclusion and well-being among older adults in rural and urban areas
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-1-7/井上/Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 79/176-184/2018
Association of a Negative Wealth Shock With All-Cause Mortality in Middle-aged and Older Adults in the United States
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-1-26/深山/Journal of American Medical Association
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 319(13)/1341-1350/2018
Resource Use During the Last 6 Months of Life of Individuals Dying with and of Alzheimer’s Disease
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-2-4/丸山/The American Geriatrics Society
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 66(5)/879-885/2018
Social relationships, loneliness, and mental health among older men and women in Ireland: A prospective community-based study
【月日/担当/Journal】 2019-2-23/小林/Journal of Affective Disorders
【巻(号)/ページ/年】 204/59-69/2016